This could be the worst/best decision I ever made in my life. O/U til busto inside!
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 524
LOL at BBV being harsh to this guy.. Not only is this what BBV is pretty much all about, I'm pretty sure the majority of posters on here have been busto at some point and/or made a worse decision as to brm and risk. If this guy learns the imporance of it for 600 then I'm sure he has come off a lot cheaper than a lot of us have.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 4,110
Originally Posted by FakeTatas
Being addicted to gambling sucks man, I just started playing poker like 3 months ago and it seriously sucked me in. I used to play on Full Tilt and I won like $1500 in a month and got banned for "collusion" which I was not doing. It was a total luck box and I thought I was god at poker. I came on to stars and I have the worst bankroll management ever. I would like a $10 sitngo and try to win it back by playing a $30 sitngo and then just play cash game and eventually bust my $100 that I deposited. I only had around $250 in my bank account and deposited $1000 on stars thinking I would win a lot of money and send it back to my bank account and be a millionaire in a week. Well my dreams went down the ****ter, so here I stand today and total broke degen. Well hopefully this all settles out and I get the money and actually put time into learning poker and some bankroll management. Wish me luck and like I said, any help would be highly appreciated.
Are you twelve?
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 17,652
Originally Posted by fightingcoward
What help are you looking for? All the help you need you can get by reading the forums, stop being a pathetic beggar I turned my first $100 deposit into over 30k, hell I even grinded 3$ SNG's for months, stop looking for an easy way out because there isn't.
the turbos?