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Conned out of 100k Conned out of 100k

04-15-2012 , 12:19 PM
Make this story into a successful movie, ocean's 11 style, and the joke will be on them lol !
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 12:23 PM
if this were true, you would post the name of your ex fiancee, pictures or what not, this is such a poor troll
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Tman33
What kind of details?
Well, how about the names of the people that did this to you for starters. I don't see why you are hiding their identity, they ****ed you over.

If true, this is a very messed up story and I feel bad for you OP. GL in the future.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by InnocentSmoothie
if this were true, you would post the name of your ex fiancee, pictures or what not, this is such a poor troll
jane smith

now you satisfied?
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 12:54 PM
Poker pro gambling his bankroll in one investment or big part of it. Idk if anyone is that stupid. I mean it could have been true and all and the hero of the story would have still lost it if the drug marketing failed. Nice story though.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 12:57 PM
I cannot believe you gave someone money for a new drug. Drug companies spend 10s of millions on new drugs your 125k would pay for nothing, either untrue or you are a moron.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 01:00 PM
I believe that someone spent some time writing the OP.

That's about all I believe. I don't even believe his real name is Tman33.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 01:14 PM
[x] pics of gf or did not happen
[x] hope you got regular anal
[x] organic guy gave good advice about moving on yadda yadda
[x] NWB posted better advice about dishing out some serious permanent hurt....
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 01:33 PM
Slim chance true. If fiancé and best friends you would have pictures of both.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 02:06 PM
You can't wire that sum of money to someone with no id. Where is the wire information. You must have at least those records.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 02:08 PM
lies itt
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 02:12 PM
There is 0% chance this is real.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tman33
I hit a huge bad beat jackpot for a cool $102,208

someone who was using me, and I had been conned out of $125,000.
So they hoped that you used the money wisely and increased the amount?

Originally Posted by Tman33
Jim had set up this con 3 years ago after I won the jackpot
Seems like a ridiculously long winded scam for very little return.

Originally Posted by Tman33
I now work at dominos as a pizza maker,
Be happy in the knowledge that you make money per annum than they do.

Btw, why quit poker if you were doing so well? If anything you should stop investing in new drugs.

Originally Posted by fatbear5090
Dude made like 40k a year conning you, why didn't he just get a job...
Yea 40k a year split between about 8 people, you'd make more money delivering newspapers.

Frankly I've never read such a load of sh*te, and I've read Harry Potter...

Originally Posted by Byrung
Sorry to hear but if it helps I heard there is a small company close to a cure for this.

Lol, nice one.

Last edited by RavingCatGurn; 04-15-2012 at 02:43 PM. Reason: byrung laffs
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 02:42 PM

-OP invested 125k play chips on cure for depression

-OP is depressed
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 03:22 PM
Not just a 3-year con. Wonder how long he was sitting at that table just waiting for the bad beat jackpot to hit.

Talk about commitment.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 03:59 PM
i believe something happened to op around the same lines of the story. Dont know the exact motive behind posting this story.

But this story made no sense from start to finish.

The obvious hole being these scammers roaming free when u have so much information on them.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Tman33
What kind of details?
What was the name and location of the casino where you won the $102,208 bad beat jackpot at and the date you won it on?
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:22 PM
since when do ppl invest 70% of their money w/o even giving a ****?
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Sufferinsuccotash
What was the name and location of the casino where you won the $102,208 bad beat jackpot at and the date you won it on?
lol got heeeeem
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by BarrieKid
math does not lie, this story is not true.
all peps involved, time and commitment, for X $$$
no way.
Maybe all the people involved were played by Jim, the girlfriend could have been Jim dressed in women's clothes.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:31 PM
Posters itt who just can't live without confirmation. OP is telling teh truths, except he didn't win the bbj but did end up spending it and is still ****ing that conman. Yes, OP is in fact Steve.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Coprolagnia
Maybe all the people involved were played by Jim, the girlfriend could have been Jim dressed in women's clothes.
Now this would b a good comedy, if Jim=Rob Schneider.. well ok, a comedy.

And obv Jim needs the monies to pay back the mob because he ehm well derp
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:38 PM
I don't know what's more sad:
-That this is real and OP has no proof of who did this. You met him at a casino bro, they had images of him, the police could have gotten to them and given them to you
-That OP invested 125k/70% of his net worth without independantly consulting a lawyer who would have seen right through this bull****
-That OP didn't have the idea to Google the product he was investing in, or the people the money was going to.
-That there are conmen out there that do a 3 year con for 125k
-That OP made up this story and thought 125k would be a believable number
-That OP thought there could be a simple pill to cure depression

So cliffs:

OP is an idiot

of that we can be sure.
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:42 PM
depression itt
Conned out of 100k Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:48 PM
This has to be a level. How could u be smart enough to live off poker but dumb enough to give like your whole bankroll to some unproven drug company. I mean srry man, but ur really stupid if it's true. How could you not think that it's a dumb move. Did you research the company? Did you research the drug, the doctors anything? There is a thing in investing called due diligence. You did none. He could have legally stole your money so why he would admit to scamming you is beyond me. There are much bigger fish to fry. For $125,000 you seem like a huge waste of time. By the nature of poker you should be wary of deceit, suspicious at all times. You deal with lies everyday. This seems to be very unlike a professional or career poker player

Last edited by shredhead84; 04-15-2012 at 05:01 PM.
Conned out of 100k Quote
