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Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online?

11-17-2011 , 11:17 PM
50k hands upswing
lost 100 000$ over >100 000hands
Good winning player

Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-17-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by khublakhan
I have been a winning poker player for five years. I lost my job in 2009 and turned professional poker player and made more money than my job, which was a well paid mid management job in advertising. I payed of huge debts from university through poker and was able to save up some nice money and went travelling for a year

I had 12bb over 50k hands previously in 2010 playing 100nl 6 Max (2 months of play). I had a 15% roi over 1,000 stts. I haven't been playing mtts so much but when I did in 2010 I had a 85% roi over 250 mtts, average stake $50 and a 92 rating on Sharkscope. I also crushed live 500 pound buyin games in London for 3 years, playing mostly at what is considered the toughest casino in Europe for cash games - The Vic. So I would like to think I was a fairly good and consistent winning player. I experienced two downswings in 5 years, the longest was two months where I couldn't win a thing and then it all picked up again after that

However since August I have found myself in a massive downswing covering 100,000 hands across cash nl and omaha and stts. I have dropped down in stakes and am now playing $50 Omaha cash games and $20 and $30 stt turbos of various kinds. I can't even bare to play nl 6 max anymore as it just crushes me what happens when I do. I spent 80 hours last month improving my game using Leakbuster - I got an A- grade (which is pretty good if I remember school exam results) for my NL game. 25k of those hands are from Omaha which as you know has sick variance. I have been playing Omaha for 3 months and have much to learn but have read three books and worked hard on my game. But I just get crushed consistently wheen huge favourite, my speciality is being 75-70% favourite on the turn getting set allin by my opponent and getting rivered. I guess turbos stts have sick variance also but same problems there as well

My question is - can a long term winning poker player experience a near 100,000k downswing at such low stakes? I am playing 6 hours a day 6 hours a week and it is like torture, but I don't tilt. I just continue to play what I think is good poker but have experienced the worst coolers every day for three months. Yesterday there was a power cut in my area when I had top set and a nut flush draw in an Omaha cash game - the one hand all day where I couldn't wait to get my money in lol

So has anyone experienced a run like this? Is variance much bigger than any of us ever imagined? I seem to remember Dusty Schmidt saying in every 1 million hands he would experience 100k break even spells? Obviously I am not good enough for my downswings to be break even periods but I believe I have lmited my losses by solid bankroll management and good self control
Is this plausible for a winning player?
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 12:06 AM
So, you get an A- for your NL game and you're running like death, so your solution is PLO and turbo sngs?

Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 12:09 AM
For a good low stakes player, yes.

But for a good poker player, then no.

You are decent at your stakes and ran into variance, which is obviously bigger than you imagined.
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:39 AM
i dont think your EV line should be going down over 100k hands if your a winning player that is playing there solid game....
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 08:20 AM

- i only play $100nl live as online cash games are roughly ten times tougher than live (according to the experts) and 100 nl i smy confort level. Also live 6max games are very rare to there is not much of a comparison

- i agree 100k is not much but it is hardly meaningless. obviously this 100k does not include the 5 years of live cash and tournaments and the 2 years of online stts (2007-2009) where i didnt use any tracking software and the 100k of hands from cash previous to this in different formats

- i dont think saying i am a fairly good and consistent winning player is 'vastly overating myself'. Fairly good does not mean I think I am great

Thanks anyway

'Originally Posted by timtowdi
1. Stop playing ssplo. Anything <200plo is a rakepit.
2. Try all differnent sites, ongame, party etc. and see how you like the games.
3. Only play on peak Euro hours.
4. Stop playing ssplo. '

some good points and thanks, i play euro sites and try to play peak hours when possible (I live in Bangkok). I have pretty much stopped playing 100nl as it so much tougher these days.

luckily i have 55% rakeback which is cool

'So, you get an A- for your NL game and you're running like death, so your solution is PLO and turbo sngs'

I have played turbo stts for years so no problems there. i decided to play PLO to improve my overall game. i have a big bankroll so no problems playing plo 50

some of your seem pretty bitter in your tone, no need really
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by caddymix024
if you give enough monkeys infinite time at a typewriter one of them will eventually type shakespeare's hamlet
Wrong. It will happen with probability 1. But that does not mean for sure that it will happen...
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by jewbinson
Wrong. It will happen with probability 1. But that does not mean for sure that it will happen...
my head hurts
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by jewbinson
Wrong. It will happen with probability 1. But that does not mean for sure that it will happen...
yeah I reckon they'd at least make a few spelling mistakes
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 04:10 PM
almost surely
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
11-18-2011 , 05:30 PM
"Can good players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online?"

"Can winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online?"

"Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online?"
Can good winning players experience 100k downswings at low stakes online? Quote
