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BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table.

01-21-2010 , 09:30 PM
I am an online pro but went to the local casino to drink & play a lil live poker with my cousin who just flew in from the country.

I don't play live poker and therefore couldn't believe how ******ed the structure of the game was. It was 5/5 game with a set buy-in of 200 (wtf amirite?)

Anyways... people were straddling to 25, re-straddling to 50 etc. People betting the pot blind on the flop. Stupid stuff like that. This might be standard for live poker... just not what I am used to.

Within 3 hours I was up to 1500. I decided to see how long I could play (after my cousin went home with a girl he met at the table - taking my car). I managed a 16 hour session & hit a peak of $5,450 after stacking a guy set vs top 2 for a $4,000 pot.

Epic brag imo. 27 buy-ins on 1 table in a session.

2 questions.

1) Is this sort of thing common for live games?

2) What is the biggest stack in relation to the buy-in / blinds you have ever seen?
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:32 PM
no ur just a fish who ran hot.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:34 PM
where is this casino?
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:10 PM
this is typical, but 5400 is definitley a great session.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:24 PM
hehe the number of live cash brags on this site is hilarious. ya last week i went to the casino with $20. put it on red and won a few times bringing me to $100. i went to the poker room and bought in to 1/2. i built it up to 10k. it was fun.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:29 PM
I'd say seeing a 2k stack is fairly standard, 5k is a lot.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:31 PM
wtf are you guys taking about. standard? no. 5k+even live at a 200nl table is abnormal.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:35 PM
way to go, nice brag
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater
no ur just a fish who ran hot.
I am a full time pro & have been for a couple of years now. I won a lot of pots all-in when I was a clear favorite... so I guess at the least I didn't run bad... but mostly the money came from value betting when I was ahead.

Originally Posted by scuzks
where is this casino?
Sydney, Australia.

Originally Posted by MuiMuiBueno
hehe the number of live cash brags on this site is hilarious. ya last week i went to the casino with $20. put it on red and won a few times bringing me to $100. i went to the poker room and bought in to 1/2. i built it up to 10k. it was fun.
Cash brags are very lollable. This was just ridiculous to me though... but then again this is only my second live session in over a year. Maybe more standard that I realized.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:39 PM
yeah 5k+ is alot. one time i had three fifdy
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:41 PM
so you're going back there again right?
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by J-monkey
so you're going back there again right?
I see your from Sydney. You play much at the casino?

I play 5/10 & 10/20 online so if I go back it will be for the 500-2000 buy-in game. Was only playing the 200 game cos of my cousin. Probably won't go back any time soon. It's an hour and a half drive from my house so cbf. I live closer to Wollongong than Sydney.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:47 PM
Did you take it to the high roller slot room and play the $100 slots?
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Stang93Svo
Did you take it to the high roller slot room and play the $100 slots?
I got a room for the night and hired a 'professional' to service my needs. That's the best way to spend poker winningz imo.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:05 PM
The slots are 500 dollar max at Star City.

Yeah, players are horrible there. BTW there isn't a 10/20 game.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:08 PM
I've been known to run my stack up to 3000 in a 1-2 game.

It's fairly common. Something you 20 tabling nits wouldn't understand....seriously
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by kkthx
The slots are 500 dollar max at Star City.

Yeah, players are horrible there. BTW there isn't a 10/20 game.

I said I play 10/20 online. Plenty of those games around.

The highest game at star city is 500-2000 buy-in. That's 5/10. Good structure compared to the 5/5 with a 200 buy-in.

I usually hate the idea of staking players... but i would be willing to stake winning online 100nl+ players in the 2000nl at star city. Railed it for a bit last night and shocked at the quality.

Rich asian business men fish everywhere in that game!
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:19 PM
I've seen a guy with about 4k at a $200 buyin max 1/2 table. Probably the biggest fish I've ever played with 4betting 83o type of stuff. He's always there and I think loses a ton in the long run..he plays Ax like AA will stack off with any ace no matter what.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:28 PM
Pretty sick brag, grats OP.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:30 PM
LOL as soon as I started reading that post I was like 200 buy in 5/5 blinds and rediculous stacks hmmmmmm 100 percent this is star city (sydney). Played there many times and yeah those stack sizes are standard. Once was playing there and Brian Mcfadden sat down (massive fish btw) He straddles to 20 and has been calling everything so I shove for 300 lol with A A and he calls with 6 7 suited. I hold. few orbits later there is a 5 way all in for around 7k pot.

board 2 4 5

player 1 22
player 2 a 3
player 3 33
player 4 88

brain mcfadden 66

turn 3 river ace and brain mcfadden takes it down.

Note. McFadden was last to act in this pot and called off like 1.2k after all the shoves lol
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:54 PM
omg so f standard
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-22-2010 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by harris83
LOL as soon as I started reading that post I was like 200 buy in 5/5 blinds and rediculous stacks hmmmmmm 100 percent this is star city (sydney). Played there many times and yeah those stack sizes are standard. Once was playing there and Brian Mcfadden sat down (massive fish btw) He straddles to 20 and has been calling everything so I shove for 300 lol with A A and he calls with 6 7 suited. I hold. few orbits later there is a 5 way all in for around 7k pot.

board 2 4 5

player 1 22
player 2 a 3
player 3 33
player 4 88

brain mcfadden 66

turn 3 river ace and brain mcfadden takes it down.

Note. McFadden was last to act in this pot and called off like 1.2k after all the shoves lol
i wanna go to australia mate
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-22-2010 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by --UCLA Deity--
wtf are you guys taking about. standard? no. 5k+even live at a 200nl table is abnormal.
It's 5/5, not 1/2. Even if 200 is the cap, it's gonna get deep quick with 40bbs.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-22-2010 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by MuiMuiBueno
hehe the number of live cash brags on this site is hilarious. ya last week i went to the casino with $20. put it on red and won a few times bringing me to $100. i went to the poker room and bought in to 1/2. i built it up to 10k. it was fun.
Why even make stuff like this up. You suck.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
01-22-2010 , 01:33 AM
bulbasaur was always a donk choice....obviously go with charmander. every time.
BRAG: ,400 on a 200 table. Quote
