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Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED!

10-20-2009 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by FishTheShark
+1 to playing some major sunday mtts.

Could you post a comparison between his results above $27 buy-in and below $27 buy-in?

I'd like to see wether or not his winrate (profit per game) is better in the lower buy-in Sit n gos for the complete challenge. Not sure what kind of factor the FPPs are for him here, but I think Boku could easily grind to $100K just playing the under $27 buy-in games.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-20-2009 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by FishTheShark
+1 to playing some major sunday mtts.

Could you post a comparison between his results above $27 buy-in and below $27 buy-in?

I'd like to see wether or not his winrate (profit per game) is better in the lower buy-in Sit n gos for the complete challenge. Not sure what kind of factor the FPPs are for him here, but I think Boku could easily grind to $100K just playing the under $27 buy-in games.

don't make direct requests to pandora and her box, pls. he will derail this thread to his results. just make general requests for graphs etc. trust me.

also, i thought he would have done this already as well. now i am convinced this will be a snoozer until there are 30 day to go. THEN, this thread will rock once again, and maybe G1 will be busto by then.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by FrOST3D
gentleman get your tin foil hat ready.. i smell a rigtard....
I'm a rigtard? How can you explain these anomalies? Do you fathom how unlikely it is what Elky did on this site? Did you go to the threads and look at the BS hands posted from that tournament? Folks this is an industry already full of crime and deception. The bottom line is to make money for PokerStars, nothing else. If it smells fishy there is probably a reason for it. Do you people really just believe this all and chock it all up to skill? Give me a break, are you the same people that say Barry Bonds is innocent because he never failed a steroid test?? The circumstantial evidence is there folks, you are the ignorant fools if you just continue to ignore everything in your face...
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by ADThomsen

Kinda like Jeff Lissandro won 3 bracelets this year. AMAZING TIMING!!! Coincidence? IMPOSSIBLE..

Rigged fosho..
I said ONLINE sir, ONLINE. Lisandro won those bracelets in a very skill-based LIVE game, them all being stud-based. What he did is amazing yes but easier if you specialize in a game that is harder and less people play. But again, this was live, I am discussing online where EVERYTHING can be controlled as we have seen from other sites. sudo accounts aren't the only way to control results folks, how much evidence do you need?
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by da_fume
You really can't wrap your brain around the idea that if it wasn't Elky it would just be someone else?
of course it would. i fully expect Jason Mercier to start being a baller now as well online with all the live amazing results. i have nothing against Elky, Boku, whomever. My issues are with online sites not providing a fair system, only a BS system that benefits them via pumping up certain players, benefiting new depositors, return players, etc etc.

You have heard all the stories of people doing great when they start. I took a year off playing on Stars only to return in 2008 and the first day I deposit I get AA 30 times in an hour. After months of playing after that I get nothing even close. I take a few days off and I have my best day in 2 months. The net is full of similar stories. Is everyone a rigtard or an idiot? How can you people just ignore the evidence over and over again?
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by g1 all in

your the reason why i hate ub so much... it gives players like you finally a reason to say poker is rigged... must be the reason for losing? I have always been a skeptic as well thats why i play on pokerstars. Im sure if anyone was legit it would be the kingpins of online gambling....

seriously they would have to be fkn ******s to risk such a succeful business. why would you risk it not a good business decision... thats why i know pstars is legit cause they are not stupid, the potenial losses that could be created would not be worth it... coming from the ceo point of view... and no dont say ub risk it, ub is not in the same league as pstars no one is,
fine. explain all these seemingly highly unlikely things I have noted. explain please. do you have any idea how unlikely these all are? The Elky thing just takes the cake.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:54 AM

I thought the same when i first started out playing online. Bad cards always seemed to win and top hands always got cracked. Its only when i started playing live tournaments that my opinion changed.

You see the same thing, people winning with crap hands and good hands getting cracked. You cannot account for the d**k heads who never let their ace rags go or chase every draw and hit the happens...happens to me every day.

Since i have have increased my volume of games per day this sort of thing doesn't bother me. On one table my AA will get cracked on another they win. My AK will beat QQ and vice versa. Get over it.

Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by phishman420
Thank you Phishman!

Why is it that Boku doesn't stay at the low limits as he clearly seems to be crushing those?

Are the extra FPPs + clearing cash Bonus really worth more $, when he is barely beating the higher stake sngs?

Just wondering ... the right strategy to complete the challenge would probably be playing low limits, but is it the most profitable for Boku in the end (does he get rakeback deal now?)?
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by rockholly
I took a year off playing on Stars only to return in 2008 and the first day I deposit I get AA 30 times in an hour. After months of playing after that I get nothing even close. I take a few days off and I have my best day in 2 months.
PT/HEM hand histories or it didn't happen. i'll gldadly do the analysis. and for the time being you can grab your tinfoil hat and stfu.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:41 AM
UserID = Boku87
VPPs = 130,245.08
Chips = $18,264.08
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:49 AM
What he played Sunday

Hold'em NL SnG USD $55.00+$5.00 60
Hold'em NL SnG USD $35.00+$3.00 75
Hold'em NL SnG USD $33.00+$3.00 9
Hold'em NL SnG USD $25.00+$2.00 159
Hold'em NL SnG USD $11.00+$1.00 191
Hold'em NL SnG USD $0.01+$0.00 1 ??????
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Scottyy
What he played Sunday

Hold'em NL SnG USD $55.00+$5.00 60
Hold'em NL SnG USD $35.00+$3.00 75
Hold'em NL SnG USD $33.00+$3.00 9
Hold'em NL SnG USD $25.00+$2.00 159
Hold'em NL SnG USD $11.00+$1.00 191
Hold'em NL SnG USD $0.01+$0.00 1 ??????
Lol, looks like a miss click.

Hey Scotty, is it true negreanu is trying the same challenge. Watched him go busto last night on 0.25 TABLE last night.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:06 AM
Not sure
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by Scottyy
Not sure
Yep, looks like he is

"Playing 10-20 cent on PokerStars right now. Trying to run 10 bucks into 100k. Up to 120 now."

its from his last tweet on twitter.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by rockholly
I said ONLINE sir, ONLINE. Lisandro won those bracelets in a very skill-based LIVE game, them all being stud-based. What he did is amazing yes but easier if you specialize in a game that is harder and less people play. But again, this was live, I am discussing online where EVERYTHING can be controlled as we have seen from other sites. sudo accounts aren't the only way to control results folks, how much evidence do you need?

For what it's worth stud has a lot higher variance than hold em games. Thus winning 3 stud bracelets is not really too likely at all, then again neither is the creation of the universe. But as unlikely as these events were to happen they still happened. Unlikely outcomes do happen. The fact you can't even spell pseudo correctly sort of sums up your whole arguement. Your thoughts are not logical, a live game could be rigged and I could make a big deal about the automatic shuffler but I dont because unlike you I am not a ****ing idiot and I dont spew my money and blame it on luck.

Gtfo and quit trolling *******.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:44 AM
This message is hidden because rockholly is on your ignore list.

Now if people could stop quoting him life would be so much better
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 08:15 AM
Bokus book will fail hard, im mean the guy has no real speciall talent except 4 masssmultitabling, i dont know his stats and stuff but he must be the biggggest nit in history ! every decent mtt stt player can play his style
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 08:18 AM
rockholly just open a thread, than u even have a topic 4 ur ****

and stop smoking this ****
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by OreosAndMilk
For what it's worth stud has a lot higher variance than hold em games. Thus winning 3 stud bracelets is not really too likely at all, then again neither is the creation of the universe. But as unlikely as these events were to happen they still happened. Unlikely outcomes do happen. The fact you can't even spell pseudo correctly sort of sums up your whole arguement. Your thoughts are not logical, a live game could be rigged and I could make a big deal about the automatic shuffler but I dont because unlike you I am not a ****ing idiot and I dont spew my money and blame it on luck.

Gtfo and quit trolling *******.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 11:16 AM
is it me or is bucku going the wrong way here and can not beat the level?
a book , i agree its not going to have anything in it worth reading ....
hes just beating mirco sng's while multi tabling?
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 11:52 AM
Scottyy I know you are not a fan of sharkscope obv but do you think you could in some way put up boku's results graphically to capture how he is doing over time in each type and buy-in of SNG? This would make following along a lot more easy and enjoyable for obvious reasons.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:07 PM
I checked Sharckscope top sng winners up to $15 games. The few top players have around 45k or 50k year to date. So maybe Boku knowing he probably can't earn 100k below $15 dollar games is why he is staying with high games. If site was rigged I don't think that many people would be earning decent money.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by danielk3066
a book , i agree its not going to have anything in it worth reading ....
hes just beating mirco sng's while multi tabling?
Are you kidding? ... there will be alot of people who would like to know the "little" things that set Bokus game apart from others.

I most certainly would like to know what it is that makes Boku so successful besides the ability to play 50+ tables. Haven't you seen his 1st challenge where he made $10K in just 15 days. Accomplishing just half of that from a tiny bankroll in 15 days will be a huge thing for all those beginning players trying to build a bankroll.

Most certainly it will not beat the winrate one can achieve playing cash games and it will probably be limited to low buy-in sngs (as we can see he basically is break even in higher buy-in sngs). Although with a rakeback deal one can make some "good" money depending on what your goals are.

Nevertheless ... he should stick to the challenge first and after the challenge focus on the book. It will sell way better if he finishes this challenge in 6 or 7 months and not close to 12 months.

Originally Posted by *Bucephalus*
I checked Sharckscope top sng winners up to $15 games. The few top players have around 45k or 50k year to date. So maybe Boku knowing he probably can't earn 100k below $15 dollar games is why he is staying with high games. If site was rigged I don't think that many people would be earning decent money.
Boku can play a lot larger sample size. So he might be able to get there ... just a case of being motivated to do so.

Last edited by FishTheShark; 10-21-2009 at 12:55 PM. Reason: Insert quote
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:52 PM
I would buy the book.
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:10 PM
okay i was going to post the graphs but that works
Boku87 Challenge #2 UPDATE: FINISHED! Quote
