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Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made)

06-12-2008 , 06:05 PM
1/2 unlimit. Live so even though I'm the worst NL player in the world there are somehow 9 people who play ten times worse than I do.

Three folds to an Asian gentleman. Two hands earlier I flopped an Ace, checked behind, and he potted both the turn and river with QJ high no draw. I pwnt him.

Asian gentleman has around $520. I cover because live poker is the **** and imsakidd isn't allowed to play.

Some guy who is probably a millionaire or quite close coldcalls Asian gentleman's raise to $12.

I has 99 and I'm all like hmm maybe a fish will raise fold. LOLZ!!!

So I make it 45 to go from the SB because I are terrible.

They both call obviously since they're already in for $12 and even if they weren't, **** it.

A 9 3 skill game

I half pot, Vietnam INSTA raises 3x. Millionaire is tanking and I'm like omg no wai triple?
Millionaire folds and I just shove since Zeebo's theorem applies to live poker to accept instead of "a full house" it's "TPTK"

Dude thinks for about fifteen seconds which I don't really understand because I mean he has to know he's never folded in this spot in his entire life.

So he calls and has AQs.

Turns a FD and I've got the gun loaded ready to open fire on everyone in sight and then myself.

River bricks and I'm like lol u fishhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzz and e-drag an $1,1xx pot.

Biggest pot played before that this year was probably around $600 so ya, felt pretty solid.

Other decent brags include:

Potting river for $400 ultra deep vs millionaire (800BB stacks) on a 65432 board with 3 hearts and watching him fold and show a 7. K9o good amirite?

Overbetting JTs on a QT4m board vs. same guy and watching him fold and show AQs in a $250 pot

Bluffing with QJ on an AKQJ board in a $200 pot

In all seriousness though, NL is so ****ing boring, especially SH. Jesus Christ.
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
Potting river for $400 ultra deep vs millionaire (800BB stacks) on a 65432 board with 3 hearts and watching him fold and show a 7. K9o good amirite?

Overbetting JTs on a QT4m board vs. same guy and watching him fold and show AQs in a $250 pot
You sure this actually happened at live 1/2?
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:10 PM
some funny parts, not as terrible as i thought it would be
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:10 PM
good story. live poka is fun when you absolutely destroy people so bad they open fold tptk
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:12 PM
i dont see how ppl can ever contemplate calling in those spots
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:12 PM
nah the AQs guy bet/ubertank/folded. idk those poker pro things are bull**** because the "hand history" feature is basically non-existent but I raised it and he like, min-3b from the BB or something and it was 5 way(6 handed game so ya lol) He bet something like $100 and I just made it $350 to go.

[ ] overbet

o ya so me and millionaire have about 700BB stacks, he goes $12 3 callers and I make a modest $50 with teh Aces, heads up K73r delicious. I bet $100 he calls, turn's a K I bet $250 cuz this guy has JJ and is going to pay me off now that the second K game.

He minraises I vomit-instafold. He shows TT


Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:16 PM
I like.
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
nah the AQs guy bet/ubertank/folded. idk those poker pro things are bull**** because the "hand history" feature is basically non-existent but I raised it and he like, min-3b from the BB or something and it was 5 way(6 handed game so ya lol) He bet something like $100 and I just made it $350 to go.

[ ] overbet

o ya so me and millionaire have about 700BB stacks, he goes $12 3 callers and I make a modest $50 with teh Aces, heads up K73r delicious. I bet $100 he calls, turn's a K I bet $250 cuz this guy has JJ and is going to pay me off now that the second K game.

He minraises I vomit-instafold. He shows TT


value check turn imo
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 06:41 PM
And call a turn pot and a river half pot? Call two pots? Call/fold?

lol this was so good

A5s BB T43 gives me a FD, we're like 7 way so I pot that ****. Two callers including millionaire. Turn's a 4 and I think and decide to check. Millionaire minbets and I call. HU

River's a 2 and I think and pot it, he minraises and I say "nice hand" fold and show.

He shows teh 43s lawliez
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 08:08 PM


By far the best part of live poker.
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
06-12-2008 , 09:00 PM
Ya I folded and showed too though.

I'm such a fish live.
Biggest pot ever(or: Worst thread I've ever made) Quote
