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Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW

07-26-2009 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
Looks like karma for this post you made in NVG the other day:

I am totally on Aces guy's side on this one. No matter how high stakes you play, you don't own the fkn table. Even if I agreed to fold, if I find Aces I will tell you that you have to pay me a whole lot more for me to fold this hand. Dustin's motivation is to pay players off so he can flip, and when I find Aces that price just went up a lot higher. He doesn't own the table, he doesn't set the rules, the table belongs to the house and house rules are that anyone at the table can decide to play their hand if they want to. Let's put it this way, if I pay you $2 to fold next hand and you say OK, then the hand comes and you say "hey I want to play this hand now", do I have a right to PHYSICALLY HANDLE YOUR CHIPS, THROW THEM ON THE FLOOR, forcing you to fold the hand??

Think about it... you sit there for hours not having a hand and you're frustrated and then some drunken d-bag decides he can threaten you and make you fold your Aces for $2??? Give me a break. If he's a high stakes player then he can afford to pay me $50 to make me fold the aces or we call the floor over and let the floor decide.... which in all likelihood given his threats would decide in my favor.

As for physical threats, that's weak, last time some dude threatened to take me outside and knife me in the lot I said "let's go, right now" and he sat back down looking like a little pussy lol.

You deserved it.
lmao do you really think I care?

but you sure do... hahaha you must be busto to be caring this much over some anonymous faceless internet guy's bad beats... LMAO

thank you for making my day that was worth the bad beat!!!!!!!!

ps btw I know your sn u arent doing too well against me ;-))))))))))))
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by I rebluff you
lmao do you really think I care?

but you sure do... hahaha you must be busto to be caring this much over some anonymous faceless internet guy's bad beats... LMAO

thank you for making my day that was worth the bad beat!!!!!!!!

ps btw I know your sn u arent doing too well against me ;-))))))))))))
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 09:47 PM
My theory on the Bing Blang Blaow thing is that some idiot made the bbv post (Ch3ckraise). like 40 people loved it an posted in the thread and it became 5 stars and the rest of 2p2 caught on via the ****** snowball effect. Everyone was scared to say it was stupid because so many people loved it and they feared the BBV flamage. Seeing as how everyone on this forum is a god damned nerd this is not an audacious claim.

It isn't funny at all. The only thing that was slightly funny was the part where he quotes support saying that "documents are on file".

And no one in history has every said the word BLAOW before ODB. So OP copied one of the most mentally ******ed rappers to make his gay ass song. It really is a queer diss. Sausage and beans all day.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
My theory on
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
My theory on the Bing Blang Blaow thing is that some idiot made the bbv post (Ch3ckraise). like 40 people loved it an posted in the thread and it became 5 stars and the rest of 2p2 caught on via the ****** snowball effect. Everyone was scared to say it was stupid because so many people loved it and they feared the BBV flamage. Seeing as how everyone on this forum is a god damned nerd this is not an audacious claim.

It isn't funny at all. The only thing that was slightly funny was the part where he quotes support saying that "documents are on file".

And no one in history has every said the word BLAOW before ODB. So OP copied one of the most mentally ******ed rappers to make his gay ass song. It really is a queer diss. Sausage and beans all day.
Well, you're wrong. Some kid turned it into a song and posted it on youtube with poker players in the video (Barry G) and it took off from there. Do a little research before you start acting like you know it all.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 10:05 PM
I have a feeling that I am going to be destroyed by the flamage that occurs in response to my controversial expose of "Bing Blang Blaow"
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
I have a feeling
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 10:13 PM
(death rattle)
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
(death rattle)
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 11:12 PM
The part with Helmuth and Dragomir is worth the price of admission alone...
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-26-2009 , 11:35 PM
far more funny than the song itself imo.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 12:04 AM
let the backpeddal begin!
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
My theory on the Bing Blang Blaow thing is that some idiot made the bbv post (Ch3ckraise). like 40 people loved it an posted in the thread and it became 5 stars and the rest of 2p2 caught on via the ****** snowball effect. Everyone was scared to say it was stupid because so many people loved it and they feared the BBV flamage. Seeing as how everyone on this forum is a god damned nerd this is not an audacious claim.

It isn't funny at all. The only thing that was slightly funny was the part where he quotes support saying that "documents are on file".

And no one in history has every said the word BLAOW before ODB. So OP copied one of the most mentally ******ed rappers to make his gay ass song. It really is a queer diss. Sausage and beans all day.

Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by I rebluff you
lmao do you really think I care?

but you sure do... hahaha you must be busto to be caring this much over some anonymous faceless internet guy's bad beats... LMAO

thank you for making my day that was worth the bad beat!!!!!!!!

ps btw I know your sn u arent doing too well against me ;-))))))))))))
If you know my screen name, how could you assume I am busto? Pretty easy to check with all of the data mining sites out there. Your story doesn't add up.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 12:30 AM
I'm also not the one posting a pretty standard bad beat, which is far more likely to be a sign of busto

If you don't want to out your screen name or produce a screen shot, that's fine. But then I'll just have to accept your words as false.

Whatever happens, you should probably do BBV a favor and stop creating ******ed threads.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
I'm also not the one posting a pretty standard bad beat, which is far more likely to be a sign of busto

If you don't want to out your screen name or produce a screen shot, that's fine. But then I'll just have to accept your words as false.

Whatever happens, you should probably do BBV a favor and stop creating ******ed threads.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by I rebluff you
Korean lagtard

I was sooooo ready to "BING BLANG BLAOW" this motherf**ker....
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
My theory on the Bing Blang Blaow thing is that some idiot made the bbv post (Ch3ckraise). like 40 people loved it an posted in the thread and it became 5 stars and the rest of 2p2 caught on via the ****** snowball effect. Everyone was scared to say it was stupid because so many people loved it and they feared the BBV flamage. Seeing as how everyone on this forum is a god damned nerd this is not an audacious claim.

It isn't funny at all. The only thing that was slightly funny was the part where he quotes support saying that "documents are on file".

And no one in history has every said the word BLAOW before ODB. So OP copied one of the most mentally ******ed rappers to make his gay ass song. It really is a queer diss. Sausage and beans all day.
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 11:02 AM
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
07-27-2009 , 11:22 AM
mmmm ok so some idiot gets it all in with KJo preflop in a 5/10 cash game ... anyone who says poker is dead is ******ed ....
Beat: sucked out by huge live douchebag whale when I was ready to BING BLANG BLAOW Quote
