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BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG)

11-23-2008 , 11:01 AM
A few things you can do to avoid this type of crap:

1: get Keyscrambler. The free version of this apps protects your Firefox webbrows and your IE webbrowser fromkeyloggers, by scrambling every letter you type. I have it loaded, and its awesome. The paid version can scarmble any program you want, including pokerstars.

1B get Sandboxie. Run everything dubious in its virtual machine.

2: Avoid social engineering. dont open crap attachments from people. Dont open PPS files, or exe powerpoint slideshows without running it in Sandboxie. Don't open anything people send you as a way to pass time. Only open things from legit sources. And the things you open have to be legit looking. Basically, YOU HAVE to screw up somewhere for somebody to fish your password.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by andy099
moneybookers is a piece of ****, i myself have had a sizeable amount pilfered from my moneybookers account and every week there seems to be a different thread in internet gambling about how somebody has had x amound stolen from moneybookers.

and i would say there is a 0% chance u get ur money back

Moneybookers is fine.

If the people who got zipped did the slightest amount of protecting, none of that would have happened.

I might make a thread about computer security on here somewhere, if i have some spare time.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Bio
Neteller is mainly safer because it automatically locks your account if you log in from another country than usual.
Yea, but to transfer ur money to some site you don't even need to log in (don't need password as well). All you need is an account ID and 6 digits secure number, so imo it's not that safe.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jere Tristan
Moneybookers is fine.

If the people who got zipped did the slightest amount of protecting, none of that would have happened.

I might make a thread about computer security on here somewhere, if i have some spare time.
Good idea ... please be sure to speak about the ability of Sites as well as hackers to change your computers BIOS as well as the fact that these programs (Keyscrambler, SnoopFree and the plethora of Anti-Virus apps)should be viewed as secondary measures. In other words if you machine is set up to network or "PXE" boot off of a remoter server, your efforts will be mostly in vain.
Good Luck All
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by anytwofine
Neteller requires a 6 digit "Secure ID" along with Username and Password so its a bit safer.
And they lock your account if you go there from different ips.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 03:02 PM
my neteller account got hacked i dont use any of these things any more

also had 2 mates whoes MB accounts got hacked.

i got my money back from neteller after like 6 months of puting up with there stupid support
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by GhosTofHelmuthPast
Good idea ... please be sure to speak about the ability of Sites as well as hackers to change your computers BIOS as well as the fact that these programs (Keyscrambler, SnoopFree and the plethora of Anti-Virus apps)should be viewed as secondary measures. In other words if you machine is set up to network or "PXE" boot off of a remoter server, your efforts will be mostly in vain.
Good Luck All

Could you please elaborate on this for a tech noob?
I use comodo, avira, snoopfree, no script, flashblock, and roboform and thought i was safe enough.
Also very sorry to hear about your misfortune OP.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by PVR
Snoopfree blocks keyloggers and screen readers and its free.
am I being paranoid about snoopfree? after I downloaded the zip file, it looks like some home made stuff. For a piece of software that is supposed to protect you, why does it feel so nebulous?
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-23-2008 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by testaaja
And they lock your account if you go there from different ips.
Testaaja knows exactly what I'm talking about ...
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by mocky
Could you please elaborate on this for a tech noob?
I use comodo, avira, snoopfree, no script, flashblock, and roboform and thought i was safe enough.
Also very sorry to hear about your misfortune OP.
It should be simple.

Your first boot device should be your HD. That means that your system will look for boot info from your HD (say, windows), and boot up from it. I am not aware of how hackers could change your boot up data to boot, say, via a network installation (as would PXE boot be) in order to take control of anything sensitive (like text files with passwords on your HD, or some sort of local copies of emails containing your password), without being phisically present next to your computer.

But again, its stupid users that are at fault here. The internet is a dangerous place, not being protected from potential malware is mistake numero uno.

The most frequent place for keylogger intrusion, should be throgh IMs. People offer you apps at random, and you run them, also bat files and executable stuff. The next most frequent place would be through email attachments, including those from people you trust. Basically, never run executables that you have no idea what they do, and if you absolutely have to, run them in a Virtual Machine like Sandboxie.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:26 AM
If they have keyloggers on your computer, no matter what you use they will still get your money, when they know your password, but I am pretty sure that they wouldnt try again to steal from you since you will probably have tighter security and will be ready to contact mb. Moneybookers help in this situations, but if the money go out of the system by the time you contacted them there is not much they can do. I've heard of stories like this and people mostly get a portion of their money although not all of them. And also if the account they lost the money to is theirs Pokerstars will catch them, but there is no guarantee that they didnt cashout everything there, too.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 03:48 AM

But being realistic, it could happen to you. Maybe a suspicious spouse, or an overbearing boss, but whatever the reason, keyloggers can be used without your knowledge. Here is what you do to defeat them.

1. Open up a notepad.
2. Hit the keyboard like you’re a chimpanzee on crack. For about two minutes.
3. Now you have a notepad full of characters, all kinds of them. Now, knowing your own password(s), drag and place characters at the beginning or end of all of this text, until you have made your password.
4. Save this file.
5. Every time you want to put a password in, open up your file, copy your selected password from the nonsensical text, and paste it into the password box wherever you need it.

This gets around a keylogger since they log keystrokes - copying and pasting a bit of text into a password box is not a keystroke.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by montechristo

But being realistic, it could happen to you. Maybe a suspicious spouse, or an overbearing boss, but whatever the reason, keyloggers can be used without your knowledge. Here is what you do to defeat them.

1. Open up a notepad.
2. Hit the keyboard like you’re a chimpanzee on crack. For about two minutes.
3. Now you have a notepad full of characters, all kinds of them. Now, knowing your own password(s), drag and place characters at the beginning or end of all of this text, until you have made your password.
4. Save this file.
5. Every time you want to put a password in, open up your file, copy your selected password from the nonsensical text, and paste it into the password box wherever you need it.

This gets around a keylogger since they log keystrokes - copying and pasting a bit of text into a password box is not a keystroke.
Suggesting that people create a text file that anyone can open, typing their password in this file, saving it to the computer is not such a good idea.

What you could do is save the file of random characters, and open it each time you need to type in user/password. Then do a copy and paste of each character in your password from the file whenever you need.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:27 AM
sorry to hear man. hope you get your roll back
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 06:17 AM
That sucks 7castle. Hope you can get your money back or at least something as online accounts should be insured/protected to the same extent as irl banks as this is the way the world is heading anyways.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 07:58 AM
The idea with "copy/paste" isnt that good as you think , since there is like 3 times bigger chance that keylogger or some sniffing stuff will read your clipboard . If you want to minimaze chance of happening this use noscript firefox , some good FW and antivirus , use original windows with updates on , and KeyScambler with riginial version . Most od keyloggers are spreading via Flash banners and so ...

But the best way to protect your BR is using 2 Pc`s with one only for poker .
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by keikiwai
it's a good idea to create, store, and use you passwords in ways that do not let keyloggers see them... Keepass is such a method. It creates passwords, and then you can cut and paste, so you never type them in, you can even make it so you never see them on the screen
I am looking into this right now.

Is my assumption correct, that you don't have to type in anything, just click a button and it will fill in the password?
If this is the case, then if someone steals your computer for w/e reason, he can easily access all your accounts, amirite?
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by w4444x
The idea with "copy/paste" isnt that good as you think , since there is like 3 times bigger chance that keylogger or some sniffing stuff will read your clipboard . If you want to minimaze chance of happening this use noscript firefox , some good FW and antivirus , use original windows with updates on , and KeyScambler with riginial version . Most od keyloggers are spreading via Flash banners and so ...

But the best way to protect your BR is using 2 Pc`s with one only for poker .
This is another important point , your genuine windows products and constant updates. Unfortunately this can become a full time job as automatic update doesnt help you 100 %. All of these efforts are a must, however mostly in vain. As stated earlier in this thread ... i must respectfully disagree. Your PC's BIOS is also software driven, if you wanted to flash your bios you would DL basically the equivalent of a driver and flash it. PXE booting can be attained without you the end user knowing it. It's your job to look into your BIOS, and to ensure that your MasterBootRecord is good and your primary boot device is your HD and not a network device. If you've ever experienced being dealt pock Aces or Kings and get it all in good pre-flooooop, and suddenly your machine freezes and or re-boots on it's own or your screen flashes. These are signs that you may have an issue where you are booting off a remote server and not off of your personal machine.

Back to AV and FW's and KeyLog blockers for a second. Most free anti virus prods are good Comodo and PC Tools make great prods but if you ever experience problems with these not completing a full scan or have trouble with updated failing, then you have other issues. The fact is that many have been targeted the sites know what range of IP addresses you have been assigned as well as they have your nic cards MAC Address using IP Switch and IP Re-route often doesn't help as they are frequently blocked. You will never be totally secure, I re-image my machine weekly with Symantec's Ghost. I still dont feel secure, so i've basically stopped playing. Too many Aces hit the board (c'mon you know it). Every Tueday Microsoft releases updates (WHY?) mostly because of security problems. Buying a MAC won't really help, as they are now experiencing security problems on the rise.

Do your homework, constantly re-do your machine, purchase genuine Microsoft Prods and spend $30 or $40 on a real AV. If you see a pattern of 10deuce being dealt to you waaaay to often (then it's a pattern). Something strange is going on out there in this $40 billion dollar industry.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by STARSCREAM.
This really sucks bro, good luck in getting your money back.
Thanks, and same applies to everybody else who wrote the same.

Originally Posted by cha59
What, if any, anti virus and anti spyware stuff do you use?
I did use free version of Avast. Now I know that there are better antivirus programmes, and I will never use free version again, it is worth to pay some $$ to get maximum security.

Originally Posted by anytwofine
Neteller requires a 6 digit "Secure ID" along with Username and Password so its a bit safer.
Hmm. Is it all the time the same number or does it change? Because if it is same, it is just another "password" right? It would be safer if that Secure ID was always different number out of lets say 50 numbers available only to account holder (standard grid card which I have with my bank account).

Originally Posted by Bio
Neteller is mainly safer because it automatically locks your account if you log in from another country than usual.
PS informed me that they (PS) would do the same, but hackers logged from my country - or at least it looked like that they logged from my country.

Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Does anyone have good tips to secure MB accounts and to minimize our chances of getting keylogged?
I would also appreciate this.

Originally Posted by keikiwai
it's a good idea to create, store, and use you passwords in ways that do not let keyloggers see them... Keepass is such a method. It creates passwords, and then you can cut and paste, so you never type them in, you can even make it so you never see them on the screen
IT experts told me that it is not enough. There is a moment when your password is written in the respective field, and there are programmes which can read it.

Originally Posted by Jere Tristan
Moneybookers is fine.

If the people who got zipped did the slightest amount of protecting, none of that would have happened.
I did slightest amount of protecting, although I admit I could do more. But I am not sure if MB is fine. Like I said, there are lot of things they should do about what happened, and so far I have nothing from them.

Originally Posted by w4444x
But the best way to protect your BR is using 2 Pc`s with one only for poker.
Yeah this looks like a good idea.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 12:47 PM
It also helps to live in a small country. Both Neteller and Pokerstars will get suspicious if you make a transaction from within another country. While this may be thought of as inconvience, especially in Europe where travelling through 3 different countries is like a shopping ride in the US, I very much appreciate their high security standards.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
I am looking into this right now.

Is my assumption correct, that you don't have to type in anything, just click a button and it will fill in the password?
If this is the case, then if someone steals your computer for w/e reason, he can easily access all your accounts, amirite?

No you have one master password that you memorize and are required to enter after a period of inactivity.

I use Roboform which is great but it doesnt work with Moneybookers as you have to enter a random 6 digit number when you login so you have to type your password every time which sucks.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by doodydota
It also helps to live in a small country. Both Neteller and Pokerstars will get suspicious if you make a transaction from within another country. While this may be thought of as inconvience, especially in Europe where travelling through 3 different countries is like a shopping ride in the US, I very much appreciate their high security standards.
Dunno if PS care about this , OP is slovak and PS traditionaly transfered money within few secs ( this is kind a : love it or hate it )
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:21 PM
Sorry about what happened OP.

I surf most junk on my laptop and try to stay safe on my main pc. Also, I reformat my comp about three months. It's a little bit of a pain but it seems to flush everything out.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Does anyone have good tips to secure MB accounts and to minimize our chances of getting keylogged?
Use Kaspersky internet securities virtual keyboard. It sends out random letters to any potential keyloggers, whilst entering the correct text in the password box.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
11-25-2008 , 01:33 AM
I heard good things about Kaspersky. Too bad I never used it.

You need Comodo + Keyscarmbler free for Firefox and IE, and you'll be set. Oh, and Roboform to keep your passwords safe by adding an additional layer of encryption. This way, make sure you only access Roboform from within your browsers Keyscarmbler-protected environment, and you will be the Fort Knox of the internet.
Sadly, roboform is not available for Google chrome, my new browser of choice. So i'm kinda forced into using old faithful Firefox at the moment.

i recently got infected by a trojan by downloading and running a suspect app. I put the kibosh on my windows install immediately, and loaded my shadow backup, conveniently located within Vista's control panel itself. Up and running back again to my clean customized and personalized install with all my other apps within 20 minutes.

On another note, it would also help to use a computer soleley for poker and financial transactions. Laptops are dirt cheap at the moment, and more than capable of running a million tables. external hard drives, with like 1TB capacities for OS backups and everything else, are also dirt cheap at the moment. Its a great time to be a computar usar.
BEAT: Pokerstars & Moneybookers accounts hacked - WARNING for others (quite LONG) Quote
