Brag: after a couple months hard work, a total beginner to this game i'm finally starting to really get into the swing of things. Now my sample size is kinda small, but i'm not really running hot right now. Flame away the micro donk, but personally i'm very happy with what i've been doing. Bought 3 books so far off of PS with fpp points, been reading on here since day 1 determined to get better.
is my equity graph. Now i have a question. My SB says im down money, but when i look at my PTracker stats, i have a bb/100 at nl5 6 max of 24. whichs means im either running hot or running over people. So SB says im running cold, but PT says im running hot...
here's my stats
These stats are from day 1 when i was a complete beginner. I would say my stats now are more like 22/17 with an AF of 3 or 4. I'm sure posting this in BBV i won't get one honest answer out of you knobs (except that i suck) but just curious, what can i work on to get even better?
And again, flame away on the micro player