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BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though]

07-18-2009 , 02:01 AM
I'm too tilted and tired to write well, so sorry in advance for the crappy post.
Anyway, I was playing live NL1k, with my own moniez for once because my backer was at the same table as me (I'm usually staked for 50% = 500$). Win a few, lose a few, nothing much interesting. for what it's worth, standard of play is roughly equivalent to NL50 online, and villain in this hand is weaaaaak. nitty. will fold to bluffs all the time. (hence the play you will see)

Here is a (expertly rendered) diagram of the table, with the rail behind it:

......8 <--villain
1 <-- seat 1, aka me.
****** <-- rail with railbirds

It's pretty much impossible for me to look at my hand without the guys behind me seeing it (large index cards ftl), but i'm ok with it, that's never a problem. HOWEVER,
Then a hand comes up (quite predictably, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this, right?).

I isolate one limper to 50$ with 87o in position. he calls and we see a AT5r flop. He donks 50$ (pot is 115$), so I raise to 150$. he thinks a bit and eventually calls. (me: )

Turn (415$) Jx. Check-check
River (415$) Qx (board is AT5 J Q). This is where it gets interesting, obv.
Dude checks, I put him all in for roughly 240$. He tanks for a while, then tells his neighbour he has two pair (which the rail obv hears). He then turns to his buddy at the rail (behind me, k?) and asks what to do (me: ) SAID BUDDY NODDS AND TELLS HIM TO CALL (which he obv procedes to do). I muck (he had A5, btw) (me: )

Not being the kind of person to make a scene, and willing to admit it might just be a misunderstanding (read: I hate angleshooting and don't do it), I silently go to the woman in charge (what do you call them? room managers? whatevers), and ask her 1. to ask the railbirds to gtfo. and 2. to check the camera footage to see if indeed there was an exchange between the player and his buddy on the rail. Totally normal, right?
This woman being so kind and open, as with all the staff at this mfkin casino, tells me that no, it's not possible
(me: YOU HAVE 14 CAMERAS ABOVE THE TABLES, WHY THE **** CAN'T YOU CHECK THEM BITCH? ) <-- I didn't really say that btw
I repeat my inquiry politely, she procedes to ignore me, and I manage to catch a few words here and there from various people, the basic idea being this: apparently you have to whine at every single little _possible_ problem, and basically be an angleshooting douchebag to have even the slightest right at contesting a pot. Otherwise, try as you might, they won't even listen to you, much less go to _all_ the hassle of checking video.

It was super obvious he asked his buddy on the rail what do to; that alone should make his hand dead, let alone the fact his buddy probably saw my hand before advising the guy.

cliffnotes: I get cheated out of 400$ by a nit with a buddy on the rail; casino staff procedes to ignore my request to review camera footage, are generally huge *******s. I have never tilted so hard, and almost put my remaining 900$ on red. (clearly I should have, sorry BBV. only lost 55$ at roulette )

I think I will now become an angleshooting douchebag myself, being a pain in the ass on _every_ pot, to stop anything like this from ever happening again. methinks i'll stop tipping too, cause tbh they don't deserve it.



Last edited by swissheep; 07-18-2009 at 02:02 AM. Reason: I'm also down 1200$ (i know it's not much, but it certainly doesn't help the tilt)
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:23 AM
i forgot what chapter i was on and had to go back to beginning of book!
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by The Apt Pupil
i forgot what chapter i was on and had to go back to beginning of book!
excuse me, what?
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by swissheep
......8 <--villain
1 <-- seat 1, aka me.
****** <-- rail with railbirds
eh i think its 50/50
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:45 AM
lol swiss people
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:52 AM
dude if u play online u wont have the problem
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by novel20
dude if u play online u wont have the problem
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by swissheep
It's pretty much impossible for me to look at my hand without the guys behind me seeing it (large index cards ftl)
If you're going to play live, work on this part. It's all technique
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by El Gonso
If you're going to play live, work on this part. It's all technique
that's the only part of my game that needs work

Last edited by swissheep; 07-18-2009 at 03:54 AM. Reason: waiting for needling on my river bluff
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:00 AM
That's fine, but if you're going to play 5/10 or really any game regularly, it's worth investing a little in your game protection by working on how you handle your cards.
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:05 AM
I'm the same way with (parenthesis)
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by swissheep
I isolate one limper to 50$ with 87o in position.
stopped reading here.
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by El Gonso
That's fine, but if you're going to play 5/10 or really any game regularly, it's worth investing a little in your game protection by working on how you handle your cards.
true. I "know" how to hide my cards from people even right behind me (it doesn't exactly take a genius for that), but tbh I really had no idea situations like tonight's could actually happen, so I didn't mind if there was occasionally someone behind me. I mean seriously, 14 cameras above the tables? who in their right mind would cheat? o_O
Well, that and I usually never play at that seat (we're usually on another table, where only one seat is back to the rail)

Thanks for the tip though, I'll certainly be more careful
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by abesanity20
stopped reading here.
lol, that is so so standard against weak opponents
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 05:16 AM
Op I am glad you lost if you are sill enough to advertise your cards to those behind you, you deserve.
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by swissheep
that's the only part of my game that needs work
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 06:28 AM
yea it's so easy to hide your cards, that said you should have made a huge deal about it and demanded to see the person who is in charge of that bag.
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:05 AM
sounds like you are a joke.

great play. lol
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:35 AM
Next time punch the railbird in the face. No more peeking.
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 12:19 PM
You're a pushover. I would have raised hell at the table, right when he asked his buddy and his buddy said "call".
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by swissheep

It's pretty much impossible for me to look at my hand without the guys behind me seeing it
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 01:10 PM
Yeah, I would have more or less gone ape-shi'ite at the table. (I'm not avoiding the censor here, I mean literally 9-11 IS YOUR HOUSE SAY GODBYE YOUR CHILDREN (bonobo style))

[x] Dragging your cards behind your chips to look at them and protesting when the dealer declares you all in (he gave you a warning before) when you have the nuts = angle shooting

[ ] Raising hell when a player asks his buddy (who may have seen your cards) what to do is angle shooting.

[x] () ITT
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by swissheep
lol, that is so so standard against weak opponents
way better hands to isolate weak fish with... no strats in bbv imo
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:35 PM
i dont see any jokes in this thread.
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by swissheep
I have never tilted so hard, and almost put my remaining 900$ on red. (clearly I should have, sorry BBV. only lost 55$ at roulette )
There's your problem. You should've gone black.

Red is for suckerssss
BEAT: Live poker is a joke [not another crappy downswing thread;crappiness not excluded though] Quote
