Originally Posted by poker12
i laughed...worth 1$. what's ur name on stars.
much appreciated good sir
Originally Posted by il_martilo
Charge interest on the $ to your friend IMO.
friend talked a big game and said he'd pay me $2 back, friend went busto in about 2 minutes
Originally Posted by a5wantinga10
are you 12 years old or do you live in china? why don't you have at least $50 to deposit?
give us pics of your house etc and i might ship on stars
I'm 19 and live in a pretty decent neighborhood in Las Vegas, I just want a dollar to entertain myself with. I'm pretty new to online poker. I've always just played random home lolaments that are like $5-$10 buy ins so I want to get a feel for the game before I spend 50 bucks.