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BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden)

02-13-2012 , 11:50 PM
If u look at "ullahau" session history on PTR,

each time hes playin a 6max tables hes almost never playing more than 5 hands in SH, 5-8 hands in FR. in HU, hes "starting" tables in 6max/fr play button then leaves after first button (HU tables too). Same for lhe! Hes almost never paying his bb's.

i suspect hes been doing that stuff for a very longt time, prolly most of his 200k hands on stars.

Hes scum and deserve to be outed imo.

Last edited by Snowman808; 02-14-2012 at 12:03 AM. Reason: messing with my second language
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 12:45 AM
pretty gross, email stars about it.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 01:31 AM
how can you be doing do that for 200K without anyone finding out !? If it's legit than let's make sure he never gets action again.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 02:13 AM
€0.25/€0.5 NLH 3 €1 Feb 1st, 2012

Damn son..Why?
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 02:37 AM
LOLOLOL, the ultimate HNR, the phil ivey of scumbags....

this guy is a legend, but hope stars closes hes account.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 03:24 AM

(PTRcomment)@all REGs: his whole strategy is about exactly this thing: He does only start tables to play ideall 1 hand and the the BB and quits - report him imo because it is bad for the ecology!
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 03:44 AM
Stars does checks for this -->
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 03:55 AM
smart guy he wins $$ thats why people play, deal with it, hes getting people upset and tilted and prob following him table to table just to bust him and he has edge each time, big edge.. smart.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
smart guy he wins $$ thats why people play, deal with it, hes getting people upset and tilted and prob following him table to table just to bust him and he has edge each time, big edge.. smart.
deal with it
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 04:41 AM
The true hustla. He isnt doing anything wrong, why would stars close his account? Just dont play him if he tilts you.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by slevin90
The true hustla. He isnt doing anything wrong, why would stars close his account? Just dont play him if he tilts you.
It is not allowed to grimm . Start tables and only play your button if you get the button. So yes he's doing something wrong, but oh wait you are Swedisch too so maybe you are just biased or a troll
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:05 AM
How is it possible to sit in and not posting blinds?
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:17 AM
That's pretty unfair, but it's not like he's cheating or something. Tough decision for PS, if they get to deal with him.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by Pokerpingu
No, they don't.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by ltensail
How is it possible to sit in and not posting blinds?
He sits HU, only plays the button, or if other people sit down too he finishes the orbit but never posts a big blind.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:25 AM
allthough i trully hate this type of behaviour in my hu plo games, there is nothing illegal going on there and one should just make a note on that player and either not play him or re-raise his sb raises.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:31 AM
Well this guy's strat is just air-tight. I mean there's NO way to take advantage of him at all.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:45 AM
Is this strategy legit? I think i need to give it a try, lol.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 05:50 AM
^ lol
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:14 AM
Swedes can do nothing wrong.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:21 AM
lol at close his account. He didnt break any rules and has a winning strategy. Hatas gonna hate
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:27 AM
Wonder what kind of bankroll you need to do this.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:32 AM
Haha what a hero.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:35 AM
well it's not like you have to ride out any tought swings...
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:39 AM
sad life when only way to win is this.
BBV i present you the ultimate professionnal grimmer on stars! (grimmstar relocated in sweden) Quote
