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BBV Anonymous Confessions BBV Anonymous Confessions

04-04-2007 , 02:48 PM
depends ftw, ldo
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
04-04-2007 , 02:57 PM
killing yourself is not a rational decision, don't treat it as such.
I realize it's not rational, but no one can help him until he tells someone. It sounds like he's got enough people close to him that all he needs to do is work the courage up once to tell one of them, and everything will get much easier.

Maybe you disagree, but I'm not above motivating him to seek help by kicking him in the ass or using a little guilt. He goes into detail about planning this out to make sure his dogs and girlfriend aren't harmed, but he should think about how much pain he's going to dump on his family and girlfriend if he does this. That alone should be enough reason to seek help.

If people on this forum won't even make fun of you, think how understanding your family will be.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
05-21-2007 , 12:54 AM
Dupe account FTW:

Last year, I fell in love with a girl who basically led me on for several months before publicly trashing and dumping me. Not knowing how to cope with it, I went to a frat party to drink away my sorrows, and met this random girl. SHe was a butterface, but I didn't really even care, I took her upstairs to a random guy's room at the house and got a hummer. Didn't give it another thought.

Then the next night I get a call from a random number, find out this girl stayed around and asked everyone she could find who I was (I never told her my name), and got my phone number randomly. As if this wasn't scary enough, she told me on the phone that "she was obsessed with me, couldn't stop thinking about me." Now, any normal person would immediately get away, but as I'm [censored] up, I decided to hit it again.

I get to her dorm room and she starts grabbing at my crotch IN FRONT OF HER ROOMMATES, so I naturally offer to take her to my apartment. It's too far though, so I just take her downstairs to one of the secluded music practice rooms and [censored] her on a piano bench. Anyone could've walked in on us, don't know why I did this.

So I don't call her for a week and don't answer her repeated calls. The next weekend I decide I want some more nookie, and since she's still calling, I answer and say I had a busy week and sorry for not getting back to her. I invite her over to my apartment, get her naked on my bed, and was going to go down on her but then I got a whiff and was completely revolted by the stench. Smelled like salty sewage. Should've been a cue, but the lights were off and I just wanted to SIIHP. So I started to, but then I felt some extra wetness getting onto my balls, more than should have been there from my experience. So I stop what I'm doing, and look down, and there's this dark liquid everywhere, all over the sheets, all over me, everything. I turn on the lights and she's bleeding like hell, this isn't something I ripped, it's her goddamn period. I'm not squeemish, I've [censored] girls in their period before, but I have never seen this much blood get all over the bed and me before. Absolutely disgusting. I get red in the face and tell her to GTFO of my room, she smiles and says "you wouldn't do that to me, we're in love, I love you." I kicked her out of my apartment without giving her time to get her clothes all the way back on, I'm sure she had to walk all the way back to her dormroom in bloody panties (it's only a mile walk so not too bad). I never talked to her again. Had to throw out my sheets, stained so bad by the blood that it wouldn't come out.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
05-21-2007 , 03:07 AM
[censored] i forgot how cool this thread was
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
05-21-2007 , 07:29 AM
just spent a half day at work reading all this.

btw is more or less the same principle ?

anyway, very good read
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
05-21-2007 , 07:43 AM

btw is more or less the same principle ?

anyway, very good read
i want to be a break dancer but dont have the physical strength.i want to die.

BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
07-18-2007 , 07:29 PM
expert bumpz
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
07-18-2007 , 08:50 PM
just spent a half day at work reading all this.

btw is more or less the same principle ?

anyway, very good read
i pretend to take my birth control every day in front of my boyfriend.. i hide it under my tongue and take it out when hes not looking. im so blessed to be pregnant - he doesnt know yet.

so sick...
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
07-19-2007 , 02:38 PM
hahaha. Now that is how to make a fake one well.

I think the star wars one has about the same probabilty of being fake as this one, big in other words. But this is so hot.

Looks like the lover has just revealed himself
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
07-19-2007 , 06:44 PM
i just read this thread all the way through.
OMG - bring this thread back to life!
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
07-19-2007 , 08:17 PM
Dear Swinger's Life Monthly Magazine...

I guess this doesn't /really/ have to be anonymous since I didn't do anything bad, but I thought BBV would find it humorous

I grew up in typical whitebread middle-class suburbia. When I was about 13 or so I had a job lined up babysitting at a neighbor's house. Somehow I told a friend of mine that I was babysitting there and he told me to look in the closet in their guest bedroom because they had porn. I didn't believe it, but after I put the kid to bed I went in there and sure enough the entire closet was just packed full of swinger magazines, porn, dildos, lube, etc. Nothing terribly hardcore in the great scheme of things (though closet swingers in suburbia has some humor value I suppose) but I was 13, this was like heaven.

So I literally pull out like 40 porn magazines and am sitting in the middle of them all wanking it when suddenly I hear the garage door go up. Parents are home like 2 hours early. I totally flip out and just start shoving stuff under the bed, back in the closet. Meanwhile kid wakes up because of the garage door and starts SCREAMING. Before I can even get my belt buckled or all the porn put away the kid's dad is standing at the door of the guest bedroom. Kid screaming. My pants half on. Closet open with all their porn magazines literally thrown in in a pile (I think I thought somehow I was going to go back and clean them up before they found out.) Dead [censored] silence - we just stare at each other. I freak out and tell him i have to go to the bathroom and run in there and shut the door and start crying because I think that they probably think I was basically wacking off and ignoring their screaming kid and they were going to tell my parents I was looking at porn. I sit in there for about 20 minutes before the dad finally knocks on the door and asks me if I'm all right and tells me he'll take me home.

They never mention a word about it. They never call me back to babysit again. 6 months later they move away.

In retrospect, it was certainly more horrifying for them to wonder if their babysitter had told his parents that they were degenerate swingers and wonder if all the neighbors knew (I didn't obviously) but when you're 13 and beating it to porn and an adult catches you it pretty much feels like the end of the world.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
07-19-2007 , 08:37 PM
good job adanthar
this is the best thread ever on BBV.
better than the something awful version, 'coz its us.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-15-2007 , 01:02 PM
<3 this thread
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-15-2007 , 01:36 PM
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-15-2007 , 04:17 PM
i just read this thread all the way through.
OMG - bring this thread back to life!
I have alot of stories, but it is mostly mean things I did in HS to other people for really no apparent reason and the ridiculously massive amounts of cheating I did. No cool girl stories, so would that be interesting to read? I want to entertain the people who made me life all day at work today (i did feel kinda bad for the kid who killed the pregnant lady, if i was her husband u mite be dead right now)

ps. that grouphug site is fun to read as well
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-16-2007 , 01:12 PM

best thread ever. more stories please.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-16-2007 , 01:22 PM
I don't remember the password for that email account and don't have time right now anyway, but if anyone wants to start a sequel to this thread with the same rules, feel free (respected posters only please, I'd rather not have any unexpected dramabombs.)
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-16-2007 , 01:23 PM
I see why this guy wants to be anonymous, though

I have a [censored] load,some or maybe even all of them suck ass, but oh well. You can choose to post
whichever ones, if any at all.

Lets see, where to start...

When I was a kid I used to sneak into my brothers room when he was at work and watch his pornos on
VHS and bang out some knuckle children on his bed.
I would make sure to memorize to a tee where the vid started and when I was done with my session I
would rewind back to the original spot.

I use to also sneak into his room, steal his weed and replace it with oregano, numerous times a
week. One time he bought a large quantity and it was like mother [censored] christmas! I even stole
some and would sell it to my friends.

Back around '96,'97 I had friend who I hung out with who had a pretty hot girlfriend, but for some
reason he loved banging fat chicks. We would go out to clubs and he would just hit on fat whores.
Now mind you I've been known to go harpooning once or a dozen times myself, but if I had a gf as
hot as his was,I wouldn't even think about any other skanks. Anyways he finds this one corpulent
cow that he wants to hook up with at the club. He gets her number and what not and asks me if I
want to go with him cuz she has a roommate (who by the way is an obese butterball as well). Both
those chicks are pigs, both literally and sexually. So we go there on a friday night, they had just
got back from the bar and were trashed. So we walk in and see the one porker my friend is going
to hook up with but the other one that i'm supposed to hook with is no where to be seen. So her fat
friend is sitting there giggling like the chunky little troll she is, when we hear a noise coming
from th
e bedroom. I'm like "wtf". She goes into the room and I here laughing and whispering and 10
minutes later I see some drunk ass dude stumbling out of the bedroom with the missing roommate
behind, pushing him along and trying to kick him out as if it wasn't planned for him to be there [censored]
her fat, greasy ass. So this [censored] beached Orca whale is now thinking i'm going to [censored] her
after she's [censored] some dude in the bedroom as I walk in their house! LMFAO! So she plants her
gigantic frame on the couch and basically falls asleep while my friend is getting a hand job by jabba
the [censored] on the other couch next to me. Thankfully they went to the bedroom to finish, while miss
piggy lie snoring on the couch and me watching late night infomercials.

The first time I had sex was a nightmare. I was 18, she was a 27 year old dead head hippie chick
who lived above my friend. Not the the hottest chick but she had big old titties and I was eager
to get laid. So we get all drunk one night and end up playing strip dice (we didn't have cards) So
eventually I end up in her room we are messing around and I really don't know how to proceed so I
think to myself "well in the pornos the guy always eats the chicks puss out before they bang so I
should do that"

Bad idea.

I start to go down south and near her hatchet wound when i see a giant afro and worse yet, this
stench starts to hit me. I mean it smells like the old 59 cent soft tacos from Taco Bell.
Basically it reeks of hot garbage. I'm like, "well i gotta do what i gotta do I guess" when she stops me
(thankfully) from chowing down on her gash. She flat out tells me, "You can't, I haven't showered
yet today". Okay so now i'm really freaked out,all i wanna do is end my virginity and blow my

I try my best to ignore what just happened but I can't even cum i'm so freaked and grossed out.
Basically i don't end up blowing my load, and just like a mutual aggreement that we end for the
night. She's like, "oh i came what a beautiful thing" Those were her exact words but I think she was
full of [censored] cuz i was really grossed out by the whole sewer snatch thing. Anyways I wake up the
next morning and start walking home, I don't even notice anything till i get out side and see
blood on my fingers. I'm like "wtf how did I cut my self" It's all over my hands and they smell awful.
Then i look down and notice blood on my t-shirt, I'm like "god damn i must of really been drunk i
didn't even feel myself get cut last night"
I get home and start to clean my self up and change when I look down and see it- blood,
everywhere, all over my [censored] and balls, everywhere. I'm really bugging out thinking I cut my dick somehow
but then i realize that this dirty whore had her period all over me while i was [censored] and that's
why she didn't let me eat her [censored]. I swear my finger stunk like period scum for a week. I dont'
know why but i gotta a bunch of nasty pussy eating stories, another time I ate out some spanish
stripper whore (who was also a prostiute) while getting a lapdance at a strip joint.

Anyways, maybe these sucks balls but i'm bored today. I know of more [censored] but this is getting
entirely too long.

Be safe and beware of stinky pussy and fat whores.
best one yet???


I cant even breathe after reading this one. brilliant
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
08-16-2007 , 08:09 PM
This man can't even get email to work

just tried e-mailing and the address doesn't work. so basically all of these have been adanthar so far.
This is the best one.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
10-30-2007 , 03:06 PM
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
10-30-2007 , 03:13 PM
I dont know if this is really that bad. In college I lived in the frat house one year. Sometimes I would keep leftover food in the fridge if me and my roomates fridge was full.

If I didnt collect the food within 24 hours and it was gone I felt it was no big deal. Brothers get drunk and its a public fridge.

However, for a month our mini fridge was down and i had to keep my food in the public one and it kept getting eaten. When your in college, buying meals twice can add up.

So I had a friend help me make brownies but we put laxative in them. Of course the jerks who ate my food got sick.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
10-30-2007 , 03:45 PM
Prenup, yo?
The answer to all those questions OOT asks itself daily

When I was 23 (4 years ago) I went to the gym quite a bit. My lifting partner and I were pretty buff at that point and looked good (BEEFCAAAAAAKE!). We made fun of everyone else at the gym on a daily basis between ourselves and were horribly mean because we viewed them as inferior. One of the girls that came to the gym had terrible looking frizzy, curly hair, overweight by like 30 pounds, never talked to anyone, and was a rumored lesbian. She looked to be about 21 or 22. We made fun of her constantly. One day as I was leaving the gym I saw her in front of me walking to her car, she got into a brand new Range Rover as I walked to my old Honda. I suddenly saw the light. The next time I saw her at the gym I started talking to her and found out who her stepdad was through conversation. I found out that he bought and sold shopping malls and owned a very well known company in my city. I asked another person at the gym if he knew who she was and he laughed and mentioned how ugly she was and I laughed along with him. Then he told me her family was probably worth in excess of $100 million. I stopped laughing. I grew up poor (750 sq. ft house for 5 kids and parents) and I didn't want to be poor anymore. I launched an all out romantic attack on her, we started going out, she still may have been a lesbain but I didn't care, we eventually moved in together, I still couldn't look at her without cringing, and 2 years later we got married. This woman is now my wife.

Beat: I probably married a lesbian
Brag: Her parents bought us a $600,000 house in a country club subdivision that he owns for our wedding present and I work for her dad managing part of his real estate portfolio. I'm on salary at $240,000 a year. Her trust fund pays her $8800/month until she's 30 and she will receive a $10 million lump sum on her 30th birthday. He's 73 now and not doing well, the inheritance will be sick since he didn't have any kids on his own due to completely immersing himself in his business his entire life. I love the money, my wife can't cook and she's ugly, but I'm rich.
Variance: I married someone that I hate and can't look.

My advice to anyone thinking of doing the same thing, swallow your pride and marry the first time for money and the second time for love.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
10-30-2007 , 06:24 PM
K... Love the thread but I'm tired of hearing depressing stories, time for a funny one (all my closest friends know this story):

Right out of high school I had an interview for Nintendo to be a product tester. So I'm running late to my interview obv and driving in an area very unfamiliar to me. I'm about 5 minutes away from the Nintendo campus and I really REALLY have to take a dump like never before in my life. The feeling didn't just creep up on me, it completely blitzed my bowels. Anyway, I'm trying hard to find a gas station, or some place where I can pull over quick and use a bathroom. Nothing but residential areas in upper-middle class suburbia. 2 minutes into my bowels totally pwning my (_o_), I absolutely can't take it and I have no idea how close I am to the Nintendo campus. So, I pull into a quiet, yet somewhat nice neighborhood and quickly park my car. No bushes around so I run into some dudes really nice backyard and take a gigantic crap on their back lawn. I find the nearest leaf and wipe my ass and head off to the interview.

Anyway, I finally get to my interview and I interview with the head of product development for Nintendo for about an hour and a half. To make the interview that more challenging to stay focused, the guy had one glass eye and the other one was cross eye. He would look down take notes, look up and both eyes would be messed up. We're talking much worse than that South Park teacher with saggy ( . ) ( . ). I couldn't tell which eye was the good one and which eye was the bad one. About 10 minutes into the interview, I told myself, eff it, I'm gonna focus on the right eye. Nicest guy in the world and we hit it off quite well. So well, he offered me the job on the spot. As I was walking out with him on the way out, I took a closer look and I realized I was looking at the fake eye the entire time. I'm not sure if that's bad or good but what an uncomfortable day that was.
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
10-30-2007 , 07:19 PM
change IRuleYouHard's title to vampire?
Vagina Vampire
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
10-30-2007 , 07:54 PM
K... Love the thread but I'm tired of hearing depressing stories, time for a funny one (all my closest friends know this story):

Right out of high school I had an interview for Nintendo to be a product tester. So I'm running late to my interview obv and driving in an area very unfamiliar to me. I'm about 5 minutes away from the Nintendo campus and I really REALLY have to take a dump like never before in my life. The feeling didn't just creep up on me, it completely blitzed my bowels. Anyway, I'm trying hard to find a gas station, or some place where I can pull over quick and use a bathroom. Nothing but residential areas in upper-middle class suburbia. 2 minutes into my bowels totally pwning my (_o_), I absolutely can't take it and I have no idea how close I am to the Nintendo campus. So, I pull into a quiet, yet somewhat nice neighborhood and quickly park my car. No bushes around so I run into some dudes really nice backyard and take a gigantic crap on their back lawn. I find the nearest leaf and wipe my ass and head off to the interview.

Anyway, I finally get to my interview and I interview with the head of product development for Nintendo for about an hour and a half. To make the interview that more challenging to stay focused, the guy had one glass eye and the other one was cross eye. He would look down take notes, look up and both eyes would be messed up. We're talking much worse than that South Park teacher with saggy ( . ) ( . ). I couldn't tell which eye was the good one and which eye was the bad one. About 10 minutes into the interview, I told myself, eff it, I'm gonna focus on the right eye. Nicest guy in the world and we hit it off quite well. So well, he offered me the job on the spot. As I was walking out with him on the way out, I took a closer look and I realized I was looking at the fake eye the entire time. I'm not sure if that's bad or good but what an uncomfortable day that was.
Worst confession ever???
BBV Anonymous Confessions Quote
