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***BBB independence day and other disasters. BBB POY race. July LC/NC NSFW*** ***BBB independence day and other disasters. BBB POY race. July LC/NC NSFW***

07-03-2022 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
Resorts World list is not looking like I'm gonna make it anytime soon. Stay here, go back to Sahara, or move to Wynn? First answer wins
07-03-2022 , 12:11 AM
On the way. At least I know who to blame now...
07-03-2022 , 12:12 AM
Yaya make the big wynn monies buy a ferrari there and drive it to king fishes house. drive there longitudinally through space.
07-03-2022 , 12:12 AM
Every was kinda quiet in this town until yesterday. Muricans and their 3.5 holidays per year...
07-03-2022 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
Every was kinda quiet in this town until yesterday. Muricans and their 3.5 holidays per year...
A little too quiet if you ask me....
07-03-2022 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by King Fish
Please not to ruin. I have found a fun thing.

All are welcome to play, but please follow the rules. And try to be discrete. I assume you will figure out what the one rule is.
Like for example I was reading this forum latitudinally and there's no way that's real.
07-03-2022 , 12:54 AM
List at the Wynn is not much better but too lazy to go elsewhere now. At least I didn't bring my vape pen today. KF would approve
07-03-2022 , 01:00 AM
How do we have so many posts in this fred?
07-03-2022 , 01:01 AM
I should do another count.
07-03-2022 , 01:01 AM
But I won't.
07-03-2022 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
How do we have so many posts in this fred?
Hi fidstar, I made a bunch of posts because fwwm told me I was going to find out the truth about morphismous and I don't know what he means. It sounds scary.
07-03-2022 , 01:06 AM
I sounds sexy to me.
07-03-2022 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
I sounds sexy to me.
i'm confused sleepycat zzzzzzzzzzz
07-03-2022 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
Resorts World list is not looking like I'm gonna make it anytime soon. Stay here, go back to Sahara, or move to Wynn? First answer wins
Play tournaments like a real man!
07-03-2022 , 06:36 AM
They don't let me, have you followed the fred? Yesterday the tourney I wanted to play was first delayed then cancelled, today I came in time for the ME satty. Except there was a huge line so I would of have never made it so that was that. Anyways today was pretty terribad pokerwise, I'll spare you the details, but tomorrow is another day. Maybe Sheepday can do the magic! Or even Morphday, we'll see...

Last edited by Sheep86; 07-03-2022 at 09:16 AM. Reason: Grammar
07-03-2022 , 06:41 AM
Real men come early enough to get a ticket!
07-03-2022 , 06:48 AM
Prolly, but I'm the result of my influences here in BBB and elsewhere, so I'm way too girly for that...I know the standard German has already played two tourneys, reserved three pool seats, kissed his wife and done the lawn by the time I even wake up...

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 07-03-2022 at 03:13 PM.
07-03-2022 , 06:50 AM
And since I've just done all of the rest of the cookies there's no chance in hell I will crawl out of my bed before 1-2pmish tomorrow either...
07-03-2022 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
List at the Wynn is not much better but too lazy to go elsewhere now. At least I didn't bring my vape pen today. KF would approve
WTF is up with these foreigners coming into our country with their drugs?!

I’ve alerted Vegas Interpol. Since I didn’t have a picture of you, I sent them a picture of Sammie’s penis.

When they find that I’m sure you’ll be somewhere attached.
07-03-2022 , 10:31 AM
ok i'm leaving forum temporarily, probs for like a week. I just want to know if anyone is mad at me before i leave.
07-03-2022 , 10:33 AM
Also, I assume your not interested since you didn't call me back sammy, that's fine , I don't care i have a long long long list of guys on my phone , but you are invited to a party i'm throuwing in new york city the week of july 20th-july 27th. I'd love to hang out with you.
07-03-2022 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Real men come early enough to get a ticket!
real men don't come early. are you mad at me?
07-03-2022 , 02:54 PM
Now I am!
07-03-2022 , 03:21 PM
Bryce just made Morph come early
07-03-2022 , 03:38 PM
...I said early enough!
