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*** Alien Corn Mazes at the Octoberfest. The Fred for Poorly Paid Mods at 2am. NC/LC NSFW*** *** Alien Corn Mazes at the Octoberfest. The Fred for Poorly Paid Mods at 2am. NC/LC NSFW***

10-08-2023 , 05:33 PM
10-08-2023 , 05:41 PM
10-08-2023 , 09:48 PM
10-09-2023 , 12:38 AM

10-09-2023 , 01:36 AM
Still a strong contender for BBB POTY tho.

I haven't been to one final table this year, I don't think.
10-09-2023 , 03:02 AM
I came 17th out of 1300 in $11 Saturday PKO on stars yesterday.
10-09-2023 , 03:25 AM
Congrats Morph on being the best loser.
10-09-2023 , 03:26 AM
Congrats Colin on cumming 17th in a 3,000 person gang bang.
10-09-2023 , 02:28 PM
I came
10-09-2023 , 03:22 PM
PL CL HL ITM 3/31 leggo!
10-09-2023 , 04:01 PM
10-09-2023 , 04:12 PM
10-09-2023 , 10:00 PM

10-09-2023 , 10:12 PM
Could NC/LC NSFW distractions be responsible for this downturn?
10-10-2023 , 12:56 AM
Prolly. or Morph outmorphed himself or something. Who knows? It seems the whole world is going to hell anyways. Like my neighbor said, as soon as they started the LHC we're all doomed...
10-11-2023 , 01:25 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Like, so I was out today, but just a lil bit. main reason some semiimportant stuff to do tomorrow/today at 9am. Prolly.
I don't wanna necessarily lose my job over some stupidity like that. Mind you I have moar than enough stories where I got dangerously close to the fire anyway. I should only go out like that, like today, with some bullet over my head, belive me there are moar than enough stories of me being at 10am with some peeps I never met before at a place that isn't even on the map. And not sober obv.
But let's not discuss that now, for the moment I'm drunk but will be a functioning member of society in 8h or something. No thanks to Morph. lol like the last place where I was, was mainly hookers on the female side. Me being the nice person that I am, when it's a situation like that, I will always inform them, when it's obvious, early and frankly/nicely that I'm prolly the wrong target for tonight. Some appreciate it, but there is always the fraction of omg what you're talking about?? Kindness is never appreciated.
Anyways I blame Morph. Also did I mention that the supermarket next to me really sucks, it's called 759, prolly some story behind it but too lazy to look it up. Anyways, they never have what I want, don't matter if it's chinese/Asian or western stuff. So that's why I'm drinking this, but actually it's quite ok. GN

Last edited by FWWM; 10-11-2023 at 01:38 PM.
10-11-2023 , 09:38 PM
More story; less talking about the story imo.
10-11-2023 , 09:39 PM
Typical meta Gen-Xer.
10-12-2023 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
More story; less talking about the story imo.
There's a reason why it's NC/LC. I've told the full story of yesterday evening, it wasn't that exciting, I was out, I got drunk, met a few peeps, fended off a ton of hookers, went home, shitpoasted a bit on bbv and went to sleep.
If you are referring to the other stories I mentioned I am afraid they they'll have to go the way of the nit-tastic tales or something. These can be told with some time and geographical distance but not now, partly because they would prolly make me easily identifiable to anyone with some local knowledge. Other reasons also. There is prolly a way to anonymize these but I do neither have the time or the passion to do so now. Unfortunately I am still part of the working population and right meow is the busiest time of the year thanks to Morph.
10-12-2023 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by RacerExTex
Could NC/LC NSFW distractions be responsible for this downturn?
Not a downturn mate, 17th is my best result all year lol.

P.S- I did come 4th in a small bowl earlier this year.
10-12-2023 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
There's a reason why it's NC/LC. I've told the full story of yesterday evening, it wasn't that exciting, I was out, I got drunk, met a few peeps, fended off a ton of hookers, went home, shitpoasted a bit on bbv and went to sleep.
If you are referring to the other stories I mentioned I am afraid they they'll have to go the way of the nit-tastic tales or something. These can be told with some time and geographical distance but not now, partly because they would prolly make me easily identifiable to anyone with some local knowledge. Other reasons also. There is prolly a way to anonymize these but I do neither have the time or the passion to do so now. Unfortunately I am still part of the working population and right meow is the busiest time of the year thanks to Morph.
You know BBV has like 7 people that come here.
10-12-2023 , 07:55 AM
You know what they say, what happens on the internet, stays on the internet. Or was that Salt Lake City? Anyways you get the idea. Besides, as everywhere, the passive scrollers outnumber the active poasters greatly, esp over time and the interwebs have a lot of cray crays. I can do without too much personal exposure for now, I've enough other problems
10-12-2023 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
You know what they say, what happens on the internet, stays on the internet. Or was that Salt Lake City? Anyways you get the idea. Besides, as everywhere, the passive scrollers outnumber the active poasters greatly, esp over time and the interwebs have a lot of cray crays. I can do without too much personal exposure for now, I've enough other problems
Mr. FWWM is a wise man.
10-12-2023 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Not a downturn mate, 17th is my best result all year lol.

P.S- I did come 4th in a small bowl earlier this year.
Morph’s the best of BBV but Sammie’s not around anymore to motivate him to greatness.

Sheep can only do so much, given the innate cuddebility of all fluffy beings.

Even Fids has been reduced to soliciting Morph for nekkid selfies and not even specifying a Gru mask & scarf for a truly Despicable Me(me)!

Therefore it is left to this lowly junior mod to inspire the take-no-prisoners attitude necessary to Morph to be the champion that BBV deserves!

10-12-2023 , 04:30 PM

I hear that Grimes is back on the market these days. Little Techno Mechanicus could use a new dad.
