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5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr 5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr

01-26-2010 , 01:30 AM
If you're bored easily, just go ahead and hit the back button now.

I decided to donk off a little money playing some blackjack on Players Only. I asked in the probability forum what are the odds of the dealer (or anyone) getting 5 blackjacks in a row. I obv failed with my super sweet martingale (as usual) and here is the resulting chat conversation with support. (note: I know online blackjack is stupid and not beatable. It also get's slightly better towards the end)

Please wait for a site operator to respond. You are currently customer 1 in queue. Your wait time will be approximately 2 seconds Thank you for your patience.

Alex: Hello, my name is Alex. I'll be assisting you today..
me: Hello, how are you
Alex: I'm great.
me: good, can you see my question above?
Alex: Yes I saw your question.
me: And your answer?
Alex: Our software meets all the standards set by online gaming regulators.
me: that's not what I asked
Alex: If there was a bias, customers would have the ability to see patterns and trends and use these to their advantage.
Alex: Our generator is fair for all.
Alex: Our software provider is a leading international e-gaming solutions provider that has been in business since 1997.
me: Once again, not what I asked
me: Listen to what I'm asking
me: Stop with your default replies
me: and listen to my question, I want you to tell me the odds of getting 5 blackjacks in a row
Alex: i know you are because of the casino, You don't feel the casino is fair.
Alex: Our gaming software uses a 6-deck shoe which is shuffled after every hand.
me: lol. I'm sure the casino is fair
me: that's not what I'm asking
me: I know the software meets "standards"
me: I simply asking for you to tell me the odds of anyone getting 5 black jacks in a row
Alex: You are asking why dealer get 5, I repeat FIVE black jacks in a row
me: I'm asking what are the odds for anyone (me, the dealer, your mom) to get 5 blackjacks in a row
me: 1 in a million?
Alex: I know it can be weird, but remember playing in a only casino is not the same like playing on a real casino.
me: I know this!
me: I know the differences, you use a continuous shuffle etc etc
me: Just answer one question
me: What is the statistical number of getting 5 blackjacks in a row
me: call somebody if you don't know, use a life line
Alex: Please let me check your gaming.
me: Sure. It was the last 5 hands obv. I'm not upset. I would just like an answer of what are the odds.
me: I think it's along the lines of 3.2 million to 1
me: double check my math please
Alex: If you are asking me how that happen, it just happen and as the way our system is designed it can happen to you as well getting a few blackjacks on a row
me: I know it can happen to me
Alex: The system is random.
me: You're avoiding the question
me: I'm not good at math either, but you could tell me instead of avoiding the question
Alex: If something like this happen to you you would not complain about the software.
me: I'm not complaining about the ****ing software!!!!!!
me: I want you to answer one question
me: No more, just one
me: You ready for it?
me: give me a numerical figure, what are the odds that I could receive 5 black jacks in a row
Alex: I know there should be a mathematic explanation but I don't have the answer.
me: Can you call someone (or chat with someone) who does?
Alex: No one would be able to give you an answer on that
me: No one in your entire company can do the math
Alex: the odds against that may be impossible but it happens.
me: how can it happen if the odds are impossible? ....screw it, you're no help. Goodnight.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:35 AM
online blackjack on playersonly is worse than crack
I've had numerous debacles on there
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:36 AM
odds are not that hard
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:38 AM
0.000000254803968 or 0.0000254803986 %
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:42 AM
Same odds as getting K5 5 times in a row obv.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
0.000000254803968 or 0.0000254803986 %
And I divide it into 1? Meaning 3,936,393 to 1? If so, slightly worse than I thought.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:46 AM
no a blackjack is an ace with any 10 valued card, getting k5 ,5 times in a row, is significantly less probable
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:50 AM
Actually lol'd at the end.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:51 AM
The probability of getting an Ace with a K-t is:


That is assuming the casino has a 1 deck shoe but since I dont play online I would have no clue only assume....

Just multiply the number by itself 5 times and wuahlah!
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Kylebranham
Same odds as getting K5 5 times in a row obv.

Last edited by timotinbowen; 01-26-2010 at 01:52 AM. Reason: slow pony is slow
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:55 AM
Can we get away from the math and move towards the incompetent chat convo? Just a thought. If not, please continue.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 02:04 AM
Reminded me of the Verizon .002 dollars/cents support call
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 02:09 AM
try being the dealer
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 03:20 AM
odds are 100%. It happened, didn't it?
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 03:38 AM
thatll teach for you not taking insurance when they offer it.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:20 AM
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 04:40 AM
I'd say the odds are pretty good. Don't quote me on that though.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
The probability of getting an Ace with a K-t is:

This would be the prob of getting a BJ with the ace being dealt first.
Add (16/52)*(4/51) to that gives you .0482654 or 19.71878 to 1 for any BJ.
Interesting and easy to remember how close to 1 out of 21 the chances of any blackjack are.

Ergo, 5 in a row is 3,817,864 to 1

If they were going to fix the game why would they do it this obviously?
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 06:43 AM

Alex: i know you are because of the casino, You don't feel the casino is fair.

Alex: You are asking why dealer get 5, I repeat FIVE black jacks in a row
me: I'm asking what are the odds for anyone (me, the dealer, your mom) to get 5 blackjacks in a row

Alex: I know it can be weird, but remember playing in a only casino is not the same like playing on a real casino.

Alex: If you are asking me how that happen, it just happen

Alex: If something like this happen to you you would not complain about the software.

Alex: the odds against that may be impossible but it happens.

Last edited by icancount2one; 01-26-2010 at 06:43 AM. Reason: odds are 50/50 obv
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 07:16 AM

im optimistic
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by LT_21
16 posts to get to the obvious answer?
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey_Tilt
If you're bored easily, just go ahead and hit the back button now.
so i did
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
I'd say the odds are pretty good. Don't quote me on that though.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 08:12 AM
lol @ trying to ask some random customer support guy to calculate this
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey_Tilt
0.000000254803968 or 0.0000254803986 %
And I divide it into 1? Meaning 3,936,393 to 1? If so, slightly worse than I thought.
No. if p is the probability as a decimal, odds against it happening are expressed [ (1-p) / p ] to 1

So the odds would be 25,480,403 to 1. Although that is not the correct answer to your question, as Rainbow Warrior notes. It is kind of funny that you got very close to Rainbow Warrior's answer anyway.
5 blackjacks in a row, incompetent chat with support included. tl;dr Quote
