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0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion 0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion

06-27-2008 , 11:59 PM
This is a starting point for the rules and by no means a final set of rules. There may be a ton of things I have left off that either the people betting against me want changed or I myself think of adding/subtracting as this thread goes on. I tried to use the WCGrider thread as a guide to some extent. Anyway, here it goes...

1. All tables will be $2/4 blind no limit holdem on Pokerstars or Full Tilt poker. If for some reason my account is banned on either site then the bet will be paused and resumed when my account is reinstated.

2. All tables must be 5 max or greater. No heads up allowed. I can only sit at the table if there are at least 3 people at the table when I get dealt cards. If the table breaks and there is less than 3 people at the table I may continue to play.

3. Dusty Schmidt and Dusty Schmidt (aka Leatherass9 on both Pokerstars and Full Tilt) is the only person who may play on the account. There will be a webcam on me at all times when I am playing to help ensure that no one else plays the account other than myself.

4. Wagerers may not play at these tables without asking pre-bet with valid evidence that NL $2/4 is a normal level for them. In the scenario where excessive opponents above or below the normal skill level of a nl 2/4 game player attempt to change the game atmosphere by sitting in my games, the panel of judges noted in rule 10, are to make a decision on the state of the bet and reasonable conduct to continue it.

5. $100,000 must be won, after paying rake, and not counting rakeback or bonuses or full tilt points or money from anything other than the poker games described in #1. The money must be won in a pre-declared period of 31 consecutive calendar days, to start at Noon PST of a declared day and end exactly 31 days later. If $100,000 or more is won, and all other conditions are met, Leatherass9 wins. If $99,999.99 or less is won, or any other condition is not met by Leatherass9, Leatherass9 loses. If at any time Leatherass9 claims to have made $100,000, he is to make the hands available to the panelists directly from pokerstars and Full Tilt with no ability to interfere on his end. The panelists then have 72 hours to review the hand histories of the event. If panelists accept the hand histories as valid evidence as to winning $100,000, Leatherass9 is to be shipped the winnings in total from a predetermined escrow person. If at any point Leatherass9 verifiably claims defeat, or the 31st day passes without breaking $100,000 in total winnings, then the wagers in their entirity are to be shipped to the parties betting against Leatherass9. If any individual wagerer against Leatherass9 breaks the rules, they forfeit their wager which will then be paid to Leatherass9 but the rest of the wagers stand. If gross misconduct by wagerers is alleged by Leatehrass9 (one person screwing with him on behalf of several others), three predetermined panelists will determine how next to proceed and a “timeout on the wager will be called until a decision is made. The three members will be chosen prior to the start of the bet.

6. If at any point the webcam stops working, hands played in the first 2 hours of it not working WILL count, but not after that. If the website hosting the webcam ( website not determined yet) crashes or the feed to the website isn’t working, a “timeout” will be called and the panelists will be notified and once a decision has been made by them, the clock will resume.

7. All wagerers will be given Leatherass9’s skype number and they can call at anytime that Leatherass9 claims to be playing to verify that he is indeed playing. A maximum of 5 skype call can be made per wagerer and the calls can only last for 10 seconds at most. This will provide an additional measure to ensure that I am the one playing while also being webcammed.

8. If Leatherass9 claims victory, a timeout will be in effect until the panel comes to a decision and if the panel decides that the declaration was premature and the $100,00 has not been reached, Leatherass9 may go back and play more hands and not lose the time away while the panel decides. If the panel does decide that Leatherass9’s declaration was premature, the clock restarts the moment the panel let’s Leatherass9 know their decision.

9. As part of the motivation for the wagerers may be entertainment, Leatherass9 agrees to provide daily-ish updates in a thread as to his progress or on a website that hosts the progress. Good faith effort to update at least every 24 hours is expected, but this condition will not be considered breached until Leatherass9 plays one hand when 72 or more hours have gone by without update. This means if he decides to take 4 days off for whatever reason, he doesn't have to provide daily updates as long as he gives us an update before he starts playing again.

10. The panel of judges assembled to provide for a fairly evaluated bet in cause of accused misconduct consists of 3 undetermined members of the poker community. If wagerers representing up to $10,000 in action file a complaint to the panel, it is their responsibility to make a fair ruling within a 72 hour time frame and report it to both parties. The panel is primarily to be used in order to allow the bet to take its course in its entirty with minimum outside influence, and is only to award the bet to a given party in cases of extreme misconduct and a 3-0 without any doubt ruling. The merit of this bet is for Leatherass9 to play nl $2/4 for 31 days against the current skill level of the online nl $2/4 games and win $100,000. The judges are to make rulings that allow for this to take place to the best of their ability and with minimal interference.

11. Leatherass9 may request one and one only 24 hour timeout during the bet under the following conditions. Death of ANY family member. Death of any Stoxpoker team member or death of any friend. Environmental disaster. A technological setback such as an extended power outage or an internet connectivity issue. Personal injury and hospital information must be provided to panelists AND approved for this to count. For any of these circumstances the burden of proof is on Leatherass9 and it must be also approved by the panel in order to qualify for a 24 hour timeout.

12. Anytime a timeout of any kind takes effect, the time is then added to the date in which the bet would normally have ended. It is my hope, for obvious reasons, that a timeout of any kind is never needed.

This is all I can come up with for now. This is by no means set in stone and the intent of this thread is to finalize terms as well as who exactly wants to officially commit themselves to a wager of not less than $1k, but not greater than $10k unless I make exceptions to people I personally feel comfortable making exceptions for. I tentatively plan on capping my personal action at $250k, but may go $50kish higher. I know there are others who want to bet ON me and we can probably set something up that allows additional action for those that want to bet against each other.

I am greatly looking forward to hearing from everyone about concerns they may have as well as all the things I have surely left off. As far as escrow goes I have a couple of pending people that if they choose to do it you guys will all know who they are and they are as reputable as they come. I also need to find 3(?) super reputable people who serve as the panelists for this bet. So any help with that would be awesome. Basically this serves as a starting point for negotiations and I will keep a strong eye on this thread and hopefully we can start coming to terms so we can make this happen. I am very excited for the challenge. Like I said in the last thread I can’t start the bet until mid August. Definitely no sooner that the 13th I think. Anyway, I look forward to the help. Thanks.

Last edited by leatherass; 06-28-2008 at 12:09 AM.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:05 AM
1. Since you can ban yourself, I think your action will have problems with this.

2. Should be changed to 3 active players.

7. What happens if you don't answer a call?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:05 AM
Have you decided on the odds?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:06 AM
Best of luck to you, I think you can easily do it.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Kowalski
Have you decided on the odds?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:07 AM
you the man

good luck
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:08 AM
how much are you looking to take?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by albedoa
1. Since you can ban yourself, I think your action will have problems with this.

2. Should be changed to 3 active players.
As far as #1 goes I think this is a good point. I would have to provide evidence from the website that froze my account that clearly shows to the judges that I didn't intentionally ban myself.

On #2 I'm sure they will be active players.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by leatherass
As far as #1 goes I think this is a good point. I would have to provide evidence from the website that froze my account that clearly shows to the judges that I didn't intentionally ban myself.

On #2 I'm sure they will be active players.
On #2, yeah I am sure too, but you should word it in the spirit of the rule so that you can't sit down to play heads up with someone while two others are already sitting out and continue to do so. Just my opinion.

Also, check my edit for #7. And you didn't mention deep tables, which some people had an issue with last thread.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:20 AM
I want to put $1k on this against you making the 100k, just so I stay interested.

Is there any way I can still do this?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:20 AM
You only want 24 hrs for a death of a family member or natural disaster etc? Id think id ask for at least 2 or 3 days.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:21 AM
if the finalized rules are similar to this, put me down for 2k (1:1). Also, what are the buyouts (quitting mid-way) going to be?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:26 AM
what if you die/ are injured to the point of which you can no longer play
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:28 AM
I'll put $3K against.

And if anyone wants to bet against and wants insurance on their bet, I'll sell it (PM me).
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:30 AM
I'd like to put 3k against this, I play some 2/4 fr on PS regularly since there aren't enough 5/10 and 3/6 games to play, but I wouldn't "hog up waitlists" or slow down tables etc..
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by rmoriar1
what if you die/ are injured to the point of which you can no longer play
I am willing to take the risk that I won't ge injured. My guess is that since most of the people who I will book action with are going to be reputable people who have a lot of money already, I can't imagine they would take the money if I died or if I had a heart attack and wasn't able to play. I mean I know I sure as heck wouldn't take anyone's money if that was the case. If they want to win that way though, then they can have the money. I am not going to put a rule against it.

As far as if I get severely injured or a family member dying, I am only asking for 24 hours, but of course if the panel wants to give me more I think that would be the appropriate thing to do. Or if the wagerers themselves want to give me more then that would be nice of them. I think with any of these rules, if some unforseen circumstance comes up, my guess is most people betting against me are decent human beings and will do the right thing. If I didn't think they were good people I would probably take this to a lawyer and have him make it so that it is 100% legit.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:56 AM
Is my bet going to be taken or were the bets already accepted in the other thread?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:04 AM
1:1 seems surprising to me.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:04 AM
is a $500 wager against too small to be considered?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:13 AM
lol so epic.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Is my bet going to be taken or were the bets already accepted in the other thread?
No bets have formally been accepted so ONLY if you are 100% sure you want to commit to a wager should you post in this thread. I am consdering anyone who says they will wager in this thread and then failing to do so in the end as going against their word. Of course if I get an insane amount of action, which I might, then I plan on sorting through and figuring out whose action to take. We will surely come up with a way for those who want to bet that I can do it to somehow book action versus action that I inevitably get overbooked on. I know of a few people who want to bet on me that will surely accept any action that I don't want.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:32 AM
I hope so, jk

Who are the choices for the escrow agent?
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:45 AM
wow this is like wcg only 100x better. and i dont even have money on this one.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:46 AM
I think you need more than 24 hours in the case of a death in the family or personal injury.
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
06-28-2008 , 01:46 AM
can someone link to the wcg thread
0k In 31 Days at 2/4nl Rules/Wagers Discussion Quote
