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10-28-2013 , 02:49 PM
I decided recently it was time to start making some money in my life...

I just got a nice job, £1200/month after tax, I'm 21, live with family, no bills to pay besides a little voluntary rent contribution.. £100/month.

I cut my losses in online poker when I turned 18 in 2010 when I lost £100-£200 trying to learn the game...

This time I wanted to do it right, I learned how to play, how to grind, take advantage of soft tables... sitting to the left of loose fish and constantly re-raising them off their hands and smashing them with better hands in showdowns in micro cash games was my mainstay... it worked for me, consistently.

At the end of September I had £3012 in my bank account, I deposited the £12 into William Hill after watching some WSOP videos on youtube, and I set myself up for a slow, patient, strong grind in micro cash...

Less than 30 minutes ago I looked at my bankroll, £945, I was proud of it... that wasn't just money, that was my bankroll, I worked hard to build that, dedicated many hours, it took so so so so so many hands to achieve, the majority of my free time, and I was delighted with my achievement.


I made a huge mistake, I went to close a cash table on William Hill and I accidentally clicked on Blackjack... and then I wondered... what if I bet £67 and get lucky.. that would put me on £1012... and I would have made exactly £1000 profit from my original £12 deposit, a quick fix to reach that milestone...

So I did it, and lost, so doubled the bet.. and lost, doubled again.. and lost... and then clicked on roulette, almost in a trance, out of control, "I want my money back"...

Needless to say, my William Hill account is now £0.00

It's not the money, it's the principle, I'm EXTREMELY disappointed in myself, I played such a solid game for a month straight, I didn't chase hands and miracle rivers, I was never tempted to call that Donkeys preflop all in with my KJ suited, I didn't gamble on the RNG, I played with skill, good bets and solid form..

And then I go and blow my hard work in under 10 minutes on mugs game...

I'm tempted to take a break for a couple of weeks, and then start again... maybe even start playing live poker, but now... and considering my gambling habits in the past, it makes me wonder if I'm ever going to be a winning player..
10-28-2013 , 02:57 PM
So you only lost 1% of your monthly income. GTFO
10-28-2013 , 03:01 PM
and then...

10-28-2013 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by orb_dam_u
So you only lost 1% of your monthly income. GTFO
I lost £945.. my entire bankroll, which took me a full month to grind, as a beginner.
10-28-2013 , 03:04 PM
10-28-2013 , 03:06 PM
Gotta lose that money.
10-28-2013 , 03:07 PM
But your poker graph is still +ve.
You win at poker.
Just deposit a measly £1k and carry on like nothing happened.
10-28-2013 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by orb_dam_u
So you only lost 1% of your monthly income. GTFO

Originally Posted by EddieUK
I lost £945.. my entire bankroll, which took me a full month to grind, as a beginner.

Both valid points I know it sucks O.P but you're not alone... It's been done thousands of times and for thousands more. You'll recover, just try and not do it again.
10-28-2013 , 03:11 PM
Lol, l,o,l
10-28-2013 , 04:47 PM
You lost £12, deal with it OP
10-28-2013 , 04:59 PM
OP just face it you're a degenerate gambler.
10-28-2013 , 05:29 PM
Just don't play the games that are not poker. Easy
10-28-2013 , 06:04 PM
Contact the site and self ban yourself from casino games. Believe me you're not the first person this happened to and won't be the last either.
10-28-2013 , 06:47 PM
You lost 1k essentially so 1 month's work. Go read degen stories I guarantee you will feel better.
10-28-2013 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by EddieUK
I lost £945.. my entire bankroll, which took me a full month to grind, as a beginner.
If you can grind 12 to 945 in a month you must be half good. Rinse repeat learn from it and stay away from casino games.

And yes you did only loose 1% of your wage, but gl next month.

Last edited by barradri; 10-28-2013 at 07:14 PM. Reason: in b4 EAD
10-29-2013 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by MrJu1ce
Contact the site and self ban yourself from casino games. Believe me you're not the first person this happened to and won't be the last either.
10-29-2013 , 10:55 AM
10-29-2013 , 11:44 AM
10-29-2013 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by EddieUK
I lost £945.. my entire bankroll, which took me a full month to grind, as a beginner.
its okay poker also need losers to work
10-29-2013 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
its okay poker also need losers to work
But they gotta be losers in poker, not BJ & roulette! ducy?
10-29-2013 , 04:29 PM
Been there done that. That doubling your bet on blackjack works well until you lose 10 in a row
10-30-2013 , 04:48 AM
no and then!
10-30-2013 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
Lolol I spit my drink
10-30-2013 , 10:13 AM
congrats u r a degen - you'll fit right in!
10-30-2013 , 03:00 PM
Let us know when you deposit again I want an update
