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1/2 nit cashes out over K at the 2/5 NL 1/2 nit cashes out over K at the 2/5 NL

08-10-2010 , 12:17 PM
So yesterday night I was playing in the most loosy-juicy 2/5 NL game ever. Two guys were on super tilt and were raising and calling with any piece of trash and just dumping their money left and right. To give you an idea, one person would raise to $25, 6 people would call, someone else would reraise to $125 and EVERYBODY would call. Same thing post flop.

Anyways so there are only 2/5 tables running and this Northern Euro trash with a beard sits down with $100. He looked like the kind of person that would play a 15/10 TAG'tard 1c/2c on PokerStars all day. He doesn't play a hand for a couple of orbits. Goes all in a few times with QQ and KK and gets paid by the tilters (Q8 and A7 or something) and he now has over $600.

Then he has pocket 2-2 in a 6-way 3bet pot where no one bets the K Q 3 flop and a deuce hits the turn. Our nit quadruples up off KQ, A6ss, and an open-ended straight flush draw (45ss). Everyone misses.

Of course, the scumbag goes on a "break" for half an hour as he sits on over 2K. He is litterally shaking in every move. While staking chips his hands are shaking! While announcing bets or whatever, he is not stable. I can tell he has never seen so much money in his life.

He kept asking the floor of there was a 1/2 openning anytime soon so he can sit down with $100. Then he proceeds to ask if there was a seat open at the 5/5 NL. Everyone was like wtf. He's like he just wants to put $1500 in his pockets. I don't know if he was serious or just trying to get people on tilt by making them wanna punch him in the ****ing face.

He hits a few more monster hand and lucky draws and keeps stacking the tilting fishes that paid his off with complete garbage. He now has $4K in front of him and goes back on break. There is a waiting list while the nit sits out. This time a one-hour "dinner" break. When he comes back he insta-cashes out.

As for me, of course I ran several thousands below EV. Got 3 outtered, 2 outtered, missed a 15 outter, missed a 12 outter, all four of the biggest pots of the night. Finished +$1700 and am tilted as ever.
08-10-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by DRUNKCOWBOY
quit reading after this, cliffs plz
08-10-2010 , 12:21 PM
Don't open the spoiler
Cool story bro
Keep on Trucking 8-)
08-10-2010 , 12:23 PM
Gotta love live poker, i had these crazy russians at 2/2€ cashgames last nite and cashed out 2k€.

Its like raise 10bb get 5 calls 100€ in pot i got 96s K89 flop checks, turn 8 checks, river 9, i donk 300€ into 100€ pot get 2 calls and ship it lol

Also 200bb openshover and whatver, my standard open was to like 40bb and id get 2+ calls to that from the paystations
08-10-2010 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by -PoKeR-
Gotta love live poker, i had these crazy russians at 2/2€ cashgames last nite and cashed out 2k€.

Its like raise 10bb get 5 calls 100€ in pot i got 96s K89 flop checks, turn 8 checks, river 9, i donk 300€ into 100€ pot get 2 calls and ship it lol

Also 200bb openshover and whatver, my standard open was to like 40bb and id get 2+ calls to that from the paystations
You raise 10bb with 96s, suck out and "love it"... I got the solution for people like you

08-10-2010 , 12:30 PM
Then he has pocket 2-2 in a 6-way 3bet pot where no one bets the K Q 3 flop and a deuce hits the turn. Our nit quadruples up off KQ, A6ss, and an open-ended straight flush draw (45ss). Everyone misses.
You can not have an OESD. DUCY?

Paging Alobar to ban op
08-10-2010 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by SUITEDACESLOL
You raise 10bb with 96s, suck out and "love it"... I got the solution for people like you

i accualy called from the smallblind like 600bb deep with the biggest fish at the table, and when i say paystation i mean it you get paid off anything you wanted
08-10-2010 , 12:33 PM
haha cool

I didnt read it
08-10-2010 , 12:42 PM
Stopped reading after "loosy-juicy"
08-10-2010 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by SUITEDACESLOL
cliffs plz
trust me, you don't wanna know
08-10-2010 , 12:47 PM
tl; dr
08-10-2010 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Goose bumps
trust me, you don't wanna know
ok this got me curious so I started reading.....but quit halfway

cool story btw
08-10-2010 , 01:19 PM
Guy sat down with $100, got his money in miles ahead every time, turned it into $4k, then left.
OP is mad because $4k appeared to be a pretty big win for the guy and he took a few breaks.
OP is a douche for not appreciating that a casual player might actually get a little nervous at having $4k in front of him.
08-10-2010 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by sump
You can not have an OESD. DUCY?

Paging Alobar to ban op
Are you that much of a ****ing moron or what? I even mentionned the hand that was the OESFD.

Ok, pop quiz: K Q 3 2. What hand is open-ended here?

Can we ban THIS ****ing clown already?

Last edited by DRUNKCOWBOY; 08-10-2010 at 01:23 PM. Reason: There are in fact two possibilities. One of them was in play.
08-10-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by DRUNKCOWBOY
Are you that much of a ****ing moron or what? I even mentionned the hand that was the OESFD.

Ok, pop quiz: K Q 3 2. What hand is open-ended here?

Can we ban THIS ****ing clown already?
Do you mean he had an open-ended straight AND a flush draw, or an open-ended straight flush draw?

Because if it was the 2s on the turn he's got the flush, numpty.

And how does 2s3c4s5s plan to hit a straight flush?
08-10-2010 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by DRUNKCOWBOY
Are you that much of a ****ing moron or what? I even mentionned the hand that was the OESFD.

Ok, pop quiz: K Q 3 2. What hand is open-ended here?

Can we ban THIS ****ing clown already?
Confirmed. Ban this ****ing clown
08-10-2010 , 01:28 PM
Ban OP.

08-10-2010 , 01:31 PM
the only way he could have an oesfd ott is if the turn was 2 and he has 45

if he has 45 then he has an oesd + f/d
it's a technicality yes, but this is BBV what did you expect mon?
08-10-2010 , 01:33 PM
OP is just confused that someone made $4k on a superbad table by playing TAG and he made less playing 96s.
08-10-2010 , 01:37 PM
If the board is K Q 3 2 and I got 4 5, do I not have an OESFD? I'm open ended AND I got a fl dr.
08-10-2010 , 01:37 PM
08-10-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by DRUNKCOWBOY
If the board is K Q 3 2 and I got 4 5, do I not have an OESFD? I'm open ended AND I got a fl dr.

08-10-2010 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by DRUNKCOWBOY
If the board is K Q 3 2 and I got 4 5, do I not have an OESFD? I'm open ended AND I got a fl dr.
08-10-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by DRUNKCOWBOY
If the board is K Q 3 2 and I got 4 5, do I not have an OESFD? I'm open ended AND I got a fl dr.
You, sir, are a confirmed idiot!


08-10-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by qazikm2000
You, sir, are a confirmed idiot!


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