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1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity

10-02-2007 , 11:54 AM
So I realized I had a one thousandth post coming up, which is, of course, something of a milestone. I wanted to think of something sufficiently dramatic, and then it occured to me that I have a kind of secret that I haven't declared on 2p2 yet. I've made a few friends and a few enemies on the collective forum (most posts in uNL, now SSNL, and BBV), and I'm sure plenty more people who will go "huh? who's that guy?" This reveal is mainly for the benefit of the latter crew.

I graduated from Michigan State University (go green) with a computer engineering degree that I don't care for back in December, and have been residing in East Lansing since. I recently celebrated my 24th birthday (the misleading SN is now approximately a decade old) and have long run the semi-popular website I am currently working part-time as a substitute teacher in the area, and playing poker almost exclusively on WPX as a hobby; my recent bankroll-tripling tournament finish, chronicled here, has vaulted me into playing for significant real-life money (since I am not particularly wealthy), an exciting development. This is all merely background on me - the portion interesting to the reader concerns my second job, started over a month ago:

I work as a personal assistant to one Andrew Robl, A.K.A. good2cu.

I will be taking questions.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 11:55 AM
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 11:56 AM
how do you manage to wipe his brow without getting exhausted?
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 11:58 AM
1. is his penis as small as he alludes to through his pathetic shipitholla website.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 11:58 AM
has he ever had you lick the sweat off of his balls after a particularly bad beat that got his blood pressure up?
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:00 PM
1) What does he pay you
2) your site is ugly and not popular at all
3) what kind of stuff does he make you do
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:00 PM
i wouldnt be suprised if this was a multiaccount built to 1000posts for credibility just so good2cu could praise himself.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:02 PM
You are all sick. But, as promised:

how do you manage to wipe his brow without getting exhausted?
The camera adds 5 inches to his forehead. He is actually pretty normal-looking.

1. is his penis as small as he alludes to through his pathetic shipitholla website.
Thankfully, I wouldn't know.

has he ever had you lick the sweat off of his balls after a particularly bad beat that got his blood pressure up?
No. When I've seen him play, he has been moderately even-tempered.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:03 PM
Your site is pretty crappy imo.

1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:05 PM
my recent bankroll-tripling tournament finish, chronicled here,
for those that missed he he won $1,200
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:08 PM
1) What does he pay you
2) your site is ugly and not popular at all
3) what kind of stuff does he make you do
1) I get 15 bucks an hour, a fine rate of pay. Hopefully he won't mind that I told; shouldn't be a problem since I knew about this before applying for the job, as did others.

2) This is not technically a question, but... I acknowledge that the layout is pretty basic (or "ugly" if you prefer); I don't have much fancy HTML knowledge and I've always leaned toward content. A few years ago, the site was getting 15k unique hits a year without me advertising, which I think is fairly respectable.

3) I take care of the upkeep in his house (before anyone asks, I am not the "butler" in his recent Vegas story, and was not present), book flights, make payments on things, do most of his shopping, do some data mining, and whatever other chore he might come up with. There will be jokes (comes with the territory), but none of it is of a sexual nature.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:10 PM
i wouldnt be suprised if this was a multiaccount built to 1000posts for credibility just so good2cu could praise himself.
That would be kind of funny, but no, I am very much my own man.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:11 PM
Your site is pretty crappy imo.

Turn the stupid music off. Music on any website makes me hit the little X in the corner.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:26 PM
how many hours a week do you work for him?
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:29 PM
how many hours a week do you work for him?
Around 13 on average. Mostly in the afternoon, usually during the week.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:32 PM
I take care of the upkeep in his house (before anyone asks, I am not the "butler" in his recent Vegas story, and was not present), book flights, make payments on things, do most of his shopping, do some data mining, and whatever other chore he might come up with. There will be jokes (comes with the territory), but none of it is of a sexual nature.
i like good2cu. Guy knows how to live.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:32 PM
do you both live in lansing?
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:34 PM
Hmmm good idea I need a butler also
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:35 PM
do you both live in lansing?
East Lansing, and yes. He is in the downtown area near Hagadorn, and I am closer to Okemos, just north of Grand River (though I haven't been spending much time at my new place).
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:36 PM
Hmmm good idea I need a butler also
Make sure you can find someone trustworthy and competent. The main reason I got this job over other qualified candidates was that there is a mutual friend who could vouch for me.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:47 PM
Are you invited to parties and clubs or does he make you stay at home? DO you get to carry the wallet? How often does he work out? How often do you? What's his favorite kind of fast food?

I know you can't answer this, but I'm really curious as to how ridiculous his lack of insight is...mildly amusing fobile or full-blown self-delusion?

Have you met any famous (read: TV) pros while working for him? Does he know any IRL? Does he know any non-poker players at all? What kind of chicks hang out at the compound?

Why do I care about this idk imo.
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:49 PM
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 12:56 PM
what do you want to do when the SIHB boys all go bust and/or stop making money?
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 01:04 PM
I'm glad you care, it gives me something to do.

Are you invited to parties and clubs or does he make you stay at home?
I have been invited to parties at his house (and have helped set up for them), but I have not been interested in attending as I don't drink (unusual I know) or smoke, and don't really consider myself much of a partier. Plus, I've got a few years on his whole crew, so it would be a little uncomfortable. I haven't been invited to any clubs yet (though I would probably respectfully decline, for the reasons stated above). I was not invited to Aruba.

DO you get to carry the wallet?
Yes, if I need to. Mostly I end up just taking the credit card, and I keep a sheet with his info on it in a safe place for when I need to sign up for things / make payments on his behalf.

How often does he work out?
Very frequently, at least once every other day, some weeks almost every day.

How often do you?
I play basketball and dodgeball on campus (mostly the former), and I try to do one or the other at least 4 times a week. My body is not as good as I would like it to be, and I am not motivated enough to lift weights, but I love to compete and am pretty decent at the sports I play (being 6'4" helps a lot in basketball).

What's his favorite kind of fast food?
I'm going to go with Qdoba (chicken burritos with no beans and grilled vegetables), with Jimmy John's being second.

I know you can't answer this, but I'm really curious as to how ridiculous his lack of insight is...mildly amusing fobile or full-blown self-delusion?
I think that he has developed a considerable amount of insight/self-awareness in the last year or so. He has talked about how he's not going to be making hard drug posts anymore, is not partying as hard, and cares about his image and future (hence the recent "hookers and blow: not sustainable" comment). I do not think reading his BBV posts gives the whole picture, but obviously there is that aspect present. Can't say too much more on this topic.

Have you met any famous (read: TV) pros while working for him?
Not yet.

Does he know any IRL?
I'm sure he has met a few, but as far as "knowing" them I'd say not beyond the 'balla' crew (Alan Sass, EM2, etc.). I know he talks with Mark Vos sometimes. Beyond that, I'm not sure.

Does he know any non-poker players at all?
This is kind of a funny question in its profundity. He has one roommate who is not a poker player (the other recently became one mainly because of his influence). Most of the people I see him hanging around with are poker players, though.

What kind of chicks hang out at the compound?
College chicks, mostly attractive and prone to drinking excessively. They are not usually there at all hours of the day, though (unless they have spent the night).
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
10-02-2007 , 01:06 PM
Hmmm good idea I need a butler also
Make sure you can find someone trustworthy and competent. The main reason I got this job over other qualified candidates was that there is a mutual friend who could vouch for me.
Did people actually apply who were not qualified enough to get his groceries?
1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity Quote
