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A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. A weird hand where I almost completely f* up.

11-23-2012 , 02:09 AM
UTG +1 calls, UTG +2 calls, HJ raises(don't know who he is, new to the table, SB calls, I call in BB w/KT, 2 calls.
Flop is KTT
SB bets, I call, called all the way.
Turn is J
SB checks, I check hoping to C/R it, checks around (here is where I think I went wrong?)
River is J (WTF, talking about running bad the whole night!!!)
SB bets, I want to throw up and shoot myself for playing this hand so poorly and call, fold, UTG +2 calls, and HJ calls.

Very interesting results to this hand, but can't tell you right now...
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 02:19 AM
Just check raise the flop after 5 calls
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 02:59 AM
We can't c/r the flop since the SB donked out.

Since nobody raised the flop, I think the decision to go for the c/r on the turn is not so great. Since the only person showing agression in this hand is the SB, I don't think it's a guarantee that someone bets behind you, so once the agressor checks in front of me I'll just go ahead and bet out, hoping it gets raised behind me. Besides, if you do get to c/r, you'll probably just end up blowing a lot of people out of the hand, when in this situation you are happy to have them call you.

My thoughts here are probably biased by knowing that the turn checked through, but I still normally would just bet once SB checks.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by ninefingershuffle
Just check raise the flop after 5 calls
If I'm reading it right he was led into by the SB on the flop.

I think the turn is an easy bet as no one else showed any strength on the flop and the chances if it getting checked around are high.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 04:10 AM
you flopped a full house...
raise flop...
bet turn...
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 05:22 AM
i would have just raised the flop since its tough to hope for light peels on this type of board. but otoh calling is certainly not terrible (could even be best). after you get that action and that turn, going for a c/r is easily best imo. so all in all i dont think you played it poorly, but i would have played it differently.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 07:37 AM
With the "raise flop" crowd.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 07:57 AM
it sucks to face the field with 2 cold on that flop, but the point was made that there aren't a lot of light peels on that flop anyway. worst is you fold out gutters like J9, AQ, AJ, Q9, but most of what's calling for 1 is calling for 2 here anyway..

once SB checks turn, you have no information that would lead you to believe anyone behind is going to bet, so you have to bet here. if someone was delaying action with a T, then you might even get 3bet.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 11:26 AM
Shouldn't we look at this hand now from "How do we get the most value out of this hand" point of view? With 3 players behind, shouldn't we try to keep them in if possible?
If I raise flop, and 2 drop out, I am getting the same number of bets in as I would by just calling.
Now, lets say I call the flop and everyone stays in, just like it happened. If there is a bet on the turn and I just call it, 1 fold, 3 call, I get 4BB in.... If I raise the turn, and 3 fold, I get the same 4BB in.
And so on.
My thought process was about getting the maximum value out of this hand by keeping more players in, not necessarily c/r to get people out and get 1 at showdown, because to me that was pretty much a made hand.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by batruha
My thought process was about getting the maximum value out of this hand
you flopped a full house, got in 1 small bet between flop&turn and then check called river. This is unlikely maximum value.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
after you get that action and that turn, going for a c/r is easily best imo.
I disagree. First of all, the only flop aggressor has now checked, so what makes you think someone is just going to randomly bet the turn? Secondly, I'm presuming this game is live 10/20 and live 10/20 games are about 7 people seeing the flop and then getting to showdown cheaply and quickly so they can all turn their hands up and see who wins the pot. You need to bet your hand against these people.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by batruha
Shouldn't we look at this hand now from "How do we get the most value out of this hand" point of view? With 3 players behind, shouldn't we try to keep them in if possible?
If I raise flop, and 2 drop out, I am getting the same number of bets in as I would by just calling.
Now, lets say I call the flop and everyone stays in, just like it happened. If there is a bet on the turn and I just call it, 1 fold, 3 call, I get 4BB in.... If I raise the turn, and 3 fold, I get the same 4BB in.
And so on.
My thought process was about getting the maximum value out of this hand by keeping more players in, not necessarily c/r to get people out and get 1 at showdown, because to me that was pretty much a made hand.
Your assuming worst case scenarios in these examples. What about the times you raise and everyone calls behind you anyways? or someone puts in a 3-bet?
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-23-2012 , 05:26 PM
PF and river are ok.

Raise the flop and go as many bets as possible. Don't get cute multiway.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-24-2012 , 04:15 AM
Raise flop, lead turn. This hand is exactly why I fast play 999 times out of 1000. This way, we ensure anyone peeling w/ QJ, AJ, AQ, J9, Q9, and weak kings are charged the max to try and draw, when these hands are drawing almost dead as a range. Also, every passive flop/aggro turn line is almost certainly a slow played monster.

Not to mention you have a PF aggressor left to act, and with any luck would 3-bet his AK/AA/KQ/KJ(?), giving you a chance to cap multiway. Most live players slow down on the big streets, too, which also is a strike against delaying aggression to the turn multiway.

Last edited by jdr0317; 11-24-2012 at 04:24 AM.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-24-2012 , 03:25 PM
I think you were right to just call the flop, a lot of gutters to call for drawing dead. Once the SB checked I think you should bet the turn. It screams 10 but it doesn't scream k/10.

I think your responses would have changed if you didn't mention the turn action in the OP.

did the SB have kings full ?
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-24-2012 , 04:49 PM
i would just raise flop

private joker is right most 10/20 live games play as a get to showdown cheap and see who wins game. you will often see people never fold Kx on this board, but they will not bet it when checked to. also players will be limping with AJ AQ etc. and will not be folding straight draws.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-25-2012 , 12:22 PM
And now for the conclusion of this hand, that put me in shock for the next few days...
SB had 99
HJ had kings full
Thats why I put in the title that "I almost completely f* up", but due to my poor play on the turn, and whatever the F that was from HJ on the river, I saved a bunch of bets... which is not the point of this post, but I just wanted to evaluate my play in this hand, turn especially.

Originally Posted by prototypepariah
did the SB have kings full ?
You were almost right
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-25-2012 , 01:50 PM
it never ceases to amaze me how often people table the mortal nuts in tiny pots
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-25-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by batruha
whatever the F that was from HJ on the river
So HJ was Jennifer Tilly?
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-27-2012 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by avoidthe9to5
it never ceases to amaze me how often people table the mortal nuts in tiny pots
Kings full is not at all the mortal nuts here. But I agree that the HJ played it badly.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
11-29-2012 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
I disagree. First of all, the only flop aggressor has now checked, so what makes you think someone is just going to randomly bet the turn? Secondly, I'm presuming this game is live 10/20 and live 10/20 games are about 7 people seeing the flop and then getting to showdown cheaply and quickly so they can all turn their hands up and see who wins the pot. You need to bet your hand against these people.
Without seeing the turn action I'd say this turn card is likely to get bet by someone, but even so betting on this board is still waaay better than c/r'ing. So many hands are raising you: AQ/Q9/JT/AT etc. Plus what if SB is screwplaying something good? Your relative position is perfect for that.
A weird hand where I almost completely f* up. Quote
