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Turn donk Turn donk

09-28-2009 , 01:29 PM
Table is surprisingly soft and not very agro so treat this hand as if it is being played life. Villain here is unknown but seems pretty loose. What do we make of that turn donk?
Poker Stars $15/$30 Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.667 SB) Hero is UTG+2 with Q K
2 folds, Hero raises, 4 folds, SB calls, 1 fold

Flop: (5 SB) 4 T K (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets, SB calls

Turn: (3.5 BB) A (2 players)
SB bets, Hero calls

River: (5.5 BB) 8 (2 players)
SB bets, Hero calls
Turn donk Quote
09-28-2009 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
What do we make of that turn donk?
I hate it if I'm in your shoes.

Nice hand.
Turn donk Quote
09-28-2009 , 05:12 PM
If this is a live hand, I'd consider folding the river.
Turn donk Quote
09-28-2009 , 08:03 PM
There is the possibility he has a pair and picked up the flush draw on the turn, I'd call the river HU here, expecting to win just frequently enough to break even. Maybe that's wishful thinking.
Turn donk Quote
10-01-2009 , 01:30 AM
Turn donk is very bad for you. Of course you have to call the turn, but I think the river is pretty close.
Turn donk Quote
10-01-2009 , 12:09 PM
Most ppls would go for c/r if they made a monster on the turn. Seems that he either flopped a set or flopped a pair and picked up a fd. River bet despite the flush board is usually a sign of strength, but I don't think I will fold having gone that far.
Turn donk Quote
10-01-2009 , 10:38 PM
Turn donk Quote
10-02-2009 , 02:38 PM
Turn bet is very suspicious to me. If he hit a monster why is he not waiting for you to bet the turn so he can c/r? I would call the turn bet with the thinking that it is very possible that he is on a draw with the A and his kicker could be anything. He thinks you have an A for your early raise and you are going to bet anyway - unless you have QQ or JJ in which case he doesn't want to give a free card.

The other possibilities are he has AK, AT, QJ or a set and he wants to 3-bet. Or he picked up a diamond draw on the turn. This last case is why I might call on the river but against an unknown, live, I fold.
Turn donk Quote
10-03-2009 , 03:52 AM
I thought there was enough in the pot and enough blown draws to justify river call but also one of the reasons for that call was the fact that villain was unknown and i wanted to get at least some ideas on his play. He had 99 and i took the pot. However it just got me thinking that same play would probably work if executed by established player with TAGy rep...
Turn donk Quote
