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turn decision after donked into. turn decision after donked into.

11-17-2007 , 12:34 PM
20-40 live 9 handed. Good game, not overly aggressive, 4-6 players to the flop. I may actually have a LAG image since I have had good cards and have been raising preflop quite a bit.

Villian: He is in the BB and is very loose and aggressive. He has check-raised semibluffed the turn with a variety of hands ranging from bottom pair to flush draws etc. He has been betting out a lot of flops but not showing down. In the two hours I have been at the table I have not seen him donk the turn.

I limp UTG with AdJc(in tighter games and a tighter image I will raise here.) Two callers, SB completes, BB checks.

The flop: Ac2h3s.

I bet, everyone calls.

The turn: Ac2h3s5d

BB bets, and now it is up to me. What would be your play?
turn decision after donked into. Quote
11-17-2007 , 12:56 PM
is this a trick question? call down.
turn decision after donked into. Quote
11-17-2007 , 01:37 PM
i think this should be a raise or fold preflop; i think limping is the worst of the three plays.

postflop csc already nailed it.
turn decision after donked into. Quote
11-17-2007 , 02:19 PM
"i think this should be a raise or fold preflop; i think limping is the worst of the three plays."

I have consulted with several very good winning players as well as reviewed several good books and the consensus seems to be that this is not a "raise or fold" situation. It is a sometimes raise, sometimes fold, and sometimes call situation preflop. I think most players on this forum would agree with you on this, however, this is the only place that I have seen this all or nothing type of thinking with this type of hand. Don't get me wrong, I think this site has great information and thats why I keep coming back. I just think sometimes people fall into a groupthink type of mentality and follow the advice of certain posters like it is the gospel. That being said, you may be right, its just that I have seen more evidence to the contrary outside of this forum.

Thanks for the response.
turn decision after donked into. Quote
11-17-2007 , 02:52 PM
oh jesus, I didn't even notice you limped this pf. Don't do that. AJo is not a hand you wants to be playing multiple ways. wow. Folding is ok.
turn decision after donked into. Quote
11-17-2007 , 03:12 PM
raise preflop... fold turn
turn decision after donked into. Quote
