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September Low-Content Thread September Low-Content Thread

09-11-2007 , 07:31 PM
If I have one more decent loss it will put me back onto a 300 hour break even streak, in good to great games. So sick.

good thing there's no variance in live limit hold'em.

09-11-2007 , 07:36 PM
Thats disgusting, is that all 30/60.
09-11-2007 , 07:46 PM
95% yeah. In general, very very good games too, games where I should be heavily favored. I don't tilt really either, I don't play drunk, only a couple times in this stretch did I feel I was not playing that well. What can I say. Hard to go 3 months putting in this many hours with no payoff but oh well? Back to it tomorrow.
09-11-2007 , 09:50 PM
God, I know that feeling. Saw the lineup in the mm tonight and almost took a shot with my joke of a br.
09-12-2007 , 12:00 AM
played 25 hour session that i just got back from. played someone hu 75/150 crazy pineapple hilo for 15 of the hours.
09-12-2007 , 01:01 AM
played 25 hour session that i just got back from. played someone hu 75/150 crazy pineapple hilo for 15 of the hours.
09-12-2007 , 01:06 AM
played 25 hour session that i just got back from. played someone hu 75/150 crazy pineapple hilo for 15 of the hours.
for some reason I feel like if i'll ever be the world champ at anything it would have to be this game.
09-12-2007 , 06:06 AM
09-12-2007 , 07:20 AM
played 25 hour session that i just got back from. played someone hu 75/150 crazy pineapple hilo for 15 of the hours.

ah no complaints = money in the bank
09-12-2007 , 07:53 AM
I put a brutal beat on someone tonight. My AJ is good against his 77 on the A72r flop.

Played with Sam Grizzle for a while tonight. He sounds exactly like Hank Hill.
09-12-2007 , 07:58 AM
Folded to SB who completes, I check K2.

Flop A53 with a flush draw. I have a backdoor flushdraw. Check, I bet, he calls.

Turn Q. He comes out firing at like 135 mph. I call.

River Q. He fires out an equally fierce bet. I call again and get shown K7o.

09-12-2007 , 01:36 PM
played 25 hour session that i just got back from. played someone hu 75/150 crazy pineapple hilo for 15 of the hours.
ah no complaints = money in the bank
No I lost 3200 still. I wrote a longish thing in DD's blog. He was continually calling bets on 996 flops with 82 to try and hit backdoor lows and calling me down with J5 on T68 hoping to either get high or low somehow. He was essentially putting about 15 chips in postflop every hand to chase the 3 chips he put in preflop. If you think this sounds like an almost certain way to go broke then you are right. The only way for him to win was to hit an insane amount high hands without me hitting a low or having a better high hand. On the other hand all I had to do to win was let him play the way he was playing and have nature take its course. Playing HU I still won a decent amount from him, but I lost a [censored] when the game was full so having him run great right at the end was really frustrating.
09-12-2007 , 03:33 PM
Folded to SB who completes, I check K2.

Flop A53 with a flush draw. I have a backdoor flushdraw. Check, I bet, he calls.

Turn Q. He comes out firing at like 135 mph. I call.

River Q. He fires out an equally fierce bet. I call again and get shown K7o.

nice river play.
09-12-2007 , 05:09 PM
I don't really see what's wrong with calling the river. He will lose more by raising in this spot than by calling and he has decided that folding is not the correct option so he calls. Sometimes people bluff with the best hand, it happens.

I just suffered a horrific beat playing HU 10/20 on Stars with some guy that folded almost every hand preflop. That might sound absolutely fantastic and you might wonder what the beat was. He got up and left.
09-12-2007 , 05:12 PM
I don't really see what's wrong with calling the river. He will lose more by raising in this spot than by calling and he has decided that folding is not the correct option so he calls. Sometimes people bluff with the best hand, it happens.

I just suffered a horrific beat playing HU 10/20 on Stars with some guy that folded almost every hand preflop. That might sound absolutely fantastic and you might wonder what the beat was. He got up and left.

I have run into these types occassionally and I immediately get suspicious that this is some advanced meta-game ploy until they blind off their stack in heads-limit hold'em and I realize that the poker gods are looking out for me sometimes.
09-12-2007 , 05:16 PM
I wish they'd start to look out for me so that I can hit my draws once in a while in hands like this:

Or have them not make a 6 in hands like this:

Instead of letting me win like $200 off some guy in 10/20. I'll take what little I can get these days though.

Forgot about a great hand played in the 75 mix game we were playing. Crazy Pineapple hilo hand. About 10 hours into the session maybe. HU on the river 98AT8 with Roc I have AJ and value bet. Roc calls quickly. I show hand. He tables 32. He realizes that the 8 on the river is the same as the 8 on the flop and therefore he does not have a low. He has just called me with play the board.
09-12-2007 , 05:27 PM
So this is probably the most worthless post on here but I'm bored.

Last night I saw 2 guys at the same 20/40 table try to put their chips in the rack upside down.

One of them puts the 3rd rack on top of the other 2 and starts piling chips in it. He then just stops and looks with this look of confusion as to why this just wasn't working. He then looks around the table at everyone elses racks to try and Mcgiver a way to making this work.

The second guy piles about 50 chips on the wrong side of the rack, as he notices what he did he looks around the table to see if anyone was watching. When we made eye contact just picked up the racks and went straight to the cage.
09-12-2007 , 05:55 PM
I had been reading about your travails the past month or more and, though it has been startlingly amusing, I was not summoning up enough sympathy/empathy. When that happens me and my hubris inevitably run into a buzz saw.

So, I am getting drawn and quartered with decent cards in the 10/20 LHE FW game (set over set, crushed by bigger flush, worse kicker w/ trips, etc. ), when I get dealt AKo UTG. I raise and get cold called by a good TAG player immediately to my left. Both blinds call so its 4 to the flop.

Flop is KQ9 all clubs and I have the A of clubs. I bet. Call call, call.

Turn is an A. I bet. Call, call, fold.

River is an A. I bet, TAG raises, folded to me. I instantly re-raise. And before he re-raises again, I know I am cooked. I call anyway (because my left hand cannot pry my cards away from my right hand) saying, OK show me your JT of clubs. Which he does.

Hey at least I didn't have to go back to my box to deposit money.
09-12-2007 , 06:08 PM
To Chop or not to Chop?

Well yesterday while playing 40/80 I decided it was best to just play all the time(it was short at the time). Now i would rather not chop just because I get to play more Blind vs Blinds(in case i want to move up to timed games), prevent angling, have a bit of edge. On the negative side there is rake and it my upset the regulars and maybe cause some problems? Anybody have some thoughts on the matter?
09-12-2007 , 06:12 PM
The rake effect is pretty small assuming your neighbors aren't anything special.

I don't think anyone really cares about chop/no chop starting at 20/40+. These are games for big boys.
09-12-2007 , 06:24 PM
To Chop or not to Chop?

Well yesterday while playing 40/80 I decided it was best to just play all the time(it was short at the time). Now i would rather not chop just because I get to play more Blind vs Blinds(in case i want to move up to timed games), prevent angling, have a bit of edge. On the negative side there is rake and it my upset the regulars and maybe cause some problems? Anybody have some thoughts on the matter?
I just stopped chopping my blinds a few weeks ago due to an argument that I got into with a non-regular when we got short handed in a late night MM game. I had been chopping with him all night when the game was full and when it became 5 handed I told him I don't chop SH, he didn't like that idea so I don't chop at all now.

It doesn't cause any problems or arguments like it seems like it would. My only advice is to say "I play" rather than "I don't chop" it just sounds less negative and you can always say "chopping is no fun" when they complain about it.
09-12-2007 , 07:50 PM
So this is probably the most worthless post on here but I'm bored.

Last night I saw 2 guys at the same 20/40 table try to put their chips in the rack upside down.

One of them puts the 3rd rack on top of the other 2 and starts piling chips in it. He then just stops and looks with this look of confusion as to why this just wasn't working. He then looks around the table at everyone elses racks to try and Mcgiver a way to making this work.

The second guy piles about 50 chips on the wrong side of the rack, as he notices what he did he looks around the table to see if anyone was watching. When we made eye contact just picked up the racks and went straight to the cage.
Suffice to say, a bunch of these were probably my chips. I lost 4 racks in 3.5 hours last night. Every overpair I had was against either Aces, or an underpair that flopped a set. And I had one doozy, where I had JJ and raised preflop, had 2 callers, and the limper ahead of me called as well. Flop comes 579, he checks, I bet, next guy raises, and he OBV cold calls with K6o, cause how can he lose, and we all know the 8 hit on the river. And another guy hit back to back sets on my overpair. It was a very painful evening.

But thanks for the heads up on not chopping, you will always be able to look to your left and see me sitting right next to you from now on.
09-12-2007 , 07:52 PM
Yea makes sense guys. That kind of "angling" is what im talking about. That way it doesn't cause any arguments/confusion when it goes to SH to FR or vice versa.
09-12-2007 , 09:24 PM
Why does this sort of hand frustrate me so much more than suffering a standard 2 outter on the river?

PokerStars 10/20 Hold'em (2 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Preflop: Hero is Button with 5, Q.
Hero raises, BB 3-bets, Hero calls.

Flop: (6 SB) 2, 7, 5 (2 players)
BB bets, Hero raises, BB calls.

Turn: (5 BB) 3 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets, BB raises, Hero 3-bets, BB calls.

River: (11 BB) T (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks.

Final Pot: 11 BB

BB has Ts Js (one pair, tens).
Hero has 5c Qs (one pair, fives).
Outcome: BB wins 11 BB.
09-12-2007 , 09:53 PM
I'm on the worst run of my life, worse than I thought possible. Ugh. I blow my brains out today for the millionanth time then come home and play some "relaxing" unlhe and win the bad beat jackpot.. if I was at canterbury in the 8/16. First time I've done that.

All in on turn, of course.
