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SB ISO Theory-Type Post SB ISO Theory-Type Post

11-30-2008 , 04:52 PM
Let's say there is a reasonable player who respects my game and thinks I am super great or just a winning TAG or whatever. This player is habitually (and correctly) iso-raising a weak limper in late position with hands like J10, QJ, weak suited aces etc etc etc.

Of course, I keep waking up in the SB with monsters such as K10o Q9s, and A7 of spades. Can I/should I bet 3 betting these type of hands in this situation?
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
11-30-2008 , 05:31 PM
I never do this in the Com 20.

Trying to play pots HU out of position for three bets preflop is a losing play IMO. Also I emphasize the word *trying* because I think a lot of times the limper will call and then all of the sudden you are 3-handed OOP in a growing pot with a bad hand.

Even if you do get it HU its still a growing pot and people don't fold in growing pots so then you are OOP with maybe a slightly better hand and then you need a good flop.

I personally am only 3-betting from the SB in this spot with ATs+, 88+. I am not sure about KQ but all the other crap I probably just fold.
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
11-30-2008 , 05:56 PM
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by PokerJans
because I think a lot of times the limper will call
99% of the time if an idiot limper comes in for 1 bet, he's going to see the flop regardless how many bets it comes back to him
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
12-01-2008 , 09:31 PM
bryce has alot to say about this.
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
12-02-2008 , 01:56 AM
god limit is so ****ing far over my head...
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
12-02-2008 , 03:54 AM
I don't really do stuff like this that often. His range has to be humongous for 3-betting stuff like Q9s to be correct. I mean....seriously, freaking huge.
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
12-02-2008 , 05:49 AM
The problem with calling is we invite the BB to come along as well, as he's getting 6:1 immediate, and 7:1 when the limper calls (which he always does). So a good percentage of the time we're playing a big, four way pot OOP with a poor hand. And not merely OOP -- in first position post flop. Granted, we don't have to win as many of these to show a profit, but we're also entering a situation we might be better off avoiding. Consequently, I'd rather fold unsuited cards (KTo, etc.) in this spot most of the time, as it's too hard to protect my hand when ahead, and most hands I make with this sort of crap are going to be vulnerable when there's 4 way action.

If I am going to call and build a pot, I'd rather call with suited connectors and suited one gappers, weak suited aces, etc., i.e., trouble hands that play better multiway.

Let's say there is a reasonable player who respects my game and thinks I am super great or just a winning TAG or whatever.

Is a reasonable player still going to respect your game if you indiscriminately call with crappy cards OOP in multiway pots? Brilliant post-flop play can overcome some positional disadvantages, but it's hardly a panacea. Conserve your meta-game capital and spend it in a better situation.
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
12-02-2008 , 06:27 AM
If there was a decent chance of folding the limper it could be good, but bad players rarely limp in and fold for any more bets, so I think those type of hands are slightly too weak to make this play with since I doubt it increases our fold equity postflop often enough compared to the money we lose from our slight equity disadvantage PF added with our worse relative position postflop. Having said that if our cards are slightly better we can pretty much 3 bet for pure value.
SB ISO Theory-Type Post Quote
