Originally Posted by Munchkin Mayor
True, a job is not a charitable contribution...but this is different than saying that a job doesn't contribute to society. Most jobs do. Poker really doesn't, which isn't saying that a person who plays poker for a living is making a bad choice.
There are a number of ways that poker contributes to society:
- Jobs directly related (dealers, waitresses, maintenance, Floor managers, etc.)
- Indirectly recycling money to lower paying professions (the money re-enters the economy)
- Taxes paid by all of the above, plus those poker players who declare
- The entertainment value that high profile events on TV provide (also jobs related to the production of the shows) . Similar to any sporting event. Does baseball contribute to society?
- The publishing industry.
- The entertainment value that cardrooms provide to people who enjoy playing poker (similar to bowling alleys, poolrooms, etc. except that poker rooms need players to provide a game).
In the sense of overall creation of value, like an architect leaves buildings behind, or an engineer designs bridges, or a computer programmer (like I was) produces systems that enable businesses to run smoothly - poker players don't add anything to society. But to say that poker doesn't contribute to society is not a fair statement.