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October Low-Content Thread October Low-Content Thread

10-25-2009 , 03:30 PM
Ive had a couple of 300bb+ live downswings. I have more than a few 200bb downswings online in 1 day. Dont even know what my worst overall downswing is in terms of bbs and I dont really feel like it is a good idea to keep track. I know when I am running poorly and tallying up lost bbs doesnt do anything to help my confidence. I generally dont even look at PT until I am running better. Of course I have a general idea of how stuck in terms of dollars, but just dont look at my stats while I am playing unless I am running hot.
10-25-2009 , 03:53 PM
220BB downswing this summer. It bites, doesn't it?
10-25-2009 , 03:57 PM
We almost canceled when we heard that Boc wasn't gonna make it

Seriously attendance was down (slightly) this year, and we are still scratching our heads to figure out why. Usually the parties build momentum year to year, but it seems like lots of our invitees were old neighbors who don't want to wear costumes, or younger moms who couldn't get sitters, or poker players who didn't want to miss playing Saturday nite or who passed out/fell asleep before the party.

Still we had a great time, and the people who showed all seemed to have a great time as well. After Howard left everyone ripped up the dance floor, got hot and sweaty, and the girls asked if they could hit the pool to cool off. I said, you don't have any suits, and they said, << deleted for adult content >> .

I think winner of best costume should go to Geneva. She's a pretty USAirways stewardess, and she wore a 60s era outfit, or at least something that looked like it would be a 60s era outfit, if back then skirts didn't even make it halfway down the thigh and tops were slit open in front to demonstrate as much cleavage as possible. She also told the most awesome story ever about how her dad came over to sit for the kids, and said to her, "Is that one of your old uniforms?".

And if you don't think that was the most awesome story ever, you should hear a very drunk Geneva tell it while she's stroking your shoulder.
10-25-2009 , 04:52 PM
More on the economy: SF Chronicle has this story on how, while the GDP and stock indices are upticking, jobs continue to be lost:

Experts see rebounding economy shedding jobs
10-25-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
More on the economy: SF Chronicle has this story on how, while the GDP and stock indices are upticking, jobs continue to be lost:

Experts see rebounding economy shedding jobs
Yeah this makes me sad. Because I have a pretty good career that I was kind of maybe thinking about getting back to at some point. And every time I lose two or three racks and start thinking I should open up the old wallaceres.doc I read a story about how there's no jobs anywhere in the whole world.
10-25-2009 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
More on the economy: SF Chronicle has this story on how, while the GDP and stock indices are upticking, jobs continue to be lost:

Experts see rebounding economy shedding jobs
GDP and the stock indices are only upticking because of an accounting change. I **** you not. The economy is still crap but because the chieftains are counting things up differently in an attempt to pull the wool over your eyes, "earnings" increased a bit.
10-25-2009 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Chris Daddy Cool
i'm down more than 250k in the past 2 weeks. i've lost at least 15k like 7 out of the last 10 days.
But how much did you win?
10-25-2009 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by RudeboyOi
we all know how to play well.
10-25-2009 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life
fml, wish I wasn't on a lifelong poker binge.
My secondary purpose in returning to CAZ this Spring will be to provide you some additional perspective on life.
10-25-2009 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
WOW, you 2 really suck at life.
10-25-2009 , 08:49 PM
10-25-2009 , 09:46 PM
Back in the late 20s, early thirties when hitters were annihilating pitchers, there were lots of complete games. The reason they've declined isn't offensive changes, or pitcher protection, but mainly because of the recognition that a fresh reliever is better than a tired starter.

In aggregate relievers have been better at preventing runs than starters since the beginning of time.
10-25-2009 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Back in the late 20s, early thirties when hitters were annihilating pitchers, there were lots of complete games. The reason they've declined isn't offensive changes, or pitcher protection, but mainly because of the recognition that a fresh reliever is better than a tired starter.

In aggregate relievers have been better at preventing runs than starters since the beginning of time.
This seems out of left field...guess something happened in tonights baseball game that I didn't watch cause football is on.
10-25-2009 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
This seems out of left field...
I see what you did there
10-25-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
This seems out of left field...guess something happened in tonights baseball game that I didn't watch cause football is on.
While what I wrote is very true, and an insight few even knowledgable baseball observers know, I did make one mistake, posting it on a 2+2 mid-stakes thread instead of my intended target, Baseball Primer.
10-25-2009 , 11:58 PM
To make up for it, here is a poker post. I love getting berated as a fish, makes me feel very warm and goey inside.

40-80, I raise AKo in MP, SB calls, BB calls. Flop J62r. Checked to me, I bet, SB checkraises, BB folds. I call. Turn Q, he hesitates as if he has a very weak or strong hand, but finally bets. I mentally add up the bets, I'm getting 6-1, and have between 4-10 outs. There are no implied odds since he has only $35 left, and I consider raising but obv. he ain't folding any pair. So I reluctantly call. He goes all-in on the river as the T hits, and I call saying "I have a straight."

He's stunned. "A straight?" and I turn over my hand and he shakes his head and flips over QQ. He sneers at me, "How can you call my raise. What did you think I had?" At that the good player sitting to my left is has to grab the table to keep from falling over laughing.

As I stack his chips, I hear him whisper to his buddy "what a donkey".
10-26-2009 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
To make up for it, here is a poker post. I love getting berated as a fish, makes me feel very warm and goey inside.
That would be a jellyfish.


40-80, I raise AKo in MP, SB calls, BB calls. Flop J62r. Checked to me, I bet, SB checkraises, BB folds. I call. Turn Q, he hesitates as if he has a very weak or strong hand, but finally bets. I mentally add up the bets, I'm getting 6-1, and have between 4-10 outs. There are no implied odds since he has only $35 left, and I consider raising but obv. he ain't folding any pair. So I reluctantly call. He goes all-in on the river as the T hits, and I call saying "I have a straight."

He's stunned. "A straight?" and I turn over my hand and he shakes his head and flips over QQ. He sneers at me, "How can you call my raise. What did you think I had?" At that the good player sitting to my left is has to grab the table to keep from falling over laughing.

As I stack his chips, I hear him whisper to his buddy "what a donkey".
Did you offer him a loan to keep playing (against good collateral of course)?
10-26-2009 , 01:12 AM
Tomorrow I've got to go bail my mother's friend out of jail. He's in the care of Sheriff Joe Arpaio literally world famous for feeding his inmates green bologna sandwiches. I linked the website because it's the first time I've looked at it and I think it's pretty funny.

He's there for not showing up for his hearings for DUI, the imbecile. So I've got to put up $5,000 and drag his butt home. I'll probably have to drive him to his hearing also but there's now way out of it most likely and he'll have to do some time in jail for the DUI which he already knew, the imbecile.
10-26-2009 , 01:49 AM
Second offense? Or is it jail for the first DUI?
10-26-2009 , 01:58 AM
This guy probably has multiple offenses in the past and not just DUI but as I understand it everybody has to do at least some jail time for DUI in Arizona, even first offenses, but I could be wrong. Plus the DUI is his only open offense according to the info their automated phone system told me. The worst part is it'll probably take me all day and he's got to be back for his hearing on the 28th so I'm only saving him for a couple of days. OTOH, he's told me how awful that jail is and he's not going to bolt so I'll go get him. It can't be worse than the time I bailed an employee out of Riker's.
10-26-2009 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by HOWMANY
Last night Kim informed me that I'm going to be Jason for Halloween. brag/beat/variance?

Brag: dont have to come up with your own costume idea
Breg: Spicy Jason style relations with Kim

double brag imo
10-26-2009 , 01:01 PM
paging leo doc. So my dads a diabetic. He got this new extended release insulin. That makes no sense to me. Like i can understand extended release pills since theyre rockhard and it takes your body a while to break it down. This is a solution though that you inject right into yourself so how can it slowly release insulin into your system.
10-26-2009 , 01:15 PM
Ever have one of those sessions, where you never seem to lose a significant hand? And every hand you don't play seems to make the nuts?
10-26-2009 , 03:05 PM
Just saw a bit of the WPT on Fox Sports. Heads up at the final table, Chino Rheem opens on the button with KQs. Justin Young 3-bets from the BB with AQo, Chino calls.

The flop is JT3 with two spades. Justin checks, Chino shoves (big overbet given the stacks) and Justin folds. As Chino rakes in the pot, he can tell the hand pained Justin.

Chino: "Small pair?"
Justin: "I woulda called with a small pair."
Chino: "Oh really?"
Justin: "I had a big ace. Bigger than what was on the board."
Chino: "Ace queen, huh?"

Then Mike Sexton goes, "Folks, Chino just called out Justin's exact hand! That's what makes him such a tough professional, he knows exactly what two cards his opponent is holding."

And they wonder why they're losing ratings?
10-26-2009 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Then Mike Sexton goes, "Folks, Chino just called out Justin's exact hand! That's what makes him such a tough professional, he knows exactly what two cards his opponent is holding."
And they wonder why they're losing ratings?
That quote is pure gold.

Is this type of thing part of an implicit agreement among pros to mystify and mislead the general public? Watching the World Series of Poker doesn't really educate anyone to the point of being more than a fish with a speck of knowledge...which is perhaps worse (for them) than being ignorant and knowing it. It's worse for other players because now they think in-situ and 6th street inquisitions are integral parts of the game. Let's just play cards.
The only poker show I've ever found to be "educational" is HSP.
However, do people want to watch a show that gives insight, or one that is rich in magical reads and all-ins?
