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November NC/LC - Awoooo November NC/LC - Awoooo

11-30-2015 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Man. You sound like you're a blast at parties.

I want to have fun with this
All your ideas seem like they're geared to pissing off the other half of the residents (the ones that agree with the posts), igniting a firestorm of back and forth political punditry in the halls of your own home.

Maybe you'd rather their feeling be hurt than yours, but if your goal is to have less political bull****, it sounds like the Debbie Downer route is the way to go. If your goal is to troll the residents into a political frenzy, and make enemies with half of the people you'd be living with for the next 20 years, then I apologize for my suggestion.
11-30-2015 , 02:34 AM
Hey fair enough, but not exactly. I'm not trying to piss off the other side at all. I don't think anyone should have to read any polical **** because it's thrown in our face. I know I was unclear but the trump post it said ," Trump 2016! If you don't want to hear about my political views, why am I forced to hear about yours?"

Generally though I don't really care about pissing anyone off though. There's not much they can do.

Just rubs me wrong that some midget gets the tiniest iota of power and is using it in such an unprofessional and offensive way. I've just laughed at it so far was going to let it go until her flier today. Clearly there are residents here who bothered enough to file a complaint and she basically responded by saying "I'm right, you're wrong. And you should be thanking me for posting this garbage."

That kind of outrage can not be allowed to stand! Plus I've just been really bored lately
11-30-2015 , 02:41 AM
Incidentally, I don't use the word "troll" with any prejudice. Trolling is super fun.

My grad school alma mater used to get undergrads to call me and ask for donations. Because it was the Bush years, every call was about how Bush cut funding. The first few times I told them that was a dumb sales pitch and hung up. Then I just started pretending to be super conservative every time they called me.
11-30-2015 , 02:47 AM
For all the things I've learned about poker, I'm thrilled that this weekend, I actually managed to use a live tell to confirm a thin play.

Fish opens CO I three bet red QQ SB he calls.

Flop AcKc8d I bet, I notice him look at his cards (my guess: looking for the flush draw) and calls.

Turn 3d I check call

River Jd I check he bets, since I now heavily discount Ax and Kx from his range I decide to show it down. He shows Q8ss for not a flush draw, but the same color.

Yeah pretty basic and maybe a call down anyway, but I'm just happy that I'm finally starting to pick this stuff up when at the table.
11-30-2015 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Hey fair enough, but not exactly. I'm not trying to piss off the other side at all. I don't think anyone should have to read any polical **** because it's thrown in our face. I know I was unclear but the trump post it said ," Trump 2016! If you don't want to hear about my political views, why am I forced to hear about yours?"

Generally though I don't really care about pissing anyone off though. There's not much they can do.

Just rubs me wrong that some midget gets the tiniest iota of power and is using it in such an unprofessional and offensive way. I've just laughed at it so far was going to let it go until her flier today. Clearly there are residents here who bothered enough to file a complaint and she basically responded by saying "I'm right, you're wrong. And you should be thanking me for posting this garbage."

That kind of outrage can not be allowed to stand! Plus I've just been really bored lately
Post a flyer saying in the next HOA election you will vote for any candidate who promises not to post irrelevant stuff in common spaces. I bet the flyer will get enough signatures to shut her up.

Or plaster the inside of the elevator with Trump 2016 bumper stickers.
11-30-2015 , 03:02 AM
There is a very realistic chance I'm doing this because it's a rare opportunity to get to troll the living crap out of somebody like this in real life. If you don't exercise your troll muscles they're going to go all flabby and may not be ready when you really need them.

I like to think of myself as a fighter for people's rights though
11-30-2015 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian

Or plaster the inside of the elevator with Trump 2016 bumper stickers.
cover every floor of the stairwell with trump stickers, then post a sign saying elevator our of order.
11-30-2015 , 03:07 AM
Let's not go too far. I'm looking to troll here, not have to actually get some exercise at walk up 25 flights of staurs
11-30-2015 , 12:03 PM
Just go to the next board meeting (you shouldn't need to be a board member for this) and respectfully make the case for a policy that the display unit in question, and other similar ones, be used for condo-related business only. I don't think anyone can really argue against that.
11-30-2015 , 12:09 PM
FWIW, trolling SJW's effectively is about as difficult as shooting a beached whale, so it's really just about how big of a troll you want to be.
11-30-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ReasonableGuy
respectfully make the case for a policy that the display unit in question, and other similar ones, be used for condo-related business only. I don't think anyone can really argue against that.
This seems so reasonable. Using community property in an elevator to push a political agenda seems wrong, whether or not you agree with said agenda. "How would you feel if the next person in your position used the board to push their opposing political views on you?" You're coming home from (whatever), doesn't seem like the time you should be forced to read someone's idea of correct politics.

If it is an advertising space, is your HOA skipping their fiduciary duty by allowing a board member to post there for free, instead of getting fair market value? Seems like the person is stealing from the community.
11-30-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by ReasonableGuy
Just go to the next board meeting (you shouldn't need to be a board member for this) and respectfully make the case for a policy that the display unit in question, and other similar ones, be used for condo-related business only.
I agree.

I don't think anyone can really argue against that.
I disagree.

In peoples' minds, it's about speaking the truth, as if the whole world believed the sky is green and you posted that the sky is blue. The fact that they're "right" supercedes any discomfort others feel.

Let's not pretend that those of us who work for The Man haven't experienced the flip side in the past 7 years - how many "Obamacare will destroy our company, I'm not telling you who to vote for but you shouldn't vote for Obama, what's your problem, I'm not being political, I'm stating the facts" speeches at company meetings have we sat through?

What you need is someone who agrees with the message to speak up and point out that the forum is inappropriate regardless of whether the opinions expressed are right or wrong.

If you want to make your case stronger, show up with two liberals in tow when you politely request they cut this **** out.
11-30-2015 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
In peoples' minds, it's about speaking the truth, as if the whole world believed the sky is green and you posted that the sky is blue. The fact that they're "right" supercedes any discomfort others feel.
It isn't about ZOMG feeling uncomfortable or not. He could love the message and feel the forum is inappropriate. It isn't his right to not feel offended that is being violated, it is his right to not have politics shoved his way in a forum that he's unable to not pay for (or some grammatically correct version of the same). You kind of make that point later, but making it about his discomfort makes him sound like a protesting college student.
Let's not pretend that those of us who work for The Man haven't experienced the flip side in the past 7 years
See, your choice to continue working for the man is its own punishment. What do leo doc, ZOMG, and I have in common? Attending zero of these meetings. None of us work for the man. Basically by not starting your own enterprise, you have enthusiastically decided to attend such meetings. What conclusion can the 3 of us draw? You love said meetings more than freedom and money.
If you want to make your case stronger, show up with two liberals in tow when you politely request they cut this **** out.
There are plenty around here. You'd need to find a carbon neutral way to get them to attend ZOMG's meeting, though. Tough sledding.
11-30-2015 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Let's not pretend that those of us who work for The Man haven't experienced the flip side in the past 7 years - how many "Obamacare will destroy our company, I'm not telling you who to vote for but you shouldn't vote for Obama, what's your problem, I'm not being political, I'm stating the facts" speeches at company meetings have we sat through?
I think I can name 2 people who blabbered about politics from a right of center viewpoint in my company since I joined in 2010. One was such an idiot, that it was impossible for even me to take him seriously.

What conclusion can the 3 of us draw? You love said meetings more than freedom and money.
FWIW I think this is heavily a cultural symptom. There's a lot of smart people out there who are really, really good at a specialized set of skills, but have absolutely 0 idea how to start a business from both a visionary and functional perspective. I know I'd have to pair up w/ someone if I ever wanted to stand a chance in succeeding in self-employment, like my twin sister (who can sell water to a fish, a skill I wish I had).
11-30-2015 , 01:43 PM
if their political views were correct, it would less of a problem.
I don't categorize political views as right and left, rather right and wrong. Thankfully we have some handy documents to follow that tell us which is which.

Maybe if you want to have some fun spirited debate hang a piece of paper which says the first amendment doesn't prevent the federal government from making atheism illegal (freedom of/not freedom from). Discuss

Last edited by Jon_locke; 11-30-2015 at 02:04 PM.
11-30-2015 , 02:42 PM
Is there a political forum for this ****?
11-30-2015 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by jdr0317
FWIW I think this is heavily a cultural symptom.
Was specifically giving callipygian grief because he was about to pull the trigger on his own enterprise and decided not to do so. It is completely fine/normal that not everyone is cut out for self-employment. Personally, the variance has been astounding and the income has been unreliable. Without a large BR and nitty habits, broke would have happened at least twice. Still, if your friends don't give you a hard time, who will? He's staying with his large employer because he loves the corporate double-talk.
Is there a political forum for this ****?
Yes. MrWookie's politics forum.
11-30-2015 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
Was specifically giving callipygian grief because he was about to pull the trigger on his own enterprise and decided not to do so. It is completely fine/normal that not everyone is cut out for self-employment. Personally, the variance has been astounding and the income has been unreliable. Without a large BR and nitty habits, broke would have happened at least twice. Still, if your friends don't give you a hard time, who will? He's staying with his large employer because he loves the corporate double-talk.
Not sure it was clear, but I actually left Large Employer. On my resignation, I received a counteroffer, which was basically to break off a division and lead it, which would have been okay, but not ideal. I turned them down and left, and now I'm with Small Employer. I think I have about 5 years of learning before I can start Callipygian Pharmaceuticals, I definitely don't have the network or the technical skills to fly solo yet.
11-30-2015 , 05:26 PM
Someday Caly goes from oppressed to oppressor and then he can make people listen to him talk about obamacare all he wants
11-30-2015 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
now I'm with Small Employer. I think I have about 5 years of learning before I can start Callipygian Pharmaceuticals, I definitely don't have the network or the technical skills to fly solo yet.
Oh, congrats. Didn't realize.

Most of you don't read micros LC thread. Here's a snow biking photo from yesterday.
11-30-2015 , 05:44 PM
Taking a counteroffer is lol, IMO. Sure you make more money and/or get that promotion. For the 3-6 months it takes them to find the right replacement for you.
11-30-2015 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Someday Caly goes from oppressed to oppressor and then he can make people listen to him talk about obamacare all he wants
That's the price you pay for joining the best company in the world.

Originally Posted by DougL
Oh, congrats. Didn't realize.
11-30-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
Oh, congrats. Didn't realize.

Most of you don't read micros LC thread. Here's a snow biking photo from yesterday.
You'd better wear that outfit to the casino next week so I recognize you
11-30-2015 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
You'd better wear that outfit to the casino next week so I recognize you
Will be the guy passed out in a pool of sweat if the temp is > 40 degrees F.
11-30-2015 , 07:02 PM
That's usually the easiest way to find me too. Just replace sweat with alcohol, and 40 degrees to -1000
