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November Low-Content Thread November Low-Content Thread

11-25-2008 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
I got an MA so there.
M.Eng here so a little bit different ****
11-25-2008 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Frond
Jesse -I see the scooter is still functioning quite well these days.
Honestly, the NorCal 20 games are so soft they literally hand out scooters at the door when you show your 2+2 badge. In a pinch, if you show Ed Miller's SSHE they let you borrow a skateboard.

If your name is made up of a bunch of letters/underscores/numbers that don't make any sense (hoss_tbf, annette15, etc.) they hand you the keys to a Suzuki Hayabusa.
11-25-2008 , 10:09 PM
i think there should be a challenge. One of the commerce 2+2ers needs to hook up with a degenrate, either middle eastern or asian. I'm not sure what the prize would be, other than a lifetime of getting soft played
11-25-2008 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by TedBundyWasRight
I'm not sure what the prize would be
[ ] the clap
[ ] crabs
[x] herpes
11-25-2008 , 11:24 PM
"One of the commerce 2+2ers needs to hook up with a degenrate"

Already happened.

11-25-2008 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
[ ] the clap
[ ] crabs
[x] herpes
lol nh
11-26-2008 , 12:37 AM
So, In the Hustler 50-100 I hit my first $$ ever from a bad beat jackpot.

The Huster has a 50k min jackpot that is easy to hit cause it's A's full of Tens beaten by quads and 3 Aces on board is fine.

So I got a table share (4k) all because one guy doesn't chop. SB had 78d and BB had KQd and the flop contained the 9d and of course it cam perfect perfect TJd. The split was 40% for the 78d, 20% for the KQd, and 40% divided up by the rest of the table.

Two guys who always walk and take miss blinds were you guessed it walking and we go to split the table share portion 5 ways.

Here is the bad beat part: It was 2 am and I was playing late cause the game was sick and there donkeys that owned me which is why I was stuck almost 6 racks. So the jackpot didn't get me even

Anyway, it hit again last night which makes it 4 times in three weeks! Hopefully we bust the house while the $50-100 game is good..
11-26-2008 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
[ ] the clap
[ ] crabs
[x] herpes
You left out [x] all of the above
11-26-2008 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
I got an MA so there.
I got and MS in economics and a CPA (crap piling associate)...
11-26-2008 , 01:31 AM
I have my Masters in Fine Arts in creative writing. So of course I play poker for a living.
11-26-2008 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by DeathDonkey
Did he look like a bitter child whining about everything under the sun and playing shockingly tight and decent? If so that's Sean for sure!
even tho i imo have enough to play 1/2 i moved down to 40 and 60. well actually 60 but when theres 1 game half the time and a board 5000 long that means i actually will have to play 40 apparently. the act of sitting in a commerce 40 and 80 dollar game, esp one with $6 drop is so infuriating to me that i ban myself from opening my mouth in the game, i would guess when i played with mitch i had my headphones on ignoring what was undoubtedly a minimum of 6 drooling ******s bantering back and forth. if i didnt have my headphones on i was likely in a state of mind much like one that a woman being raped might escape to to ease the pain. i did tilt muck one hand face up this weekend, the KK that pj mentioned but it was my utg+1 and as soon as i had to fold i knew i was quitting after my utg anyway. for a while i must be a poker robot, im not allowed to drink and play, im not allowed to sit in a 20 or 30 stud while i wait, im not allowed to play 20 bc i will get bored, i am not allowed to play 1/2+ even if i sell pieces of myself to punish myself for my terrible work ethic. i am not allowed to play games where i get more than 2 cards or games where i can bet any amount i want or as much as i want up to the size of the pot. i can play 40 or 60 live and 15 or 30 online.

also i think pj did in fact tell mitch that i was in fact me (im not sure bc i was stewing in my misery with my headphones on) and he didnt say hi im too shy to talk to new ppl or i would have introduced myself even tho i wanted to kill everyone in sight as i believe it was about the time that K3dd beat my AA, 2 hands before the same guy binks out the 2 outter with JJ vs my KK and 3 hands before i quit and go upstairs to cry again

btw amazingly i managed my first winning week since like august this week bc after losing infinite in the above session i came down like an hour later and won and then won like 50 bets the next day between 40 and 60 too

btw mitch were you sb in the hand where i raise pf A9 sb cc bb fish calls flop AJ5 sb check bb bet i raise sb call bb 3b i call sb call? i think you were sb but i forget since at the time i didnt know you were you so i didnt really pay attn to you other than thinking you were foldier than the rest of the table. i wanna post that hand im just curious if it was you or some randomo sb

Last edited by reachforthesky; 11-26-2008 at 01:50 AM.
11-26-2008 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Honestly, the NorCal 20 games are so soft they literally hand out scooters at the door when you show your 2+2 badge. In a pinch, if you show Ed Miller's SSHE they let you borrow a skateboard.

If your name is made up of a bunch of letters/underscores/numbers that don't make any sense (hoss_tbf, annette15, etc.) they hand you the keys to a Suzuki Hayabusa.
You can say this on here but I can't make a quiet off-hand comment that 2/3rds of the table couldn't even understand about undertheinfluence raising a little light on the button? Come on now
11-26-2008 , 02:26 AM
so i guess it's going to be impossible to play a session without some bizarre incident, they start a new game and it is looking very good, but a little bit too much action for my liking as i only like 3-4 ******s per table with the rest being tight and passive...anyways, not doing much, minding my own business sitting in my usual dead silence listening to ella when seat 1 and seat 3 are in some hand. im in seat 7 and in seat 6 is one of the biggest angle shooters in the bay area, im sure all of the regulars know who he is, but id rather not use his name, he's the old grump usually sporting an A's cap, anyways, he covers his mouth and says "he doesnt have $hit" referring to seat 1's hand. seat 1 is called on the river and flips over QQ, obviously good against tom b. in seat 3, and seat 5, myself and seat 8 start laughing at seat 6's "read" (we were the only 3 that heard him). then as seat 1 is stacking his chips, he looks over in our direction and out of nowhere seat 6 points to me and says "he said you didn't have $hit". stunned, i obviously defend myself to seat 1 (who probably has no idea what's going on) and then say a few choice words for that piece of human waste angle shooting old fart who's going to be in the grave sooner than later, but the fact he would even do something so childish is just ridiculous. i told him "to stop acting like a f'n child" and if he's going to talk smack, own up to it and don't weasel out and point the finger at me the table got quiet for a little bit. an orbit later, he tries to strike up a conversation with me after i basically told him to F off in so many words, lol. where do people like this come from? scum never ceases to amaze me when i dont think they could get any worse and ive never thought highly of this person anyhow with all the angles he tries to pull at the tables.

i switch tables with jesse and it turned out to be a good decision, but i get berated at length at that table for winning with some junk hand after making a looser than usual call on the button with king rag suited and consequently getting rewarded by flopping the nut flush to crack a set. get told the usual "nice call", "really nice call", "im not mad, just wonderinrg what you were thinking" "you usually play more solid than that", etc.

im bringing muzzles tomorrow whether they want em or not.
11-26-2008 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by reachforthesky
im too shy to talk to new ppl or i would have introduced myself even tho i wanted to kill everyone in sight
pure quality, i love it
11-26-2008 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by reachforthesky
even tho i imo have enough to play 1/2 i moved down to 40 and 60. well actually 60 but when theres 1 game half the time and a board 5000 long that means i actually will have to play 40 apparently. the act of sitting in a commerce 40 and 80 dollar game, esp one with $6 drop is so infuriating to me that i ban myself from opening my mouth in the game, i would guess when i played with mitch i had my headphones on ignoring what was undoubtedly a minimum of 6 drooling ******s bantering back and forth. if i didnt have my headphones on i was likely in a state of mind much like one that a woman being raped might escape to to ease the pain. i did tilt muck one hand face up this weekend, the KK that pj mentioned but it was my utg+1 and as soon as i had to fold i knew i was quitting after my utg anyway. for a while i must be a poker robot, im not allowed to drink and play, im not allowed to sit in a 20 or 30 stud while i wait, im not allowed to play 20 bc i will get bored, i am not allowed to play 1/2+ even if i sell pieces of myself to punish myself for my terrible work ethic. i am not allowed to play games where i get more than 2 cards or games where i can bet any amount i want or as much as i want up to the size of the pot. i can play 40 or 60 live and 15 or 30 online.

also i think pj did in fact tell mitch that i was in fact me (im not sure bc i was stewing in my misery with my headphones on) and he didnt say hi im too shy to talk to new ppl or i would have introduced myself even tho i wanted to kill everyone in sight as i believe it was about the time that K3dd beat my AA, 2 hands before the same guy binks out the 2 outter with JJ vs my KK and 3 hands before i quit and go upstairs to cry again

btw amazingly i managed my first winning week since like august this week bc after losing infinite in the above session i came down like an hour later and won and then won like 50 bets the next day between 40 and 60 too

btw mitch were you sb in the hand where i raise pf A9 sb cc bb fish calls flop AJ5 sb check bb bet i raise sb call bb 3b i call sb call? i think you were sb but i forget since at the time i didnt know you were you so i didnt really pay attn to you other than thinking you were foldier than the rest of the table. i wanna post that hand im just curious if it was you or some randomo sb
No, I was on your direct left. We played the hand where you opened sb and I defended j7c and rivered flush against you. I remember the hand, except i remembered it wrong or didnt see the flop action right. I thought bb (9 seat) called and then back 3bet or something, because I remember you tanking on the turn wondering wondering whether you had enough outs to continue and I also remember you raising the river. It was definitely an interesting hand, and much more so if the seat 9 back 3bet or whatever. That game was so ridiculously good.
11-26-2008 , 03:24 AM
ya that was actually the toughest lineup i played in in the 60 all weekend and im not kidding. i was real confused that hand and im not sure if i did the right thing or not, i def thought it was close.

on a side note, although i never hold winning hands live i apparently am not allowed to have a losing session in 500x tougher online games. like less than 200 bets im up so far playing 30 but its just so lol that i can lose in live game with 8 legit fish but find a way to not lose in games that i wouldnt even bother sitting in live if it was a 1/2 game. actually i might be up more than 200 bets since iirc i lost some playing other random games whereas in 30 i win with good hands and bad hands and since everyone is bluffing they eventually fold when im bluffing. losing players like me dont use pokertracker aka i dont have PT on the comp ive played 99% of the hands on so no clue what ive actually won i just know my accts have more dollars in them than when i began and i know the rough amt

btw on the hand you had J7cc on the like T93ccXXc i had Q8o. im such fish

Last edited by reachforthesky; 11-26-2008 at 03:41 AM.
11-26-2008 , 04:19 AM
Yeah the 30 on stars was pretty good tonight. I had a legit 50/17 on my immediate right, but you dont need PT/HUD to tell you what you are up against when a guy is open limping in the CO and check/calling all the way down with top pair. Also, its the internet so make pair=no fold.
11-26-2008 , 04:20 AM

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.

I am like God's gift to Ryu. Headz-up for rollz.
11-26-2008 , 04:45 AM
I lost 6 racks today between 20 and 40. Strangely I'm not pissed or anything, I just want to go back so I can lose even more.
11-26-2008 , 09:29 AM
Captain R add me on XBL

gamertag = notwearingpantz
11-26-2008 , 11:34 AM
Gah, I'm on PS3.

I need to get a decent controller, I grew up playing SFII on coin-ops and cannot do a dragon punch for the life of me on these controllers.

CaptainRonnie97 on PS3 network.
11-26-2008 , 11:53 AM
Bah get a 360!!!!

Here a place that sells very good joysticks for PS3/XBox
11-26-2008 , 01:30 PM
Quietest Super Jackpot in Commerce history.

EP guy raises. he's a young asian guy who plays well, but he's running bad and is acting pretty down. called by an MP guy who is almost all-in. 3-bet by a slightly loose-passive guy in mp. LP is a full-on ATC guy who "plays 100-200" and he caps.

Flop AKx with two hearts. UTG bets, MP raises, LP 3-bets, UTG caps. The first MP guy is all in at some point.

Turn y bet, call, call.

River K Bet, MP raises, fold. UTG goes all-in for 3 more chips. MP says "jackpot?" and flips over KK. UTG has this whatever/dejected look and flips over AA like "so I lost to a 1-outer." I say, "yeah, that's a jackpot. In fact, it might be a Super Jackpot."* I think the guy with KK claps.

Everyone at the table is looking kind of dumbfounded. Floor comes over and calls another floorperson. I ask if anybody knows what time the super jackpot is--does it start at 9pm or end at 9pm (currently about 9:10pm). Nobody at the table seems to know. One woman goes over to check the board, but comes back and still isn't sure.

Finally the floor starts asking everyone for their ID, so they now believe that we've hit a jackpot. I ask if it's a super and she says yes so I clap. Everyone else is still sitting around looking at each other like these are the only clowns in the whole building who don't obsess over jackpots--what qualifies, what bizarre chain of events would have had to transpire for us to hit a jackpot last hand when you had 44 and I had 83 blah blah blah.

I've heard more cheering for a rivered gutshot, but whatever, ship the $3300 table share.

*Regular BBJ is aces full of tens or better beat by quads or better, Super BBJ is same but both hands must be pocket pairs or straight-flushes, and only qualify during certain hours of the day. I didn't know if we were in the qualifiying time slot.
11-26-2008 , 01:45 PM
So I spent a day at the Taj last weekend. Hoo Boy. what fun.


-In the first 10 minutes of being there, playing in a sleepy 10/20 waiting for the only 20/40 to open up, the floor is called three seperate times. Each time failing to respond to any or all questions.

-Running into two people who flopped straight flushes on me.
1, my AQ vs J9dd on the QT8ddd flop who was nice enough to c/c c/c c/r.
2, a raise a few calls, I call 67ss otb, both blinds call. 456ccc checks to me I bet, sb, bb and one cold caller call. Turn 6, checks to me I bet, sb calls bb c/raises, as I call and sb mucks bb says "you can't win josh" "are you sure?" I say. "I'm positive" the river pairs the 4 and I sit there incredulously pondering folding second top boat on the river for one bet heads up. But I do and he shows me the 78cc. I put 8 chips in my pocket.

-I did run into an old friend who now claims to be playing poker professionally. When I asked him "what game?" "texas hold 'em" NO KIDDING "what limit?" "oh 1-2nl." and he's never been to the borg. I wonder how long that'll last.

All in all, taj is a dirthole.

-Oh yeah but I got to lay it all out for Persian Sammy and tell him exactly how, why, and that he is the most selfish person I've ever met. He seemed to enjoy every minute of it. And asked me to go to dinner so we could discuss more of himself. ****ing nihilist.
11-26-2008 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by jkamowitz

All in all, taj is a dirthole.
Yeah, but its a fun dirthole. I remember it was dirtier before the renovation.

Did I mention I fell in the toilet while taking a dump years ago? Since they fired Trump, they increased the maintenance budget so they could bolt down the toilet seats...
