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Marginal hand multiway. Marginal hand multiway.

01-18-2008 , 01:54 PM
live 9 handed. I just recently joined the tabel but probably have a tight image.The other players involved in this hand all seem loose and not necessarily good.

4 players limp, SB completes, I check in BB with 6d5s.

The flop: 5h4d2c

I bet, everyone but the SB calls.

The turn: 5h4d2cKh

What shall be my plan from here on?
Marginal hand multiway. Quote
01-20-2008 , 01:15 PM
I would bet again. Against 4 opponents it is likely that you still have the best hand. If you do not, you probably have 6 outs. You could also be drawing totally dead. (one opponent could have 63 in the hole and flopped the nuts straight, another could have 76 drawing to the higher straight). Bet and proceed with caution. If you get raised, consider folding unless you think the raiser is a habitual bluffer/semibluffer on a draw like yours.
Marginal hand multiway. Quote
01-20-2008 , 01:24 PM
Cant see doing anything else but betting here.

Were probly still ahead and have a bunch of outs if somehow were behind.
Marginal hand multiway. Quote
01-21-2008 , 02:38 PM
Bet/Call Turn
We have a ton of outs if behind. No reads on other players, but I doubt we are up against a made straight here.
67 is possible.

River depends slightly on how many people we are up against, but if our Turn bet gets raised:
C/F River UI
B/C a 3 or 5 on River (C/C if 3h).
C/C a 6 on River.

EDIT: River action assumes we get raised on Turn.

Last edited by BeakWetter; 01-21-2008 at 03:01 PM.
Marginal hand multiway. Quote
