Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 753
Live 40/80. Villain here is too loose preflop, overly aggressive postflop, with a tendency to overvalue his hands. He's not a good player by any means, but has shown the ability to read hands every now and then. He does seem capable of thinking about the game when he's not on tilt. He tilts frequently, but does not seem to be on tilt at the moment. We have previously tangled in a few pots against each other since his seat is the button to my BB. A-high has taken down a couple of these.
He opens on the button, SB folds, and I 3-bet KK from the BB. He calls. Flop is
T 7 7 r
I bet, he calls. Turn is
I bet, he raises, I 3-bet, he 4-bets, I ...
Thanks in advance for any comments.