Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
So you are saying AJo is profitable on a 2 millions try data base ?
And do not forget, like Mason said and the reason of this thread, game condition changes...
Hi Montrealcorp:
In a 2,000,000 hand data base you would expect to get AJo approximately 2,000 UTG in a full nine handed game. Furthermore, I suspect that the game wasn't always full, so those hands would need to be discarded for the purpose of this analysis. And given, as I stated earlier, that we are looking at a small positive value as opposed to zero I question whether this sample size would be large enough, and JL has made it clear that he won't release this information.
Players get better all the time or maybe the holder of the AJo is much better than the average joe who would loose money with AJo too...
When looking at statistical data there can always be biases that distort it and you're mentioning two possible distortions.
I mean pretty obvious no one loose money with AA,KK,etc in EP but certainly AJo is not in the same range .
So maybe a lot of that sample came from very good games that do not exist anymore if it is too far in the past too.
Here's another reason why a good statistician will want to error on the conservative side.
fwiw, here about 6 max in though game, right ?
So ok ATo is there but we speak FR right ?
In a tough game , would AJo be there ?
Maybe but it would actually be at his bottom range for sure no ?
ps: i am not trying to be a dick or w.e btw, i just tend to agree with mason that if it is a very close decision, it should be very difficult to be sure it is in fact a winning hand.
I agree completely. And if it is a very close decision it shouldn't matter much what you do especially since a hand like AJo will appear in the UTG position approximately one-tenth of one percent of the time that a hand is dealt in a full ring game for a particular player.
If you are very sure it is a winning hand by far well hey good for you but maybe it is not a winning hand for everyone tho, that should be taking into consideration i think as well because like you said, it is slightly profitable for you and you play great.
This is a good point. There's no question that expert players can play a few more hands since they can coax some profit where a more typical player can't. That's always a possibility as to what is happening here.
I mean take a racing car like in formule 1, true the car ( or the hand like AJo) as value in it self but the driver still have a say in it.
Probably bad analogy but anyway
Best wishes,