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i decide to get frisky on the turn... i decide to get frisky on the turn...

11-09-2007 , 09:55 PM
20 foxwoods... late night... game is semi-decent... i've been sitting for maybe an hr... playing pretty snug...

6 limpers to me in the sb and i have K 6 .. i call ... bb checks...

flop for 4bbs..

K 8 5

i bet ... EP limper folds, MP calls... he's a youngish guy who looks like he has a pulse... a little bit loose from my obs so far but nothing that screams bad on the postflop side... def more aggro than anyone else at the table but that's not really saying much at fw... a couple of old guys who are typically bad foxwoods players who also limped call as well.. couple of others fold....

Turn for 6bbs...


I bet, MP raises... old guys fold... i 3-bet?
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:18 PM
I don't get it at all. If he's bluffing, he folds right away. If he has you beat, you're charging yourself to draw to the flush. Why wouldn't you just call?
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:27 PM
because he decided to get frisky on the turn. I don't think you're paying attention.
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:33 PM
I don't get it at all. If he's bluffing, he folds right away. If he has you beat, you're charging yourself to draw to the flush. Why wouldn't you just call?
I think the idea is to get villain to fold a better K or a weak two pair.

I agree, though, that it's a bad play. I'd much rather spend that extra bet getting to showdown instead of trying to bluff a loose player off what looks to be a strong hand.
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:38 PM
And I'd much rather spend that extra bet buying an all you can eat sushi dinner for me and a friend. A lady friend if preference be known. Obv I'm also calling on the river though, because I do have top pair which is usually the nuts.
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:39 PM
I'd also be sure to turn over my loser on the river and show everyone how I had both top pair and a flush draw, and hopefully they'd feel sorry for me.
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:50 PM
i'm discounting against two pair + hands cause all of those would raise the flop in all likelihood... and i'm pretty sure this is either A)FSD with a medium K or a decent 8 or B)semi-bluff with some sort of draw that possibly got better on the turn or c)a weirdly played monster that has me drawing...

I just saw it as a good opportunity to charge a semibluff while hopefully getting a better K to fold...
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:51 PM
and no i wouldn't expect anyone to fold 2 pair here...
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:55 PM
He's a bit loose and more aggro than everyone else, and you think he's folding TPGK?
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
11-09-2007 , 11:36 PM
well i thought with my image the way it was i thought it was a good possibility... i'm not sure if tpgk would be looking to call down a 3bet after i bet into a field of 6 and then 4 on the turn... but maybe on a draw heavy board he probably won't let go...

i just don't see how a monster wouldn't fastplay this flop though but i might have discounted that too much from the responses i'm getting so far...

fwiw, i got 4bet... i call... river is an 8... and i check.. he checks.... he had a4s...
i decide to get frisky on the turn... Quote
