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Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE

07-24-2008 , 12:36 AM
At Hollywood park, the 4/8 to 8/16 board were quite full, so I decided to take a shot at the 15/30. Online I'm pretty solid up to 2/4, and live I usually play 4/8 to 9/18. This is the first time I took a shot at a bigger game.

Table is about seven handed. Villain in MP is somewhat loose, and very aggressive - but appears solid. Villain in BB seems passive.

Hero is dealt A A in UTG+1

UTG folds, hero RAISES, fold, villain CALLS, folds to BB who calls.

FLOP: A 9 4

BB checks, hero BETS, MP calls, BB calls.


BB checks, Hero???

Do I lead here? Check/call? Bet/Call?

Of course I lead out, MP raises, BB calls. I call.

Correct? Am i missing something?


Last edited by AlienBoy; 07-24-2008 at 12:43 AM.
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by AlienBoy
At Hollywood park, the 4/8 to 8/16 board were quite full, so I decided to take a shot at the 15/30. Online I'm pretty solid up to 2/4, and live I usually play 4/8 to 9/18. This is the first time I took a shot at a bigger game.

Table is about seven handed. Villain in MP is somewhat loose, and very aggressive - but appears solid. Villain in BB seems passive.

Hero is dealt A A in UTG+1

UTG folds, hero RAISES, fold, villain CALLS, folds to BB who calls.

FLOP: A 9 4

BB checks, hero BETS, MP calls, BB calls.


BB checks, Hero???

Do I lead here? Check/call? Bet/Call?

Of course I lead out, MP raises, BB calls. I call.

Correct? Am i missing something?

First, I am trying to decide if I am one of the Villains. And then I am trying to figure out who you were.

I think that this a pretty clear bet/call situation. Even if you are behind you have 10 outs and pot odds. If you are ahead, you cannot afford to allow another spade to fall off for free.

There are some players in the HP regular line-up whom you would not have to call on the river. But 95% of the time you have to check call the river. Perhaps not overcall, but even there I have seen stranger things in that game. I probably would just pay them off -- again, unless it was someone that I knew never bluffs the river (and there are those opponents in that game).

If you PM me a description of your opponents, I probably have a better book/read for you as to what is going on here.
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:38 AM
wow this is extreme MUBS

bet and dont think twice about it
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:50 AM
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by schroedy
First, I am trying to decide if I am one of the Villains. And then I am trying to figure out who you were.

This was just a few hours ago, around 7 PM I think. I was at the must move table.

I am tall, shaggy hair, and use a marvin the Martian card protector.

I think that this a pretty clear bet/call situation. Even if you are behind you have 10 outs and pot odds. If you are ahead, you cannot afford to allow another spade to fall off for free.
That was my thinking. When he raised I just felt like a donkey though.

There are some players in the HP regular line-up whom you would not have to call on the river. But 95% of the time you have to check call the river. Perhaps not overcall, but even there I have seen stranger things in that game. I probably would just pay them off -- again, unless it was someone that I knew never bluffs the river (and there are those opponents in that game).
Interesting you say this. I did check call the river, and saw exactly what I expected - second nut frush. (Passive guy had 8 high frush)

Then I felt even more donkey like since my read was correct but I failed to heed.

I think of this as the one mistake that session. (6 chips) Oh well. Ended session up 11 BB.

If you PM me a description of your opponents, I probably have a better book/read for you as to what is going on here.
Dunno how to describe - middle aged guys - LAG had thin hair and scruffy/unshaven. Grey blondish. passive had glasses. can't imagine that helps!!!


Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by RudeboyOi
wow this is extreme MUBS

bet and dont think twice about it
What is MUBS ???

Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
I actually tried to delete the thread after posting, realizing its lameness, but I guess the new forum does not allow deletes? (I was really just excited about posting my first hand in Medium Stakes - LOL - should have thought twice, sorry!)

Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:17 AM
monsters under the bed syndrome
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by AlienBoy

This was just a few hours ago, around 7 PM I think. I was at the must move table.

I am tall, shaggy hair, and use a marvin the Martian card protector.

Interesting you say this. I did check call the river, and saw exactly what I expected - second nut frush. (Passive guy had 8 high frush)

Dunno how to describe - middle aged guys - LAG had thin hair and scruffy/unshaven. Grey blondish. passive had glasses. can't imagine that helps!!!


I was at Commerce tonight. I know almost all the regular and occasional players in the HP $15/$30 and you simply cannot put them on a flush with enough confidence to escape from top set here. Even if you get strong physical tells that they are betting strong hands, they are just too ******ed to know what a strong hand is with a board like that. They could be raising you with two pair here, thinking its the nuts.

You only have to fold wrongly once in this spot to lose a LOT of calls. Trust me, I learned this the hard way ("I'm giving you a living I put together off my own beats" Knish to Mike in the Turkish Baths).
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by RudeboyOi
monsters under the bed syndrome
But this monster was really there and it ate my chips!!!

Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by schroedy
I was at Commerce tonight. I know almost all the regular and occasional players in the HP $15/$30 and you simply cannot put them on a flush with enough confidence to escape from top set here. Even if you get strong physical tells that they are betting strong hands, they are just too ******ed to know what a strong hand is with a board like that. They could be raising you with two pair here, thinking its the nuts.

You only have to fold wrongly once in this spot to lose a LOT of calls. Trust me, I learned this the hard way ("I'm giving you a living I put together off my own beats" Knish to Mike in the Turkish Baths).
Thanks for the comment - if nothing else, it makes me feel less like a Donkey (unless you're leveling me, so I call down when you got the nuts... lol)

Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:09 PM
AB. are you actually thinking of folding the turn? You do realize that even if the villain flipped over his hand and showed a flush you still have to call right?
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:27 PM
I'm NEVER EVER EVER folding this turn. Obviously. I was thinking that I maybe should check/call turn based on my reads instead of bet call.

But I was certain of the flush. based on tells on the flop, I was pretty sure of the flush when I bet into it. BLEH. Hee haw.

Was awfully certain of the flush when I made a river crying call (double Hee Haw), and I think that was the big mistake here.

Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-24-2008 , 08:26 PM
Totally standard.

Honestly I think folding top set to one bet ever is a hero fold that will almost certainly be -EV in the long run.
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-25-2008 , 01:59 PM
bet/calldown turn UI. Next time fill up on the river and raise/check-raise-um.

take shots, trust me...they don't make you take a test to play bigger.
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-27-2008 , 04:07 PM
I don't think you should overcall the river.
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
07-27-2008 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by SNOWBALL
I don't think you should overcall the river.
Game and opponents specific. You have to be there.
Flop Set, flush card on turn, 15/30 LIVE Quote
