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Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading

04-30-2011 , 04:39 PM
Dan Negreanu just tweeted this. Maybe it's low content, maybe even not right for this forum; but I think it's worth discussing somewhere and this is my home forum.

Really? I can see ways in which this is true, and at the same time there are a whole bunch of chips-in-the-hand tells (& reverse tells) that people give off in limit that just don't apply in no-limit, because players can't hold their whole stacks in their hands.

And of course there is the whole "tells are overrated" position.

What do other people think?
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:45 PM
It's an interesting thought. Certainly getting more hands per hour also gives you more opportunities to pick up tells.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:47 PM
I get his tweets too, followed him for posts like this, cant stand how he spams hockey 24/7
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
It's an interesting thought. Certainly getting more actions per hour also gives you more opportunities to pick up tells.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by BabyBackBullshift
I get his tweets too, followed him for posts like this, cant stand how he spams hockey 24/7
Hey, it's his own twitter feed; he can tweet about what he bloody well wants to.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
Hey, it's his own twitter feed; he can tweet about what he bloody well wants to.
I know, just saying if someone was looking for advanced NHL betting line advice they would be following an ESPN specialist or something. I follow the pro poker player for poker tweets.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by BabyBackBullshift
I know, just saying if someone was looking for advanced NHL betting line advice they would be following an ESPN specialist or something. I follow the pro poker player for poker tweets.
I know what you mean. i follow this thread for thoughts on whether limit poker helps you get better at reading tells, not someones opinion on what Negreanu should be tweeting.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 07:26 PM
i actually heard him say this like two years ago and asked him in pokerstars chat around that time if it was true. He confirmed. Then he laughed when i asked him if he had relations with that girl who made it deep in the wsop that one year. Michelle something.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 08:03 PM
Tiffany something.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 09:04 PM
Anyone made the switch from live LHE to live NLHE? Does learning tells in LHE make you a better NLHE player?
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
04-30-2011 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
Anyone made the switch from live LHE to live NLHE? Does learning tells in LHE make you a better NLHE player?
Learning how to not suck at value betting helps you play postflop in NLHE.

Also bet/folding is like 10 times easier in NL than Limit.

Limit if I am c-betting and get raised, I end up calling a majority of the time because of 7:1 pot odds and such. In NL, no worries.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
05-01-2011 , 12:08 AM
The thing about limit vs. NL is that there are way way way more showdowns in limit. So it's not just that you pick up more tells from relaxed players, it's that you get confirmation of what those tells mean. You can spot a guy at NL make one of those obvious motions that signify a huge hand when he shoves, but you have to fold so you're not sure if the tell was accurate; at least not for him.

In limit if a guy does that on the river and you're closing the action for one bet, you pay him off and make a note. Those showdowns add to your bank of information and before you know it you're good at picking up tells. I tend to think reading tells is one of my biggest strengths in LHE. I've picked up a lot over the years and (correctly) made some pretty huge folds and pretty light calls based on nothing but tells. It helps make up for my leaks re: math and aggression and strategy.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
05-01-2011 , 06:50 AM
Good post Joker.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
05-01-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by MitchL
great insight Joker.
Improved your post.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
05-01-2011 , 07:01 PM
I agree that limit is a good way to learn and become confident in live tells for the reasons Joker mentioned. I think trusting a tell comes from a combination of factors.

First you must make a judgment call on your opponent's experience/state of mind. This can come history with the opponent or accurate stereotyping.

Secondly you need to pay attention to all the information your opponent is giving away. Hand movements, facial movements, posture, speech, and betting method.

Finally you must process this and combine all the factors. Sometimes sub-conscious intuition is used, but this is less valuable because the thought process can not be repeated. (e.g. I just know he has it.) It's much better to make conscious observations and decisions.

Playing limit will improve these processes, but in the end learning 'tells for NL' must be learned in a NL game and visa versa.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
05-02-2011 , 05:40 PM
Limit games are where I first learned how reliable the fast bet = bluff, tank bet = nuts tell is and it applies really well to NL.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by BabyBackBullshift
I know, just saying if someone was looking for advanced NHL betting line advice they would be following an ESPN specialist or something. I follow the pro poker player for poker tweets.
he's a Canadian Gambler, of course he is going to be betting hockey.
Dan Negreanu: Learn Limit Poker to Get Better at Tell Reading Quote
