Originally Posted by tradingman123
Making a quick trip to CA soon and wanted to revisit the commerce casino. I normally play 40/80 in AC but the games there have gotten tougher due to the poor economy. I was at Commerce last year and sat in a very juicy 40 game and wanted to take a shot higher this time. My question is, have the games at commerce gotten tougher in the past 6 - 9 months? Can I play higher, like 60 or 80 and still face fairly easy competition?
Generally you'll have more games to choose from at 40-80 than if you play higher. There are usually at least two times as many 40s as 60s and 100 games, sometimes three times as many or more. There are times when the 60 can be tougher than the 100, and even times when a couple of the 40s can be tougher than the 60. Since you'll be making a "quick" trip, hard to make that determination at first glance. That said, the 40 will be more textbookian "loose" and there will be more garden variety "fish" than in the higher stakes games.
The Vegas games at similar stakes are "easier" for me to beat, even though the Commerce games are more profitable. I'll let others elaborate.