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commerce 20 late night weekend action strat commerce 20 late night weekend action strat

03-13-2012 , 11:43 PM
The games can be so Lappy it is hard for some of you to even imagine this game. Seven or eight players to the the flop routine. Cold calls with any two from any postition with no regard to who raised or from what position. Limping UTG with J 2 suited and calling three bets cold is regular play. Really! It is involves drunks to dreamers and maybe one other solid player. Everybody peels on the flop with any pair, any three card to the flush, three cards to the straight, overcard(s) and of course and flush draws or straight draws (gutters included). But most never raise any draws, even big draws(overcard, flush draw with gutter). They have zero concept of EV. I have had some success with playing rather passively in EP on pots I have raised and get called by 3 plus players and big flops and praying one of the late position drunks bets so I can raise. Example:I raise UTG with AQ suited and called by 3 player and the blinds. Flop comes Q62r or Q83r Checked to me and I check hoping slightly aggro dreamer drunk bets air or better yet his 67 off suit. One blind calls and I raise. Played this way, I get rid of dueces, gutters, small pairs and invite any other q to call. If I were to bet flop I would get all those callers and have no ideawhere I am at and the almost any turn is hard to bet cause I have to call til SD in this game. LP play, I also play more passively til turn. Example: Five limpers to me in CO,I have KQd I just limp too. I know some of you are thinking_ WEAK!!! So flop comes K82 one d. Blinda check EP bet 3callers to me I call.(WEAK!!!!) I am hoping to improve my hand or for a total blank.

Ok Tell me how bad I play. Playing agro in this game builds pots early and player see rivers and get lucky there.
commerce 20 late night weekend action strat Quote
03-14-2012 , 01:15 AM
Read or reread Small Stakes Hold'em by Miller et al.

Read or reread Playing With the Fish by Izmet Fekali.

Meditate on what you have learned or have been reminded of.

If all that doesn't work, then move up to where they respect your raises.
commerce 20 late night weekend action strat Quote
03-14-2012 , 02:21 AM
Five limpers to me in CO,I have KQd I just limp too. I know some of you are thinking_ WEAK!!! So flop comes K82 one d. Blinda check EP bet 3callers to me I call.(WEAK!!!!) I am hoping to improve my hand or for a total blank.
Hating money is not a crime...but what Alan said.
commerce 20 late night weekend action strat Quote
03-14-2012 , 04:13 AM
move down in stakes and work on your game some

welcome to the forum
commerce 20 late night weekend action strat Quote
03-14-2012 , 12:54 PM
You should be thinking of how to maximize your expectation, not how to win the pot. Often, they go together, but sometimes, you do push large edges only to see people get there. It is part of the game.

Def read Small Stakes Hold'em.

And probably move down. BBB and Alan are right on.
commerce 20 late night weekend action strat Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:59 PM
Also remember aggressiveness does get rewarded.
commerce 20 late night weekend action strat Quote
