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Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Comm 20 A4s and a boring title

07-15-2009 , 11:59 AM
Games a great game with lots of limping and not much raising preflop

villain in hand is a regular who is SUPER passive but randomly "gets out of line" (for him anyways) by waiting to raise turn with KT on a 26T6 board, but then tanks and just calls when he has KJ on a TJJ2Q board after just c/cing whole way. he's the guy that wears his sunglasses on his mouth fwiw.

i limp A4ss UTG, 2 more limps behind, sb completes, bb checks

flop Ad4d2s
i bet 2 callers
turn 8s
i bet, villain raises, 3rd guy clears out, i 3-bet, villain tanks and calls
river 9c
i bet, villain raises

not sure what his frequency is here to raise the turn with something i beat other than A2, and i'm assuming that the river is an easy b/f? or do i just have the serious case of the MUBs
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:06 PM
A guy this passive has you beat every time.Fold.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:19 PM
Why did you 3bet the turn? I doubt you're ever good here on the river but I'm having a hard time figuring out what the guy has.. I'd guess he has a set or 53 waiting for a safe river to raise, but it's still a bit of a weird line.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
Why did you 3bet the turn? I doubt you're ever good here on the river but I'm having a hard time figuring out what the guy has.. I'd guess he has a set or 53 waiting for a safe river to raise, but it's still a bit of a weird line.
he has a9 every time ldo... but i still call... **** em he gets the money thats what i say...

but seriously, he may have a weird played chop, he may have 98dd, and he obv has no idea how to gauge the strength of his hand vs the board/action, so its def conceivable that he overplays stuff occasionally as well....

turn seems sorta close, but fine
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:45 PM
Quote: "Why did you bet the turn?"
Based on the way he played the K10 earlier,if you don,t 3-bet the turn & then check the river,he may check behind you & show you something like AJ.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:31 PM
Against someone who is passive I just let them free showdown raise or whatever he is doing on the turn and call down.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:45 PM
I played with that guy last night. He is so annoying when he plays. Pretty sure you are beat but I still pay him off
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
he has a9 every time ldo... but i still call... **** em he gets the money thats what i say...

but seriously, he may have a weird played chop, he may have 98dd, and he obv has no idea how to gauge the strength of his hand vs the board/action, so its def conceivable that he overplays stuff occasionally as well....

turn seems sorta close, but fine
I agree that you should call the river since he might be overvaluing something.

Originally Posted by benwood
Quote: "Why did you bet the turn?"
Based on the way he played the K10 earlier,if you don,t 3-bet the turn & then check the river,he may check behind you & show you something like AJ.
Why not donk the river then?
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
Why not donk the river then?
i have the answer to that.... it because the reason for 3betting the turn is absolutely NOT to prevent a fsdr... in fact 3betting to prevent a fsdr is basically totally ******ed...

the reason to 3b is for value, plain and simple... which he implies in the post anyway, (expectin AJ tobe in V's range), but he just didnt word it vvery well..

now, whether there is enough value to 3b is def debatable, but fear of a fsdr is no reason at all to put in more action
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:03 PM
In before preflop debate.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
In before preflop debate.
i predcit there will not be one imo
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
i have the answer to that.... it because the reason for 3betting the turn is absolutely NOT to prevent a fsdr... in fact 3betting to prevent a fsdr is basically totally ******ed...

the reason to 3b is for value, plain and simple... which he implies in the post anyway, (expectin AJ tobe in V's range), but he just didnt word it vvery well..

now, whether there is enough value to 3b is def debatable, but fear of a fsdr is no reason at all to put in more action
I understand that 3betting the turn is for value (and I think it's too thin in this case). But I was more generally thinking about someone that FSDR's a lot. If a turn 3bet makes them fold their weakest hands, but they might call a river donk with them then a call/donk line might be best line to take.

But that's not relevant here so whatever so ignore my ramblings.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
i predcit there will not be one imo
We just had one...

I thought preflop was thin to bad due to my post, and you disagreed saying it was standard
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:43 PM
Standard? I'd raise.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 04:15 PM
In that game, limping A4s UTG is fine. In the 40 I'd instamuck it.

For those who know this particular villain, you're losing 99.996% of the time when he raises the river (the other .004% being when he misreads his hand). Easy fold. On paper in the forum, I can understand people saying pay him off and that's certainly not a leak.

One time he Hollywooded on me for 5 minutes before raising the river with quads. I had QJ on a board of QJ44x. He was so happy turning over 44.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 04:22 PM
lol PJ. that guy plays like he is on crack. He gets so excited when he raises (uses both hands for raising). I turned and rivered quad 8s on him last night which was cool.

Yeah Daniel, you are beat, but I am curious what he had. Did he turn a set of eights on you or did he flop the joint?
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 04:36 PM
I think a stop n go is in order here. Call his turn raise, donk the river.

As played I call in practice which is why I win less than $60 per hour.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-15-2009 , 08:06 PM
i'm pretty sure i know who you guys are talking about, i've played with him a couple of times before. i would never ever 3b the turn here against him, i think it's already a crying calldown from the turn raise. as played, calling the river is pretty much throwing away $39.50

here's a hand i played with him on my last trip to commerce. cdc opens CO, i 3b KQ bn, this dude calls in the sb, bb folds, cdc calls

flop is J83r, i bet, sb calls, cdc c/r, i call, sb calls
turn 8, sb checks, cdc bets, i call, sb calls
river J, sb checks, cdc gives up and checks, i check expecting to win pretty often, but no the sb turns over AA
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:29 AM
This guy plays very different, depending on whether he's had his lithium that day. He'll just call a river bet with top full because the tight guy in seat 3 might have cold-capped PF with 74s--giving him a SF--then he'll go nuts with bottom straight on a paired and flushed board.

I think it's a clear call-down from his turn raise.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-16-2009 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
In that game, limping A4s UTG is fine. In the 40 I'd instamuck it.

For those who know this particular villain, you're losing 99.996% of the time when he raises the river (the other .004% being when he misreads his hand). Easy fold. On paper in the forum, I can understand people saying pay him off and that's certainly not a leak.

One time he Hollywooded on me for 5 minutes before raising the river with quads. I had QJ on a board of QJ44x. He was so happy turning over 44.

I've played with this guy in the 20 game many times. I would hate my hand once raised on the turn, though I would call down from there because a worse 2-pair is possible.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:30 AM
Merits of call down v bet/fold river?

Sounding like dude without lithium is unsafe candidate for river bet/fold so I may retract my statement.
Comm 20 A4s and a boring title Quote
