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clowning around (LC) clowning around (LC)

04-28-2008 , 09:38 PM
30/60 online. was 6 handed, just reduced to HU this hand. im button/SB. i dont know much about villain except that he limps too much 6 handed and seems pretty passive postflop and his screenname is some variation on "the legend".

i open button/SB with KK he 3bets from BB. i cap.

flop: J 4 J

he bets. i raise. he 3bets. i call

turn: J:

he checks. i grin and check.

river: 5

he instabets and i laugh and call in case he has 44, and type "BOOYA"
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 09:49 PM
You beat 44.

Why not just bet the turn?
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Grease
You beat 44.

Why not just bet the turn?
because i'm beat like >80% of the time. if i knew he couldn't have 44 i would consider folding
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 10:06 PM
Man, I would usually give a ton more action than this HU when I only lose to AA and the case J.

I can't see how you come up with the number that he has one of those two hands more than 80% of the time.
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
I can't see how you come up with the number that he has one of those two hands more than 80% of the time.
what hand is it logical to check the turn with after 3betting the flop and not getting capped?
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 10:35 PM
You forget that people are ******ed. This is heads up. 66 for example. I was playing heads up stud the other night and I had (kk)310 and the other dude had (108)310 and he went a zillion bets. people are dumb.
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by cgrohman
I had (kk)310 and the other dude had (108)310 and he went a zillion bets. people are dumb.
Hey c-gro, can you start using T instead of 10 for your notation? For a minute I thought you were giving us your phone number.
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by cgrohman
You forget that people are ******ed. This is heads up. 66 for example. I was playing heads up stud the other night and I had (kk)310 and the other dude had (108)310 and he went a zillion bets. people are dumb.
people are dumb is exactly why i expect him to have me beat. he gets 3 on the turn from me if he bets. he should never ever check 66 here after i slow down. (if he was too much of a puss to lead the turn w/ 66 he'd never 3bet the flop with it.)

PS- my defense is impregnable...and i'm just ferocious.

i'm out- will read tomorrow morning
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-28-2008 , 11:08 PM
I thought by using 10 instead of T, I would lead TT back to the forum to make up for its absensce. I haven't seen you around in a while.
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-29-2008 , 02:45 AM
head asplode
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-29-2008 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by willie24
what hand is it logical to check the turn with after 3betting the flop and not getting capped?
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-29-2008 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by MitchL
right. and even that is only logical to check with if he expects me to raise the turn a lot and he can't fold to a raise.

C/R aces here would be kind of wierd, but you might see it once in a while. (though i don't think from this guy)

but when very bad players catch quads their thinking sometimes goes "oh my god i have quads! insta-check! (giggle giggle giggle)"

when i bet when behind i lose 2 bets. when i bet when ahead i gain 1 bet. (though occasionally i will get c/r and win, so instead of needing 67% to bet, say i need only 60%).

there are 14 combos of AJ-JT
there are 3 combos of 44.
clowning around (LC) Quote
04-30-2008 , 02:50 AM
Hi Willie. Fun hand. Bayes Theorum. Bet the turn.
clowning around (LC) Quote
