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Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway

09-11-2007 , 05:04 PM
Borgata 20/40 8-handed

BTN is an aggro monkey I played with at Foxwoods before who thinks he can out play people so he often goes over the edge and makes plays which are spewish. It also means that he usually has loose opening/3-betting ranges and is likely opening light in this spot. One hand that I recall playing against him at FW is a hand where I defended my BB, c/r a flopped set, and was able to b/3b the turn and he couldn't get away from his overpair.

SB is loose-passive and bad, a terrible hand reader, and reminds you of someone you see in Smaller Stakes.

BTN opens, SB calls, Hero calls in BB with A9o.

Flop: 842r
BTN bets, SB calls, Hero calls.

Turn: 2
BTN bets, SB calls, Hero calls...
intending to call most rivers without having to over call.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 05:16 PM
Hmmm, I generally take a more agressive approach. I will 3 barrel this hand pre-flop and then lead.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 05:29 PM
pf: 3bet >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> fold
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 05:34 PM
pf: 3bet >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> fold
3-bets for sure.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 05:48 PM
One more vote for a 3-bet PF - when I first read the hand, I was thinking that I liked the call, but given how loose SB is (sounds like he could have ATC here), I think a 3-bet is mandatory. Getting it heads-up in position with SB would be really sweet, and 3-betting PF is the most likely way to make that happen (on the flop or turn, of course).

As played, I'd fold the turn. Unless btn is a total maniac, has to be worried when his flop bet is called and overcalled. I doubt he's going to fire the turn again with less than a decent A high.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 06:31 PM
and was able to b/3b the turn and he couldn't get away from his overpair
This pretty much describes nearly 100 percent of hold em players at all limits.

As for this hand, I'm 3-betting preflop in the situation described. You can easily have the best hand and the betting initiative could prove quite useful since you are in the middle on this hand.

As you played it, I may donk the flop to see what happens. I'm certainly not going to be check-calling the flop and then the turn after SB calls. Either make a play at the pot if you think it will work or get out after you miss your six outer and are no longer offered profitable odds (since you could also easily hit and lose).

Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 06:55 PM
and was able to b/3b the turn and he couldn't get away from his overpair
This pretty much describes nearly 100 percent of hold em players at all limits.

just because this hasn't been said explicitly yet... taking that line and folding to a three bet as a default, is god awful, money-hating poker. telling that story leads me to believe the villian might just be a good TAG and you may or may not be a nit/rock/TAP/old white person.

as for the hand, 3bet preflop. as played, calling down is bad due to it being 3way. that being said, i could definitely see myself doing it a fair amount (though objectively it is not MAXev).
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:03 PM
As everyone has said, not 3betting preflop has turned this hand into a disaster.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:18 PM
One hand that I recall playing against him at FW is a hand where I defended my BB, c/r a flopped set, and was able to b/3b the turn and he couldn't get away from his overpair.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 08:08 PM
Because this hand is 3-way, I think you should bet any paint card on river. This is a value bluff.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:47 PM

As played, I'd fold the turn. Unless btn is a total maniac, has to be worried when his flop bet is called and overcalled. I doubt he's going to fire the turn again with less than a decent A high.

I think this is the best turn card we could see short of a nine, then an Ace.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-12-2007 , 03:52 AM
I don't think my OP gives villain enough credit. He is TAGgish in certain regards and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a winner in the game. I also think I gave the impression that him calling down a 3bet in the other hand was a bad play. I was just hoping to give off the impression that he values going to showdown.

Should I be calling this down if BTN raises the flop and it gets HU on this board or is the turn fold standard?
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-12-2007 , 08:57 AM
and was able to b/3b the turn and he couldn't get away from his overpair
This pretty much describes nearly 100 percent of hold em players at all limits.

just because this hasn't been said explicitly yet... taking that line and folding to a three bet as a default, is god awful, money-hating poker. telling that story leads me to believe the villian might just be a good TAG and you may or may not be a nit/rock/TAP/old white person.
Definitely what I was thinking about the overpair.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-12-2007 , 02:59 PM
Also, is this hand only a 3bet because of SB's overlay?

P.S. Stop side tracking my thread. If I wanted advice on the other hand, I'd post it.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-12-2007 , 06:23 PM
against a good tag, or someone with a similar stealing range, its a standard 3bet heads up.

when it comes to playing live, many players have very tight blind stealing ranges, i am sure we have all seen people fold AJo face up on the button as a courtesy to allow the chop. as such, you certainly have to take it on a case by case basis live (in the case of HU). conversely, 3 way its almost always a 3bet live because many people's fold sb to steal % is ~10%.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-13-2007 , 03:20 PM
One more vote for a 3-bet PF - when I first read the hand, I was thinking that I liked the call, but given how loose SB is (sounds like he could have ATC here), I think a 3-bet is mandatory. Getting it heads-up in position with SB would be really sweet, and 3-betting PF is the most likely way to make that happen (on the flop or turn, of course).

As played, I'd fold the turn. Unless btn is a total maniac, has to be worried when his flop bet is called and overcalled. I doubt he's going to fire the turn again with less than a decent A high.
Isn't the term "aggro monkey" synonymous to maniac? I'm not a total maniac and I fire the turn here on the button all the time with nothing. Why wouldn't you?
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-13-2007 , 03:27 PM
Ben, it was nice meeting you. I'm sorry I didn't get to play more hours with you but from what I saw I think you'll do very well. You seem to have a very good understanding of the game but more importantly, you want to learn as much as possible from many different people, and that is definitely something that many of the better players in the world struggle with the most.

Anyway, onto the hand. I like your line a lot this time. Don't overcall the river as you said already and it will be perfect.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-13-2007 , 03:47 PM
Aggro monkey =/= Maniac in my book. I just like attaching monkey to everything like when I call myself a showdown monkey. I suppose it makes me a bad, unclear poster. Villain is simply aggro, more so than your average TAG, but not off the wall.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-22-2007 , 04:30 AM
ben: some ppl are lagtards
ben: i told u what happened on that A9o hand right?
ben: river is 9
ben: i instabet
ben: BTN instaraises
ben: SB instafolds
ben: I instacall
ben: BTN instamucks
ben: [censored] LAGtards
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
09-22-2007 , 10:53 AM
PF: I think the call here is fine, no reason to bloat the pot w/a marginal hand here. If you're ahead, its not by much, if you're behind, its by a lot

Flop: I can go either way w/calling or folding. Sometime's I'll just muck it b/c we may be drawing to 3 outs and this is going to be a tough spot to play against this particualr opponent. If its HU I might just close my eyes and call down

Turn: I'd usually just fold here. SB calling is bad news for your hand. He likely has a pair of some sort. Button could certainly have a bigger ace here and I'm just not loving this spot

River: c/c Against the type of opponent you described, he's goint 3 barrel here all the time. You can trap sb in the middle and get an extra BB outta him if he's got a weak pair which he might fold if you bet out into a pf aggressor.
Borg 20 Yell At Me More For Defending Axo Multiway Quote
