Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 8,023
UTG open limps, HJ raises, I 3 bet AhQh in the CO, Button calls, BB calls, UTG calls and HJ calls.
Ks5s5c....It's checked to HJ who donks....I put him on a mid pocket pair, flush draw, maybe a King, Ace high. I call? The pots huge and I don't think he has a monster. I don't like my relative position though. The button calls, and the BB raises, UTG folds, HJ instantly folds, I call and the button calls. The BB could have a K, flush draw or a 5. I discount him holding a 5 because he would have to hold a suited version. I have the Ah so that eliminates Ah5h. He could have a 56s or a 57s type hand. He may just call down with a weaker King. I do think he would raise AK but he does play carefully in tight range situations. He does call very loosely pre flop so he has a ton of spade draws. The button seems like a Tag/fish type. He has open limped and cold called some in addition to raising and three betting pre. I put him on a K, flush draw, Ace high high peel, mid to small pocket pair.
Ks5s5c7d...BB bets...If I was heads up I would be calling down unless a spade hit. With a player still behind me what would be the plan?