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AKs, turn decision AKs, turn decision

03-27-2008 , 10:06 AM
bay 101 20/40

MP is a loose passive asian woman. i've only seen her raise PF twice in a few hours of play; once when she 3-bet AA and the other time there was no showdown. she once cc'ed with QQ in the CO after a limper and HJ raise

button is playing damn near every hand and is peeling almost every flop. he's really passive for the most part but once in awhile makes ridiculous plays that make no sense

BB isn't totally clueless postflop but is still a bit too loose

MP limps, i raise AcKc in the HJ, button cc, SB calls, BB calls, MP calls. 5 for 10sb

flop is KsQsTd
checked to me i bet, button calls, SB folds, BB calls, MP c/r, i call, button calls, BB calls. 4 for 9bb

turn is 8h
BB checks, MP bets, can i call?

Last edited by private joker; 03-27-2008 at 02:52 PM.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 10:22 AM
Let someone else pay her off.

You are probably behind, and your outs are tainted and possibly in other's hands. You might be drawing to a chop anyway. A spade OTR could kill you, too. It's a minefield.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 10:32 AM
Getting 15:1???? How can you fold? She has to have exactly AJ for you to be making a proper fold. I don't think you're drawing to a chop a ton here either.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
Getting 15:1???? How can you fold? She has to have exactly AJ for you to be making a proper fold. I don't think you're drawing to a chop a ton here either.
although i have no idea where you got 15:1 from, u made me realize i messed up my post.

there was no EP limper in this hand. so PF there are 5 players and 10SB in the pot, after the flop action there are 4 players left and 9BB in the pot. at the time of my turn decision there are 10BB in the pot

can you edit the hand for me, PJ?
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 10:57 AM
NM bc of bakku's edit. This seems like a clear fold now.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 11:36 AM
Yeah fold seems good. You're never ahead and any outs you have outs are seriously tainted.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 01:48 PM
She has to have exactly AJ for you to be making a proper fold. I don't think you're drawing to a chop a ton here either
remember that just because MP doesnt have an ace doesn't mean you aren't drawing to a chop. yes, if MP has AJ you should fold. if MP has TT and button has AQ you should fold. if MP has KQ, button has AT, and bb has J7, you should fold - etc.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 01:56 PM
This is almost always a flopped straight by the MP. She could have J9 and you could be drawing to beat her but with the flush draw out there and several other players interested in this pot it is quite likely you are drawing to a chop or could possibly hit and lose. You are also not ending the betting in addition to not getting good enough odds.

I fold.
AKs, turn decision Quote
03-27-2008 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by bakku

can you edit the hand for me, PJ?
Done been edited, and agree with the chorus of folds. It's hard to do in the heat of the hand (ZOMG I have TPTK and a gutshot) but ladies like this absolutely never c/r a draw and lead the turn when they miss, so her range is pretty much AJ/J9 or a set, with the random KQ thrown in once in a while, and you're lucky if you have more than 3 outs here. Often it's 2 outs to a chop.
AKs, turn decision Quote
