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04-02-2012 , 01:42 PM
Full 20

Sb is somewhat loose, not particularly aggressive but not totallly passive either, fairly straightforward player.

BB is good thinking player a bit on the laggy side.

Two limps I limp 8c7c in the HJ SB completes BB raises all call.

Flop 4x5x2c 10 sb

SB leads BB calls fold fold I call.

Should I be raising here?

Turn Ac 6.5bb

SB leads BB raises I ???

BB almost certainly has an ace or aces up and probably wont pay me off if a club hits.
78 clubs Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:49 PM
I think its a fold
78 clubs Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:53 PM
call, not close
78 clubs Quote
04-02-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffoon
Full 20

Sb is somewhat loose, not particularly aggressive but not totallly passive either, fairly straightforward player.

BB is good thinking player a bit on the laggy side.

Two limps I limp 8c7c in the HJ SB completes BB raises all call.

Flop 4x5x2c 10 sb

SB leads BB calls fold fold I call.

Should I be raising here?

Turn Ac 6.5bb

SB leads BB raises I ???

BB almost certainly has an ace or aces up and probably wont pay me off if a club hits.

no, don't raise the flop, but don't fold either


I think its a fold

i think you don't know what you are talking about.

you have 12 outs to the nuts, TWELVE thats 4-1, plus the bet you earn even if the BB check calls the river.

I thought the turn was going to be between 3betting and calling. I just call because he won't fold AQ ever.

just call and spike the Qc on the river and $$$$$$
78 clubs Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41

you have 12 outs to the nuts,
Both SB and BB could easily have clubs here themselves, SB especially. You say BB is laggy? On my laggy days I usually raise SB's donk bet on the flop with AQ. You are not giving up much by folding here.
78 clubs Quote
04-02-2012 , 02:40 PM
Raise flop.

See if you can hit your straight/9/8 so you can bet the turn. Otherwise check behind the turn when a /air hits. You hit the river you're usually good though an 8/9 on the river here would merit just a call...

The beauty of raising the flop is that so much of the time you get a free card vs. a guy with a big hand who is counting on you betting the turn. Also in some alternate universes both opponents fold.

As played I do call the turn. Not worried about SB/BB having a bigger backdoor flush draw.
78 clubs Quote
04-03-2012 , 04:02 PM
I would just call the flop. The free card play dont work so well were I play. The SB could easily have a big hand that he might 3b. I like calling and then playing my position appropriately. If your games are more passive and you think a free card raise will work then that might be the play.

I wouldn't be concerned that one or both of my opponents had a bigger flush draw: I would be concerned that the SB continued to bet into a scary turn card and might 3b.

I would still call the turn, but I would delay enough to see if SB might clue me into his intentions. Even if he does 3b, it's not all bad since he'll have a strong enough hand to pay me off if I hit.
78 clubs Quote
04-03-2012 , 06:56 PM
78 clubs Quote
04-03-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffoon

BB almost certainly has an ace or aces up and probably wont pay me off if a club hits.
This seems absurd to me. A "good thinking LAGgy player" is going to raise the turn with aces up and then c/f the river if a club comes in a pot that has ballooned to about 14 BBs by that time?

Start bluffing the living **** out of him please.
78 clubs Quote
04-03-2012 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Poogs
I think its a fold
I think it's a level.
78 clubs Quote
04-03-2012 , 09:59 PM
The thing about the flop is that the SB donked and the BB, who raised preflop, didn't raise. We've got a gutshot + overs, and a better shot than usual that our overcards would be good if they hit. On the other hand, it's only three-handed at this point, and we would have to be not discounting our overcard outs at all for a raise to be for value alone, rather for fold equity or a free turn card. So it's close enough that I could go either way. Decider would be if I thought the SB was likely to 3-bet; if so, I'm inclined towards the direction of just calling.

Turn is a call. BB spiked their ace. Our overs are no good, but our flush and gutshot draws almost surely are. I'm not expecting to be shown a bigger flush if it hits until and unless our river bet or raise gets raised or three-bet.
78 clubs Quote
04-04-2012 , 02:51 AM
Raise preflop.
78 clubs Quote
04-04-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
Both SB and BB could easily have clubs here themselves, SB especially. You say BB is laggy? On my laggy days I usually raise SB's donk bet on the flop with AQ. You are not giving up much by folding here.
the BB has an Ace here 100% of the time. Ac in on the board, therefore, BB has a flush draw 0% of the time.

SB may have a bigger flush draw, but it's unlikely, since he has a pair of something, so he has to have both a big club and a little club that paired the board.

thinking everyone has a flush draw when in reality it's highly, highly unlikely they do its MUBS.

just look at the outs that give you the pot, every club, and every 6. that's 12.

sure some clubs pair the board and you lose to the SB, but even if you discount it to 10 outs, you still would call based on the math.

fwiw, I'd 3bet the turn before I folded the turn.
78 clubs Quote
04-04-2012 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
This seems absurd to me. A "good thinking LAGgy player" is going to raise the turn with aces up and then c/f the river if a club comes in a pot that has ballooned to about 14 BBs by that time?

Start bluffing the living **** out of him please.
I dont know. Call call cold-call bet(or raise) looks an awful lot more like a flush draw that got there than a bluff.
78 clubs Quote
04-04-2012 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffoon
I dont know. Call call cold-call bet(or raise) looks an awful lot more like a flush draw that got there than a bluff.
Of course it does. But I'm not check-folding aces up getting 14:1 just because the third of a suit came in. I would check-call and expect to lose.
78 clubs Quote
