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66 gets 3b 66 gets 3b

06-08-2015 , 10:24 AM
Live 20/40 9 handed.

Villian: he is mid 30ish, Asian, seems pretty tight, has 3 bet pre once before but didn't show. He has been at table only 3 orbits.

My image might be slightly lag since I have been fairly active in the short time we've played together. I have yet to showdown anything though.

I open 66 in late MP. The villian 3 bets next in from HJ, folded to me and I call.

Assume I check/call these flops. How far do you go? What turns do you fold? If you call the turn are you showing down blank rivers?

66 gets 3b Quote
06-08-2015 , 10:52 AM
Do I have the 6 of clubs?
66 gets 3b Quote
06-08-2015 , 11:19 AM
I'm probably folding all Ace turns.

I hate the spot in general and probably use game time feel.

I may just fold all turns unless it pairs the board or I set up.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-08-2015 , 11:48 AM
I am probably folding any A, K, Q (non pairing K or Q depending on which flop it was of course), 10, and most likely 9, although 9 is debatable. Calling down all other 8- turns and rivers and I don't care too much about one more club. If it goes club club and I don't have the 6c, then I am folding to the running clubs on river regardless of what they are. I call down to showdown with all other 8- turns and rivers, mostly because I am good here a good portion of the time and also since I have no reads at all on villian, I would like the info to see what he three bets me with pre and how he played the hand down. Then you can adjust some from there.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-08-2015 , 12:26 PM
I do not have a club
66 gets 3b Quote
06-08-2015 , 09:06 PM
the order is based on card rank order obv, so my fave is QT5

i'm k/c'ing flop, k/c'ing turns <8 or board pairing, and folding most rivers if the tight guy who can take a free sd bets. i'd expect him to bet the turn though w/ hands like AK/AJ/A9, and sometimes w/ KJ or K9s if he goes that low pf. i also don't think he's likely to bet rivers w/ K or Ahigh given we called the turn.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-08-2015 , 10:37 PM
Can tight guy really be expected to bet naked broadways OTT? I mean people just don't x/c x/f these textures much.

Read so far though suggests he may be reasonable, so reasonable players are more likely to not bifurcate their range OTT. Of course, that only matters if he thinks hero is reasonable and won't either instafold or instacalldown a hand like this.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-09-2015 , 09:08 PM
what is villain's range and how are you doing against it? and what do you think his tendencies are?
66 gets 3b Quote
06-13-2015 , 02:34 PM
Ok, let me be the one to present the nit argument for this situation and see what everyone thinks.

We don't have much of a read on this villain except that he "seems kind of tight". If this is a solid / aggressive sort of tight then I can understand the arguments so far for a flop peel and a very marginal call down on some run outs. But, if this is a more average 20 / 40 opponent (at least where I play 20 / 40), and this opponent also has a cold call range, then we are likely in pretty bad shape here and I might just find a fold on these flops (although the QTx flop is closer).

For example, a decent opponent might have a 3bet range that looks something like 77+, A9s+, ATo+, KQs (unless he adjusts to your loose image and then he might even have a few more hands). In that case, our pair seems to have enough equity to continue. Although, as already stated, I would be very wary of a river bet as even a lot of decent opponents will auto check the river with all of their ace hi hands even when some of those might be their worst possible holdings and worthy of a triple barrel.

However, many opponents that I face simply will not have the A9 or AT (or KQ) combos here. They would be cold calling with those hands. So now, all of a sudden we are facing a range of 77+, AJs+, AJo+ on a QJx board. Literally all we beat is AK. And it will be hard to estimate how often an average villain will check back the turn when holding AK here so calling a turn bet is probably a pretty significant mistake. Therefore, I probably just find a fold on the flop where my equity for the peel is extremely close anyway.

So, this is definitely a spot where our read becomes pretty important imo.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-20-2015 , 12:52 AM
PokerCruncher-Advanced-iPhone V.8.1.2

(Equity, Win, Tie)
Player 1: 27.3% 27.1% 0.48% [6h6d]
Player 2: 72.7% 72.4% 0.48% {33+, A8s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 65s, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo}

Board: [Qc Tc 5d ? ?]
Deal To: River
Dead Cards: {}

Monte Carlo Simulation: 500000 trials
66 gets 3b Quote
06-21-2015 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
PokerCruncher-Advanced-iPhone V.8.1.2

(Equity, Win, Tie)
Player 1: 27.3% 27.1% 0.48% [6h6d]
Player 2: 72.7% 72.4% 0.48% {33+, A8s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 65s, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo}

Board: [Qc Tc 5d ? ?]
Deal To: River
Dead Cards: {}

Monte Carlo Simulation: 500000 trials
We're did you get that player 2 range?
66 gets 3b Quote
06-22-2015 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
We're did you get that player 2 range?
Like no I in team, there is no we in where. And to answer your question, my ass. Anyone can run a poker calculation using their best estimate of an opponents range. If they did it would shorten some threads here.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-22-2015 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Like no I in team, there is no we in where. And to answer your question, my ass. Anyone can run a poker calculation using their best estimate of an opponents range. If they did it would shorten some threads here.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-22-2015 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by up2ng
Ok, let me be the one to present the nit argument for this situation and see what everyone thinks.

We don't have much of a read on this villain except that he "seems kind of tight". If this is a solid / aggressive sort of tight then I can understand the arguments so far for a flop peel and a very marginal call down on some run outs. But, if this is a more average 20 / 40 opponent (at least where I play 20 / 40), and this opponent also has a cold call range, then we are likely in pretty bad shape here and I might just find a fold on these flops (although the QTx flop is closer).

For example, a decent opponent might have a 3bet range that looks something like 77+, A9s+, ATo+, KQs (unless he adjusts to your loose image and then he might even have a few more hands). In that case, our pair seems to have enough equity to continue. Although, as already stated, I would be very wary of a river bet as even a lot of decent opponents will auto check the river with all of their ace hi hands even when some of those might be their worst possible holdings and worthy of a triple barrel.

However, many opponents that I face simply will not have the A9 or AT (or KQ) combos here. They would be cold calling with those hands. So now, all of a sudden we are facing a range of 77+, AJs+, AJo+ on a QJx board. Literally all we beat is AK. And it will be hard to estimate how often an average villain will check back the turn when holding AK here so calling a turn bet is probably a pretty significant mistake. Therefore, I probably just find a fold on the flop where my equity for the peel is extremely close anyway.

So, this is definitely a spot where our read becomes pretty important imo.
Good post. Only time to consider a calldown is if villain has an aggressive/wide PF3b range. Otherwise, easy fold.
66 gets 3b Quote
06-22-2015 , 04:26 PM
I agree that calling turns with cards less than 8 non Broadway's or board pairing cards makes sence. I think early on showing down rivers that fit this category makes sense.

If I determine the villian does have a tightish range, I can start considering folding the flop.

If I was a little higher in my range with 88's of 99's I would be a bit more stubborn since I beat more pocket pairs as well as weak back doors.
66 gets 3b Quote
