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2018 NC/LC THREAD - are we ever going to get a title? 2018 NC/LC THREAD - are we ever going to get a title?

07-25-2018 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Sean Snyder
It's also really cool that they're having a mixed game tournament outside of the WSOP that isn't microstakes or a high roller so I'd like to support it.

Yeah it’s a fantastic buyin size. Hope it catches on
07-25-2018 , 07:24 PM
it really sucks big O is catching on and sticking. any game that actually gets worse the shorter it gets, is ****in ******ed. like, i get it- o8 is boring full ring and big O makes full ring tolerable (imo is the only tolerable fr game). it's like, fr players finally found a game in which they can play a lot of hands because they don't have to bluff.
some of us like to play short, bluff, and make thin bets, and when the best shorthanded game (imo o8) is replaced with this ******ed fr flipping bull****, it gets pretty annoying.

o8 needs to be revised to where onece there's 6+ players you get an extra card and when 5-, it reverts back. this would clear a lot of things up and eliminate all of the complaining about 2 omaha games in the mix.
07-25-2018 , 08:23 PM
Why do you think having the extra card makes a more enjoyable full game? Seems to me that it would be the opposite.
07-26-2018 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Why do you think having the extra card makes a more enjoyable full game? Seems to me that it would be the opposite.
Wow. I'm going to agree with Rob.

The 5th card in 5 card Omaha makes the nuts more likely to be out there and punishes fish more for playing more hands, say like 2nd and 3rd nut lows. I haven't really thought about what total % of hands are playable in 4 vs 5 card O/8, but I'm guessing you should play fewer and that having a super premium hand where all cards work together is more valuable. So the
big O makes full ring tolerable (imo is the only tolerable fr game)
is only because the fish are still playing what are essentially 2 or 3 card hands. In O/8, that's slightly bad. In 5 card, it is just horrible and you're punishing them for being terrible. Like someone playing a bare A3 in O/8 in O/8 is making a mistake. In 5 card, it is lighting money on fire.

Maybe / / ///AutoZone is playing in tougher games than I've played and there is some dynamic where 5 card Omaha is fun full ring but terrible SH? If you're looking for a good game, try to get 3 card Omaha in the mix. Always enjoyed that game.
07-26-2018 , 03:13 PM
bare a3? you have 3 other cards. it's pretty rare that i fold axxxx in big o from any position.
i only find big o tolerable fr not because people play a lot of hands, but so i, myself, can play more hands. imo too many people overrate the nuttiness requirements itg.
if anyone want's to sell me some bitcoin, would be cool to play like a hu o8 freezeout for like 5k or something on bodog.
07-26-2018 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by / / ///AutoZone
if anyone want's to sell me some bitcoin, would be cool to play like a hu o8 freezeout for like 5k or something on bodog.
You're going to have to find someone who has strong feelings about their game or yours before you get a HU4Rollz challenge going. So
Maybe / / ///AutoZone is playing in tougher games than I've played
isn't a challenge for 5K freezeouts where
it's pretty rare that i fold axxxx in big o from any position.
You're literally the worst Omaha player on planet earth, and I'd be willing to sell my house and risk starving for a chance to bust you.
Since I said the first, and not the second, I'll enjoy sweating the match between you and someone who actually plays HU O/8.
just in case it isn't clear and my meh sense of humor isn't coming through, the last part is me joking

I'm still pretty sure that A3997 isn't a playable hand in a full ring 5 card O/8 game.

Last edited by DougL; 07-26-2018 at 04:13 PM.
07-26-2018 , 04:56 PM
Can confirm AutoZone plays most hands in either O8 variant.
07-26-2018 , 05:03 PM
oh **** i'll play for less too. i just figured >5k wouldn't be worth a reputable player's time since reputable players usually play bigger.
07-26-2018 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
The 5th card in 5 card Omaha makes the nuts more likely to be out there and punishes fish more for playing more hands, say like 2nd and 3rd nut lows. I haven't really thought about what total % of hands are playable in 4 vs 5 card O/8, but I'm guessing you should play fewer and that having a super premium hand where all cards work together is more valuable. So the is only because the fish are still playing what are essentially 2 or 3 card hands. In O/8, that's slightly bad. In 5 card, it is just horrible and you're punishing them for being terrible. Like someone playing a bare A3 in O/8 in O/8 is making a mistake. In 5 card, it is lighting money on fire.
I've played a fair amount of L Big O 8 and thought about this. I think everything here is accurate except I'm not sure your VP$IP should be lower. Theoretically since the betting structure hasn't changed, it seems like the bar for "playable hand" should rise at about the same rate as hands get better with the 5th card. IOW a marginally playable four-card hand with a dangler is bad, but a marginally unplayable four-card hand with a coordinated fifth card becomes good.

So, in four-card I'm folding something like A4K6 multiway. But I think A4K65 might be marginally playable . You won't often get the magic 3-2 flop but the extra "focus" of the rundown with the five will let you flop some combo equity that gets you to the river to make your wheel-6 or backdoor flush whatever. Multiway O8 is very much a game of flopping just enough that you stay in to stumble your way into a much better hand by accident, IMO.

Implied odds probably tweak things marginally, but that's more a matter of which hands you play than how many you play.

Actually we should probably just start a Big O8 preflop thread in the O8 forum.

But I've never thought of LO8 as a great shorthand game. Split pot games shorthanded make everyone feel like they're losing to the rake, which leads to unsustainability unless it's a time game. An O8 expert probably is beating the rake if it's not too bad. I'm pretty sure you're often getting odds to call down with bad high bad low against even a moderately aggressive villain, so it seems like thin value raises would be a lot of your edge.

Eager to hear if my reasoning is suspect.....

Last edited by AKQJ10; 07-26-2018 at 05:14 PM.
07-26-2018 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10

But I've never thought of LO8 as a great shorthand game. Split pot games shorthanded make everyone feel like they're losing to the rake, which leads to unsustainability unless it's a time game. An O8 expert probably is beating the rake if it's not too bad. I'm pretty sure you're often getting odds to call down with bad high bad low against even a moderately aggressive villain, so it seems like thin value raises would be a lot of your edge.

Eager to hear if my reasoning is suspect.....
that's why big o is terrible shorthanded, along with a lot of other reasons. when lo8's short, there's a lot of 1way scoops even if lows come in. ie: low draws pairing. in big o, you always have backup. big difference in frequencies of 3 lo cards in your hand in big o as compared to lo8
07-26-2018 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by / / ///AutoZone
bare a3? you have 3 other cards. it's pretty rare that i fold axxxx in big o from any position.
i only find big o tolerable fr not because people play a lot of hands, but so i, myself, can play more hands. imo too many people overrate the nuttiness requirements itg.
if anyone want's to sell me some bitcoin, would be cool to play like a hu o8 freezeout for like 5k or something on bodog.
I’ll play but would want to find a more rake friendly spot for Hu freeEout in split pot game. Do they even have o8 there anymore, quit playing o8 there after Lobbu changes

Also prefer to 4 table so doesn’t take forever
07-26-2018 , 05:28 PM
i had a feeling you'd be the first to jump on this one. pm'd
07-26-2018 , 05:51 PM
Google searching: "44/omaha-8-a/" big o preflop hasn't really produced any obviously good threads on Big O (limit or PL) preflop. Still working my way through them. These might have a bit for PL:

Hhaven't looked thoroughly through those threads yet.
07-26-2018 , 09:49 PM
Any big games running in San Diego? Gonna be there for the weekend.
07-27-2018 , 05:26 AM
What games do you want to play, how big do you want to play and how many players do you want to play with?
07-27-2018 , 02:27 PM
Any game you can name, any amount you can count. Will have to do a throwdown when I do a proper LA/San Diego trip (and when I have a car). Am here for the Ingress Anomaly with the Mrs.

Forgive my ignorance but I take it Ocean's Eleven is the place to be? 5/10nl, 10/25nl, 20/40lhe spread there according to poker atlas.
07-27-2018 , 03:30 PM
07-27-2018 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by OnTheRail15

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Originally Posted by Sean Snyder
Doubt it
Originally Posted by Captain R
I think I wrote this in another forum, but it seems like if they just reduced the size of the field by 30%, the game would be so much better. Faster game, more scoring, etc., it would be more American-style.

They could call it American football.
Originally Posted by surf doc
Hey guys. I lurk here a little for entertainment. I hope all is well. Seems like a return to Vegas could be in order at some point. I am semi-retired so pretty easy to plan a few days.
Miss you guys. Haven't played in years as lots of life stuff has been going on. Would love to plan a trip to Vegas soon. Last one was lot of fun.
07-27-2018 , 06:36 PM
Lemme see if i can setup a private game for you. I bought poker mavens a while ago and have to set it up again but it shouldn't be hard.

pm me if you want it and what you want. It does horse and can do multiple tables.

Free of cost... Just don't get mad at me if something ****s up

(i would give you both chips and you would have to settle the money elsewhere)
07-28-2018 , 10:45 AM
Might be random but Football season is coming up. I am looking for anyone that good with Stats./build ok model take over inputting in excel around game time. Basically the past few years I been just line grinding sharp(pinnacle/vegas line) vs my local bookies. They offer beatable lines due to stall lines 30 mins before game start and -102.5 odds. However Nfl can't just rely on using pinnacle lean since it hard to exactly pin point if the line moved due to books trying to balance or they just overwhelm by fish money. Also there opportunity cost for me to try to do two things at once(poker) so I would rather pay ok rate/split share with someone. Pm if interested.
07-28-2018 , 10:56 AM
Also forgot to add with the new sport betting being legal in east coast already there probably decent money to be made. I remember finding multiple 15%+ edge on Delaware stall 3 team parley last year obviously a lot of variance. There going to be at least 1-2 years of States control sport book messing up/not getting it right in the beginning. Although it not time friendly ex. delaware park don't let you big more than 25 dollar sheet. Although there loop hole when you go to convenience store they don't give a shi.t and let you do multiple bets. I would post this in sport book forum but I always get big time over there. No solvers solution for this
07-28-2018 , 10:59 AM
How much time commitment do you expect?
07-28-2018 , 11:15 AM
probably Sat/Sunday one hour before game time through out. I already have excel set up that all anyone have to do is input in games/odds and look at edges decide if it worth betting or not and texts in bets that for line grinding. Obviously if someone want bigger split/pay they need to do some sort of modeling for nfl. College football pinnacle lean seem to work really well. must read to understand wtf I am talking about
07-28-2018 , 01:16 PM
Since I’m just getting into super stud how much do I suck?

Whatever brings in, 4s completes and I have 3d up with AsAc4h5c and I raise and 4s only caller. What do I toss? Does it change depending on how multiway we are?
07-28-2018 , 01:21 PM
Keep aces. I’d only break in your spot if someone is likely rolled up.
