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20/40 i haz tripz 20/40 i haz tripz

03-22-2012 , 02:17 AM
Hero is MP LAG-ish at this point in time. SB is ABC, BB is aggro. BTN is solid tag.

Hero has QJhh opens in MP, btn 3!, sb fold, BB call. Hero call

Flop: q-q-7 rainbow

bb ck, hero bet, btn call. bb raise, hero 3!, btn call. bb call.

turn: 9

bb ck, hero bet, btn raise. bb fold, hero??

call/get lucky on river or puke fold? Showing down is never going to be good, is it?
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 05:24 AM
Why did you donk the flop? BB is described as aggro. In what world is he not c-betting this flop for you?
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 05:31 AM
OTF I'm not sure if I'm cring. I think this is a pretty good board to cbet an entire 3b range so I would expect him to cbet here a lot. We get value from this obviously but balance wise (at least for me being a sshe Guy) its not really good because multiway I've got a Q like everytime when I CR here. So its strictly for value and I don't know if its better to donk here or not for balance reasons ... Otoh a lot of guys like to slow play here so cring can create action (as it did for you just by donking) because they just assume that you don't have anything! So I really don't know if donking is better than cring here.

Ott he raises you AFTER you b/3b a paired flop. Its a pretty serious indication that he doesnt give a **** or doesnt believe hat you most likely have a queen. But if he had a queen himself or 77 wouldn't he raise the flop and get value? Isn't that what a "solid "player would do? So then he has exactly 99 here and we should just fold it right away then?

No... i would not fold ...

so is a raise in order? I would not be surprised if villian thought you had a mid pp or a 7 thinking that he had AK or similar. That said we loose to AQ KQ 99 and 77 but are ahead AA KK. I don't think he's raising with TT JJ or AK here. so i feel like he might be grtting fancy with an over pair but he could have us.crushed too... all in all I probably take the conservative route and call here.

Last edited by nonsimplesimon; 03-22-2012 at 05:36 AM.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
Why did you donk the flop? BB is described as aggro. In what world is he not c-betting this flop for you?
We are expecting the "solid tag" btn to cbet.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 11:20 AM
Call this and call the river. He can have the same hand, QTs, and could be FSDR some hands. Plus you might have more outs than you think (7 of them? or maybe 3 to win and 6 to chop?)

I don't think you need to get into the habit of folding hands this strong.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by pb87
Call this and call the river. He can have the same hand, QTs, and could be FSDR some hands. Plus you might have more outs than you think (7 of them? or maybe 3 to win and 6 to chop?)

I don't think you need to get into the habit of folding hands this strong.
i like this.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by pgcounty
i like this.
Me too. This is right. (That is, pbr7 is right!)
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-22-2012 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by nonsimplesimon
We are expecting the "solid tag" btn to cbet.
I see. But still, he's going to c-bet this flop. QQ7r is super dry. It just feels like an awful spot to donk.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:36 AM
I c/r flop here, but as played, no one ever thinks you have trips when you donk out, so expect to see a bunch of non queen pairs fsdr here.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-23-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Why did you donk the flop? BB is described as aggro. In what world is he not c-betting this flop for you?
I bet to create this ideal situation. I had been showing down weird hands, so donking, IMO, seemed the optimal way to get **** hands to play back. But when I show ridiculous amounts of strength and someone decides to show more strength, it makes me shut down and get into call down mode. Especially with a villain that decided to raise me on the turn. I'm just curious how much of a spew it would be to 3! vs described villain.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-24-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by nonsimplesimon
So then he has exactly 99 here and we should just fold it right away then?

No... i would not fold ...
Good, because we have 7 outs to beat 99.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-25-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by wbatas
get lucky
Don't rely on it.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
03-26-2012 , 01:00 AM
i'm not going to comment on the specific hand in question, but when you play a hand in a way that they would not expect you to play it ie betting the flop into the pf raiser with trips you should err on the side of showing your hand down because there are so many conceivable ways for them to misread your hand.
20/40 i haz tripz Quote
