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20/40 BvB 20/40 BvB

05-14-2012 , 02:04 PM
Table is must move playing 6 handed. Hero is taking a shot at 20/40 and it's known to the regs. Sb is a tourney player, but plays 8/16 and 20/40.

PF: sb raise, hero has 1010 3!, call.

Flop: 10-8-6 r.
Sb bet. Hero raise.

Turn: blank
Ck, bet.

River 7.

sb ck, hero?
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 02:13 PM
start by betting, follow up by calling a raise.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 02:16 PM

Checking here is lighting money on fire.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope

Checking here is lighting money on fire.
That's what I was thinking.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 03:32 PM
I just call the flop donk raising all turns.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Munga30
I just call the flop donk raising all turns.
not really a good board for that imo. Too many turn cards he can mubs check with 6x, and he's really never donk/folding air on the flop, so just get your value.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 04:54 PM
Why are we playing rather than chopping in a 6-handed 20?

I'm with Munga30: just call the flop donk and raise or bet the turn.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 04:55 PM
Depends where he Vegas and AZ it is a timed game.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
Why are we playing rather than chopping in a 6-handed 20?
I like to gamble, and from what I noticed, live players don't adjust very well short.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-14-2012 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by wbatas
I like to gamble, and from what I noticed, live players don't adjust very well short.
If your game is raked you aren't gambling by playing BvB, you are setting money on fire.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-15-2012 , 03:01 PM
Gamblers often set money on fire. If you can't do it without flinching, maybe you shouldn't gamble.
20/40 BvB Quote
05-15-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
not really a good board for that imo. Too many turn cards he can mubs check with 6x, and he's really never donk/folding air on the flop, so just get your value.
Having 3! preflop don't we have a pretty heavy set of peeling hands ourselves that like that mubs check? calling with TT encourages that behavior and while sometimes missing flop value also sometimes gets excessive turn action. And we still get to bet when checked to.

If not this board, and I'm making the play based largely on board texture, then on what boards are you deferring value?
20/40 BvB Quote
