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20/40 AA and fish donks three times 20/40 AA and fish donks three times

05-02-2014 , 02:20 AM
Villain is terrible at poker. Will showdown middle pair+ no matter the action. Plays way too many hands. Rarely 3-bets PF. Rarely raises on later streets. I'm sure you know the kind.

I never saw him take a line like this and I had no read on his donking range.

5-handed hero is button with black aces. Folds, I raise, Villain calls SB.

Flop Q63 rainbow. Villain donks, I raise, he calls
Turn offsuit 3. Villain donks again. I raise again, he calls.
River 5. Villain donks again. I raise again.

20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 02:27 AM
Looks good to me based on your knowledge of him.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 04:00 AM
I think the river raise is a little too optimistic. Against a villain like this it's an inherently wide range spot. Although I hate missing value, because you can't properly assess his range you don't know how you are doing against it.

Some bad villains that are passive pre will take this line with two kings. Others will play q6 the same way, others will always have a set or trips. Just call the river and take note.

I'm curious what others think about the river raise?
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 04:02 AM
I also don't raise the flop heads up in position.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by jonboy72
I think the river raise is a little too optimistic...
I'm curious what others think about the river raise?
It would be terrible not to raise the river.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 04:54 AM
Trips might not even 3-bet the river.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by bipolarbearclaw
Trips might not even 3-bet the river.
My plan was to fold to a 3-bet.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 05:22 AM
At first I thought super way raise but after thinking a kit it for a while its close to a call. If still raise but were best here more than you may think. If I thought he was even somewhat competent I'd probably call but to easy for him to have some wtf hand that b/c river
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 12:23 PM
I think call and raise/fold are pretty close. The worse he is, the more likely I'd r/f. Just expect to value own yourself a lot to a stupidly played 3 here.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by forchar
My plan was to fold to a 3-bet.
I liked everything, until I read this.

You can't fold to a 3 bet. This dude may thing AQ is the nuts.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by pgcounty
I liked everything, until I read this.

You can't fold to a 3 bet. This dude may thing AQ is the nuts.
That's why I don't like raising the river- I'm never folding to a 3 bet from a villain as described by the OP. He may not be able to read the board and realize that q6 was counterfeited to an overpair.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by pgcounty
I liked everything, until I read this.

You can't fold to a 3 bet. This dude may thing AQ is the nuts.
We have a read on him that he

Rarely raises on later streets.
And we want to call with an overpair OTR to his 3-bet?
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by pgcounty
I liked everything, until I read this.

You can't fold to a 3 bet. This dude may thing AQ is the nuts.
Not him. I said in the OP that he rarely raises on later streets. If he 3-bet this river it would be with a full house.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-02-2014 , 11:00 PM
What hands beat you?
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-03-2014 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by jonboy72
That's why I don't like raising the river- I'm never folding to a 3 bet from a villain as described by the OP. He may not be able to read the board and realize that q6 was counterfeited to an overpair.
I don't get it. You can induce a mistake by Villain who doesn't realized his Q6 is counterfeited by an overpair, and that's why you don't like raising the river?
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-03-2014 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
I don't get it. You can induce a mistake by Villain who doesn't realized his Q6 is counterfeited by an overpair, and that's why you don't like raising the river?
I'm not sure if you are being dense to try to be funny...

I don't want to raise the river because I'm NEVER folding to this villain as described- so I don't think raising with the intent to fold to a 3 bet is a good play. Especially because villain is described as terrible and could easily misread his hand leading him to 3 bet a hand worse than ours.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-03-2014 , 03:07 PM
I think raising river to call a three-bet is clearly the right play.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-03-2014 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by ninefingershuffle
What hands beat you?
a 3.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-03-2014 , 10:53 PM
The Triple Donk of Death is the fish equivalent of the Trifecta. My rule of thumb with passive players is to take their aggression very seriously. I would not raise this river.

I wouldn't be surprised to be shown QQ here, or 66, or 33. I wouldn't be surprised to be shown AQ here either. Are Q6, Q3, or 63 in the villain's SB defending range? Would they donk the flop with 55, 56, or A3? What threes are in their range that they would both defend with and donk the flop? I'm assuming someone this passive would not play 42 or 74 in this manner.

I call the river and expect to win some of the time but by no means all, or even most.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-04-2014 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by jonboy72
I'm not sure if you are being dense to try to be funny...

I don't want to raise the river because I'm NEVER folding to this villain as described- so I don't think raising with the intent to fold to a 3 bet is a good play. Especially because villain is described as terrible and could easily misread his hand leading him to 3 bet a hand worse than ours.
Nobody ever said you had to r/f. Just r/c. Especially if you think Villain is bad enough to 3! hands that he either misread or misvalued.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-04-2014 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
Nobody ever said you had to r/f. Just r/c. Especially if you think Villain is bad enough to 3! hands that he either misread or misvalued.
Putting 4 big bets in on this river with only the nut two pair is quite bad IMO.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-04-2014 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by jonboy72
Putting 4 big bets in on this river with only the nut two pair is quite bad IMO.
Think you miscounted, no one is saying they want 4 bets on the river.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-04-2014 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Think you miscounted, no one is saying they want 4 bets on the river.
I'm dumb.. I still don't think raise calling is good.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-04-2014 , 05:47 PM
I'm in the raise-folding camp, and yea, it's dependent on the flavor of this kind of bad opponent.

You beat AQ/KQ/Q6/KK/Q5, which is the bigger part of his range given his flop donk. The very minority of the time that he shows with 3x, he should also show up with 6x (aka if he donks bottom player, I'd think he'd donk 6x). We then enter the realm of speculation as to whether he donks 6x and Qx with some frequency on the turn, or if he donks 77-JJ/44/54 etc.

At the end of the day though, his range is just too wide not to squeeze value in my opinion. The chance that he's actually trifect-ing us is way overshadowed by the times he's just doing something stupid. (god forbid he shows up with AK)
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
05-05-2014 , 08:54 AM
The reason you shouldn't fold to a river 3bet is because if he's that bad at poker, he may have two pair and not realize he's counterfeited to an overpair.

Just calling is way better than raise/folding to a complete drooler, imo.
20/40 AA and fish donks three times Quote
