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2 quick hands from the SB 2 quick hands from the SB

12-09-2008 , 02:43 PM
Amazing Sunday afternoon 20-40 game at the borgata.

Hand #1
6 people limp to me in the SB. I raise with the AJ

Flop is Q86 I bet all but one call

Turn: 10 and I?

Reads are not too important here as all of the remaining players are pretty horrible especially the button, who is probably one of the worst 2 or 3 who I've ever played with

Hand #2
7 limpers to me in the SB with AQo and I?
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 02:45 PM
hand #1: check/call

hand #2: raise
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 02:47 PM
this sounds like a sweet game with all these loose passives

hand 1: bet with that many players in the pot you have an equity edge

hand 2: raise refer to bens post on pressing equity edges preflop
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:06 PM
Hand 1: check/call because you have a lot of outs and getting raised here would suck. So just check/call to not charge yourself to draw since you basically have zero fold equity against this field.

Hand 2: raise for pure value. You don't have to c/b onto the field if you miss but your hand is so far ahead of their limping ranges.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by scoresman
Amazing Sunday afternoon 20-40 game at the borgata.

Hand #1
6 people limp to me in the SB. I raise with the AJ

Flop is Q86 I bet all but one call

Turn: 10 and I?

Reads are not too important here as all of the remaining players are pretty horrible especially the button, who is probably one of the worst 2 or 3 who I've ever played with

Hand #2
7 limpers to me in the SB with AQo and I?
Hand #1, bet for value. If it gets raised, depending on where it gets raised, you may be able to reraise for value. For example, if you bet the turn, and next up raises and then everyone cold calls 2, I 3-bang, since if next up caps, the rest of the players who cold-called 2 before are going to do it again. Jam your draw here, if you are getting enough callers. If you bet, and it gets raised and you lose some players, just call. In either case, spike the nuts and bet and hope you get raised.

Hand #2, raise. Don't make a stupid continuation bet on the flop though if you totally miss and be ready to check/fold if necessary With 7 limpers, just about any flop that misses you is going to hit somebody and no need to burn a bet with a wasted continuation bet on the flop that will never work.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:12 PM
hand 1: bet with that many players in the pot you have an equity edge

-- Would be interesting to run a sim against the 5 possible hand ranges to see if we have an equity edge. My bet would be that against all 5 hands we easily have an equity edge but against the hands out of those 5 that are going to call a bet that we don't. Therefore check-call is prudent imo.

Last edited by 9.5fingershuffle; 12-09-2008 at 03:23 PM.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by cgrohman
hand 1: bet with that many players in the pot you have an equity edge

-- Would be interesting to run a sim against the 5 possible hand ranges to see if we have an equity edge. My bet would be that against all 5 hands we easily have an equity edge but against the hands out of those 5 that are going to call a bet that we don't. Therefore c/f is prudent imo.
WHAT? c/f, in this large of a pot with a 2-way draw to the nuts? I never fold this hand.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by WackyPoker
Hand #1, bet for value. If it gets raised, depending on where it gets raised, you may be able to reraise for value. For example, if you bet the turn, and next up raises and then everyone cold calls 2, I 3-bang, since if next up caps, the rest of the players who cold-called 2 before are going to do it again. Jam your draw here, if you are getting enough callers. If you bet, and it gets raised and you lose some players, just call. In either case, spike the nuts and bet and hope you get raised.

Hand #2, raise. Don't make a stupid continuation bet on the flop though if you totally miss and be ready to check/fold if necessary With 7 limpers, just about any flop that misses you is going to hit somebody and no need to burn a bet with a wasted continuation bet on the flop that will never work.
This hand 1 line is spewy IMO
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:23 PM
Misquoted imo
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by cgrohman
Misquoted imo imo
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by cgrohman
Misquoted imo
Sorry if I misunderstood. In hand #1 are you suggesting that we check/fold to a single bet on the turn, or at some other point in the hand? I guess I'm just really confused.

Never mind, just saw your edited post.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface24
This hand 1 line is spewy IMO
Yeah, it's high variance, but if I can get 4 players to call 4-bets on the turn even if I miss I'm okay with it. I can still c/f or c/c 1 bet on the river if I have any chance of winning. Plus if I do hit, with the size of the pot, expect a couple of potential overcalls. Plus, I like to go animal, too if you've seen other posts I have made in the past.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 05:10 PM
In hand 2, are we still raising if we have AJo instead of AQo?
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 05:28 PM
I bet for value in hand 1 on the turn, and definitely definitely raise AQo here with 7 terrible limpers to me. How could you not raise here?
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 05:46 PM
No, I just made a typo. My point was that sure, if all 5 people call we have an equity edge. But in reality 2 or 3 will call, and with the ranges that they will call with, despite our big draw, we do not have the equity to bet --- although I'm sure it is very close. Thus, check/call is prudent or you can go all animal and c/r semi-bluff
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface24
In hand 2, are we still raising if we have AJo instead of AQo?

I agree that a raise is correct with AQ but what about Aj o.. i just called the last time i was in that situation with aj o.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 06:26 PM
Hand 1: Bet for value you have a nice equity edge.

Hand 2: Call sb. I wouldn't bloat the pot pf with this hand OOP against 7 limpers and BB who woll most likely call a raise getting 17:1 pf. Also don't think you will be able to lead on flop and find much f.e. with 8 players left to act getting odds to peel just about any turn.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 06:30 PM
In some games I'm just completing AQo, and in others raising. It depends on the game conditions, opponents, my image, etc. As described in the OP it sounds like a raise. In the Commerce 40 game often I think it's just a complete, but that sentence is going to cause most of the raising stations here to cringe and cry nit. Meh.

Hand 1 is a turn bet. What's the worst that can happen -- you get raised and have to call with 10 clean outs to the nuts and up to 15 possible outs? The pot's already at least 10BBs. Take all efforts to win it.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 07:31 PM
sup scores


2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 07:43 PM
Interesting -- if you're in Hand 1 but you're on the button instead of the SB, are you guys still betting? I think there are some small differences.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by private joker

Hand 1 is a turn bet. What's the worst that can happen -- you get raised and have to call with 10 clean outs to the nuts and up to 15 possible outs? The pot's already at least 10BBs. Take all efforts to win it.
My worst fear would have been I bet next in raises to clear the field. Other then that 2 or 3 would call and I'd have c/f river unimproved
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 10:33 PM
Hand #1 This is a bet... Against this many opponents, you have more than enough equity to bet with your draw ... 15 outs, so you're winning the pot roughly 1/3rd of the time... which is great since you're up against 5 or 6 opponents. Yeah, it sucks if you get raised next and everybody folds, but sometimes it'll get raised and people will still call 2 cold with straight draws, smaller flush draws, 2 pair, etc.

Hand #2 This depends on the feel of the game for me, and my image. At Borg 20, I typically raise with AQos here, and prob call with AJos...
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-09-2008 , 10:45 PM
I'd just call with AQos. I'm on a Sklansky/Tananbaum bandwagen here where if you raise you'll just be making it correct for your opponents to chase postflop. Your hand plays horrible multi-way and out of position, and your only gonna get real value out of some miracle flop. If you raise you might even end up with flopping one pair and but having negative equity. Just complete and if you hit you'll have a much bigger edge for the remainder of the hand.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-10-2008 , 01:58 AM
hand 1, i would lead out on the turn

hand 2 is totally dependent upon table dynamics
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
12-10-2008 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Interesting -- if you're in Hand 1 but you're on the button instead of the SB, are you guys still betting? I think there are some small differences.
The turn bet IMO is a value bet so I would bet this hand from any position if it was checked to me.
2 quick hands from the SB Quote
