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15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4

03-18-2011 , 04:21 AM
15/30 Oaks

Two limps in EP, I overlimp 55 in CO, blinds check.

Flop: 34K

Checked to me, I bet, folds to second limper who calls.

Read: 2nd limper is a 30/60 player who doesn't look like a regular; the fact that he overlimped in EP makes me suspect loose-passive.

Turn: A

Villain leads, I call.

River: 5
Villain bets, I raise.

15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 09:04 AM
Turn call is pretty thin. What do you think he has?
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 09:31 AM
A4/A3/Ax a ton of the time, discounted air/33-44/Kx/flushes. Not gonna start assuming he'd check fd's, considering there's only me to act after him. I have anywhere to no outs to having the best hand...
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by swifttarrow
A4/A3/Ax a ton of the time, discounted air/33-44/Kx/flushes. Not gonna start assuming he'd check fd's, considering there's only me to act after him. I have anywhere to no outs to having the best hand...
Don't forget A2/A5.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 10:45 AM
fold turn
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 12:02 PM
You need to be good an awful lot of the time here since the pot is only 4.5 BB when it's to you. I don't know how you're going to combo count this one but I think you missed pair plus a flush draw in what he could have.

I fold turn.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
You need to be good an awful lot of the time here since the pot is only 4.5 BB when it's to you. I don't know how you're going to combo count this one but I think you missed pair plus a flush draw in what he could have.

I fold turn.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-18-2011 , 02:22 PM
Turn is even thinner if u suspect loose passive cuz omg there r 3 flush cards and an ace out there.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-19-2011 , 01:42 AM
I think the turn call is terrible, and I am not in love with the river raise. What do you suppose the villain is betting? When loose-passives bet, they have strong hands, especially on the river.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-19-2011 , 04:30 PM
I call turn until i have a read on the guy. When people bet turn like that i just assume they picked up a fd. If he had an A most players are going to c/r the turn at least some part of the time, plus we picked up gut shot. And we have the 5d for a fd as backup if he did make an A, plus our 2 5 outs won't make a 4 flush.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
03-24-2011 , 11:05 PM
I actually don't think the turn call is that bad. I mean, you were at the table with him; is he possibly bad enough to c/c donk a flush draw turned flush? Cause if he's not (and IME you don't see that too often) and we can eliminate all the hands you're drawing completely stone dead against, then it's pretty much OK. But if he can have a flush yeah this is pretty thin.
15/30 Oaks - Another shot; H4 Quote
